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Permanent UNSC Seat for India

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Hindu religion is off shoot of judism having similarities jews starting warship cow same hindu also consider it as gow mata

Hindus consider cow as sacred as it gives milk and cow dung can be used as fuel where as muslims kills goat because prophet mohammed killed his son.My big question is, and not intended any harm, why dont they kill their own son??
Why do they kill an innocent animal whose only fault is that it cant speak.Atleast hinduism isnt that cruel.If you wanna show your gratitude to ALLAH stop killing innocent animals kill the terrorists instead.
Oh really?

Then why does the Rig Veda say that the caste system is wrong, yet latter day Hindu books say that the caste system exists?

I'll tell you why. Because Rig Vedism and Hindusim are two completely different religions. Just as Judaism and Chrsitianity are considered to be.

You have read Rig Veda!!!!
I am honored.
Country with the 2nd Biggest Population, A Big Player in Global Politics, A Responsible Nuclear power, A Huge Player in Asia!

1. India is hardly considered as " a big player in global politics", because India's political influence is still quite limited to South Asia.

For example,

has India some leavage to help deal with world hot spots ,such as N.korea, Iran, Palestinian,Sudan...etc?

As we see,negotiation on N.korea is led by China and USA; issue of IRan depends on big 6( P5+German); Palestinia sways among EU,Russia and USA.
Sudan now is western's perfect excuse to damn China's interferation in Africa.
Hindus consider cow as sacred as it gives milk and cow dung can be used as fuel where as muslims kills goat because prophet mohammed killed his son.My big question is, and not intended any harm, why dont they kill their own son??
Why do they kill an innocent animal whose only fault is that it cant speak.Atleast hinduism isnt that cruel.If you wanna show your gratitude to ALLAH stop killing innocent animals kill the terrorists instead.

If there is similarity in any two religions what is harm in it , i can prove through historical facts.if you like so.

But dont take it in negative sense,what you have written about Prophet mohammed is wrong.

When we discuss some thing ,we should have respect of faith of each other .

We are not discussing here which religion is right or wrong but giving some facts to discover historical links.

I know better then you hindu religion because my family considered one of founders of your religion hinduism,

See Waraich in wekkipedia.
Lets refer to a a neutral author
AL Basham an Australian Historian book-The wonder That was India

I quote from the book
"The ancient civilization of India differs from those of Egypt,Mesopotamia and Greece, in that its traditions have been preserved without a break down to the present day.Until the advent of archaeologist the peasant of Egypt or Iraq had no knowledge of the culture of his forfathers. In each case there has been a complete break from the past.On the other hand the earliest Europeans to visit India found a culture fully conscious of its antiquity. To this day legends known to the humblest Indian recall the names of chieftains who lived a 1000 years before Christ and the Hindus in their daily worship repeat hymns composed hymns composed even earlier.India and China have in fact the oldest continuous cultural traditions in the world. "

As Vinod rightly puts it "Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma."
There has been an evolution but to compare their relationship between them with Judaism and Christianity is a perversion of truth.If I go by your logic then Russians aren't Christians
Lets refer to a a neutral author
AL Basham an Australian Historian book-The wonder That was India

I quote from the book
"The ancient civilization of India differs from those of Egypt,Mesopotamia and Greece, in that its traditions have been preserved without a break down to the present day.Until the advent of archaeologist the peasant of Egypt or Iraq had no knowledge of the culture of his forfathers. In each case there has been a complete break from the past.On the other hand the earliest Europeans to visit India found a culture fully conscious of its antiquity. To this day legends known to the humblest Indian recall the names of chieftains who lived a 1000 years before Christ and the Hindus in their daily worship repeat hymns composed hymns composed even earlier.India and China have in fact the oldest continuous cultural traditions in the world. "

As Vinod rightly puts it "Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma."
There has been an evolution but to compare their relationship between them with Judaism and Christianity is a perversion of truth.If I go by your logic then Russians aren't Christians

In fact,Ancient India civlization was born earlier than than CHinese civilization.
But Ancient Indian seemed not to be good at writing&keeping history-books,so sometimes Indian now had to depend on other's history book to learn what ancient india is like !:smitten:
Sorry, but this is complete BS!

Our Vedic scriptures are much older than the Bible, even the old testament. Any reference to Rigveda even thousands of years back calls it ancient!

Don't know where you studied your history!

Sorry hindu religion is not older than Musa AS religion (Islam) then how rigveda is older then old testiment.

See link below

The Start of judaism. Abram and Moshe

The beliefs and practices of the pre-classical era (1500–500 BCE) are called the "historical Vedic religion".
Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry hindu religion is not older than Musa AS religion (Islam) then how rigveda is older then old testiment.

See link below

The Start of judaism. Abram and Moshe

The beliefs and practices of the pre-classical era (1500–500 BCE) are called the "historical Vedic religion".
Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We don't see any difference between the ancient "historical Vedic religion" and the current Hinduism. Obviously it has evolved and over thousands of years many changes have occurred but we continue the same thread.

Even now Vedas are our most sacred scriptures.

And I guess even you don't believe that the Old Testament is anywhere as old as Rigveda! Rigveda is much much older.

PS: Did Musa AS ever mention the word Islam? Did anyone before the 7th century AD? If no then how do you say this:

Sorry hindu religion is not older than Musa AS religion (Islam)
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I know better then you hindu religion because my family considered one of founders of your religion hinduism,

See Waraich in wekkipedia.

Wikipedia just says that you belong to a clan of Jatts. In Pakistan you are the Muslim converts and in India mostly the Sikhs.

What do you know about Hinduism? How can you know more than a practicing Hindu about his religion? Have you read our books? The Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Upanishads, Puranas, Shastras!

What exactly is the basis of your claim that you know more than the Hindus about our religion? You converted or were made to convert to another religion and over a period have no links to that religion now. None whatsoever.

In fact the converts are the ones who most denigrate their previous identities in a bid to gain the elusive acceptance in their new domain.
and now pakistanis are quoting for the wiki....what happened to the wiki being inaccurate?
In fact,Ancient India civlization was born earlier than than CHinese civilization.
But Ancient Indian seemed not to be good at writing&keeping history-books,so sometimes Indian now had to depend on other's history book to learn what ancient india is like !:smitten:

My Friend we very well know our history.
The reason I quoted a foreign author was for the simple reason that had I quoted an Indian author, some people in this forum would have called my sources biased.
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My Friend we very well know our history.
The reason I quoted a foreign author was for the simple reason that had I quoted an Indian author, some people in this forum would have called my sources biased.
well, you misunderstand me.
In fact,I admire the achievement of ancient indian civilizaiton very much.
I jsut feel ancient indian seemed to perfer recording history by Epic to recording history by books. it make people today very hard to learn what ancient India is like.
That is actually only partially true. The earliest Chinese civilizations did not keep historical record either, but record keeping emerged later.
Also, some branches of Indic civilization (like the Tamils) did indeed keep bureaucratic records, though these were done on copper plates rather than paper.

But overall, you are correct. Indian civilization did not emphasize record-keeping as much as the Chinese, which meant that a lot of our history which had been lost/forgotten had to be rediscovered by the colonial rulers.

In fact,Ancient India civlization was born earlier than than CHinese civilization.
But Ancient Indian seemed not to be good at writing&keeping history-books,so sometimes Indian now had to depend on other's history book to learn what ancient india is like !:smitten:
This is not a history thread. I dont expect "seniors" to fully indulge and support this act.
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