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    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    well, according to the report, PLAN succeeded in using acitve sonar to "lock" IN sub before the IN sub got closely enough to "lock" PLAN warships In such kind of game, when subs is detected by "active sonar",it always means that surface warships have accurately lock the subs and subs lose...
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    Protestor throws shoe at Wen in Britain

    well, it now seems that shoe-attack now is a popular special treatment for the leaders of major world powers. so,if one country wants to become a world power,its leaders will have to practise how to advoid shoe-attack in advance!
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    well, you misunderstand me. In fact,I admire the achievement of ancient indian civilizaiton very much. I jsut feel ancient indian seemed to perfer recording history by Epic to recording history by books. it make people today very hard to learn what ancient India is like.
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    In fact,Ancient India civlization was born earlier than than CHinese civilization. But Ancient Indian seemed not to be good at writing&keeping history-books,so sometimes Indian now had to depend on other's history book to learn what ancient india is like !:smitten:
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    1. India is hardly considered as " a big player in global politics", because India's political influence is still quite limited to South Asia. For example, has India some leavage to help deal with world hot spots ,such as N.korea, Iran, Palestinian,Sudan...etc? As we...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    Dawan were still controled by Tibet before 1930s.
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    1.Even Before CHina opened its door in 1979, CHina had had much better HDI,literate,longer expectacy life than India. Frankly speaking, even at that time, CHinese cities were much clearner than Indian cities today. 2. I don't think that the gap is closing "fast" between CHina and...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    1.None of Big 5 wants to delute their vested privileges. Their support to India's bid are actually just Perfunctory or civilities to India. All they know that Italy,S.Korea,Pakistan and Mexico are already enough to suspend India's bid forever. So they needn't jump out to offend India in...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    1. Population can not talk much. China and India always had largest population before WW II.But before WW II, India was completely conquered by UK and CHina was semi-colony. 2. PPP can not talk much either. PPP is not proper to measure states' economy power,but to people's life...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    frankly speaking, China in 1945 indeed was not qualitified to own veto,if measured by real power and influence. It was USA that pushed CHina into the senior club of vetos.
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    yes,The current UN structure is skewed towards the winners of a war 65 years back. But the current "the new realities " is that India is still quite weaker than anyone of big 4 ( USA,EU,Russia and China ),so is Brazil. As for German, Europeans have already too many vetos. Japan....it is too...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    yes. can you image a UN where USA has no veto? of course not, because if UN did gave veto to USA,USA would found another club to take the place of UN. at that time ,UN would be worthless as "league of Nations" in 1930s. So,Before a Enthusiastic UN reformer as strong as USA were to...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    the status quo is that : 1. if India were to have a Permanent UNSC Seat ,it would give UN more credit of course. 2. If India were not to have a Permanent UNSC Seat , UN would not get more disable and the earth would still turn round and round. if India were not powerful enough to...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    the current veto-holders,big 5, in fact all would not give up Vested interests. if some of the big 5 sometimes say to India "I support your to get veto" bah bla......, such "support" are actually just Perfunctory or civilities to India. if India were powerful enough , India would have...
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    China way ahead on border infrastructure

    Ju as as a Chinese joke on internet,印度现在就差两个人了 一个陈胜 一个吴广” ( now India needs two guys: one is Victor Chen,the other is Broad WU") note: Victor Chen and Broad WU...
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    China way ahead on border infrastructure

    yeah, I often surf rediff. It is very funny that it is full of stupid articles and comment such as " China gives India's rebel weapons" ,"china help **** subvert India", "china will callpase", "India will surpass China in X years"...bah bah..... If just judging from the comment on rediff...
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    Arjun News & Discussions

    excuse me,is the project of Arjun still going on? I heard that the project now is aborted .
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    1. WS13 is a mixure of CHina's aborted project of TS21 and RD93,instead of "diverdent of AL-31! " And, China's aborted project of TS21 was a candidate engine for CHina's 5G aircraft J13/14. But it was aborted ,then CHina applys some tech of TS21 to WS13. In fact, WS13 should be a bit...
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    China way ahead on border infrastructure

    In fact, if Nehru had agreed peaceful negotiation before 1962,CHina would have accepted M-Line and acknowledge the Line of actual controll as the formal border. At that time, China was ready to give up its Claim of the area to the south of M-Line(India's AP state now),in order to let India...
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    China way ahead on border infrastructure

    agree. However, I find that most western people and lots of Indian people are full of mentality of " democracy-good,communism-evil". it is so strange that they are still so addicted to such meanless game of Ideology in 21th century. the game of "communism vs capitalism" is as useless...
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