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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    So.....is Meesna who opened this thread and many before this one, each of them countered by myself actually going to come along and explain the words of his leader Mirza Mahmud who has clearly declared all Muslims Kaffir and refused to allow the praying of their funerals, even the innocent children
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    These people will believe and support anyone who is not sided by Muslims, its always been in their history and they play this card very well in this forum........ They just love to jump on the bandwagon for Islam bashing on every opportunity they get......
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Oh and for those who think Ahmadis think we Muslims are Muslims, as in worshipper of the Almighty. If this was true then Ahmadis would have no issues in praying for Muslims in funerals. So.....lets see what a former Calpih of Ahmadiyya had to say in this regards Mirza Mahmud Ahmad writes as...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    He was good to reject the Qaids offer only to embrace one from Gandhi, a man of fascist views from his own wirtings........ I wonder when this secular State will take away the name "Hindustan" - Land of the Hindus to something else..........
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Ahmadis are Non-Muslims hence why the call to declare them as such as Ahmadis deceive young ignorant Muslims about their faith and as such declared Non-Muslim to distinguish that fact. Nonetheless, it is the Ahmadis Caliph who when he went into the house of Parliament and declared Muslims...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Ahmadis are Non-Muslims hence why the call to declare them as such as Ahmadis deceive young ignorant Muslims about their faith and as such declared Non-Muslim to distinguish that fact. Nonetheless, it is the Ahmadis Caliph who when he went into the house of Parliament and declared Muslims...
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    Anti-Ahmedi laws: Police act as worship place ‘looks like a mosque’

    I totally agree with this law and praise police action. We have discussed the Ahmadi issue to death and why they are targeted like this with no replies from Ahmadis like Meesna who goes on to open one useless thread on religion after another despite forum rules.
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    Sign nuclear non-proliferation treaty, Japan tells India

    I though the NPT was optional anyway........... what right does anyone have to tell someone that they should be a signatory to one thing or another that some or most of the world agrees to but you dont, clearly if you do not wish to be a part of it then you will not have to and in exchange you...
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    Saeed again publicly spews anti-India, US venom

    Is this even on topic or are you just talking rubbish now...........
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    Saeed again publicly spews anti-India, US venom

    Well now that you mention an agreement between Musharaf and India then NO......... Pakistan and India is a different matter altogether
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    Saeed again publicly spews anti-India, US venom

    With the "dossier" of evidence produced by India to Pakistan, which was claimed by the GoP as nothing more then information then evidence, a case was bought against Hafiz Saeed Sahib in a Pakistani High Court.... however based on the flimsy evidence produced against India he was acquitted and...
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    Comply with SC orders or face protest movement, warns Nawaz Sharif

    what a farce............... He first joined them in a colaition government knowing full well they were all signatories of the NRO and what the NRO was in the first place..... They then played stupid politics with non-reconciliation with other former PML parties leading to Asif Ali Zardari...
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    Is Egypt headed for Islamist rule?

    Hahahahahaha........the US has been down this route before with Iraq where most the people voted for Islamic law instead of a western style democracy........ This is the thing, democracy was supposed to give the power to the people and it is those same people who want Islamic law...
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    Pakistan claims India leaked news of Pak missile test

    Any future notifications should be disregarded and go back to pre-2005. If India cannot eb trusted then there is no point is agreeing to anything with them like this. Clearly India wanted the International media to throw some pressure on Pakistan, hence the "leak" which has not worked...
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    AK-47 modified by Pakistan Army soldier.

    The Ak is a very reliable weapon but the problem has always been the fact that the sight base is too small, hence very inaccurate when it comes to firing. The Israelis rectified this problem by just adding a longer sight base. Clearly a laser sight is good enough but the mechanical sight base...
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    Pakistan’s first wind farm gets global recognition

    Do we just pull these numbers out of thin air or something........ Thar also has the capacity to allegedly produce 50,000 MW and now this also has a capacity to produce 50,000 MW.......... Yeh my solar panel on my roof also has a capcity of producing 50,000 MW as well........ What utter...
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    Blasphemy accuser kills 80 year old man after police drop charges

    The problem here is not of there understanding of rationale here, but a genuine belief of their superiority. These people actually think that despite the West advising it's citizens not to approach dangerous individuals, they think Pakistan does not and should not fit into this category. Yes we...
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    Blasphemy accuser kills 80 year old man after police drop charges

    Once again Solomon, please stop encouraging and promoting vigilantism in another country, my point exactly just answered, you people cannot stop interfering. The suspect, when arrested by our law enforcement will face trial, PERIOD. I totally stand by our legal system and believe justice is...
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    Blasphemy accuser kills 80 year old man after police drop charges

    Sorry you meet KSM whose evidence was obtained through torture. I tell you what Vcheng, you please come here t. Pakistan, and I will guarantee, absolutely guarantee, by the time our m,Italy or police are through with you, you will admit to the crimes of the whole of humanity since the start of...
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    Blasphemy accuser kills 80 year old man after police drop charges

    Let me tell you what i am getting, the US is the root cause of all the problems here. None of the hijackers of 9/11 we Pakistani yet we got thruster Into a war of terror whereby genocide has been committed against an entire population thus spilling over into Pakistan pushed over by the US. Now...
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