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  1. G

    Tibet issue

    i know that.. but why can't they have more autonomy and become a SAR like hong kong and macau
  2. G

    US needs to leave China alone

    US fears china's rise cuase they know china will overtake US as the most powerful country in the forseeable future
  3. G

    Tibet issue

    why doesn't the CCP just make Tibet a SAR (like hong kong and macau) where it will have more general autonomy, but will still be apart of the people's republic of china hong kong and macau are, why not tibet???
  4. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    have the airstrikes against libya happened yet......
  5. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    well i respect china, for not voting for it... i think it would of seen some pressure from the west, and criticism for veto the resolution... so i think that is why they didn't vote.. and besides china has better things to do then worry about the King of Africa and his civil war... ----------...
  6. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    do you guys think maybe it would of been better if china and russia vetoed this resolution.. to prevent this war????
  7. G

    China Economy Forum

    china just keeps growing and growing....... and growing.. and growing.. and that.... is a good thing.. its time for someone to challenge the west imperialistic ways...
  8. G

    why does China need a huge military... military power expansion

    well.. it seems like Xinjiang is processing to rapid development, beign the westernist province in China.....
  9. G

    US needs to leave China alone

    thats what i love about china.. it's peaceful rise ideology... its government proclaiming they do not seek global hegemony.. and want a peaceful co-existant world... a country that recognizes that international conflicts are nonsense, and stupid....
  10. G

    "China economy collapse" possible.. or scare tactic by the West

    i agree...........................................
  11. G

    why does China need a huge military... military power expansion

    the west fears China's rise.. that is why they claim "oh the chinese economy is going to fall, and china is not going to surpass america" blah blah blah.. i much rather have china, become the "superpower" of the world, as it will be a peaceful era, since like i said, china seeks a peaceful...
  12. G

    why does China need a huge military... military power expansion

    don't say "my" country, i hate the US as much as you do..... ---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ---------- yes but i don't see china going around invading countries.. (like US... iraq and afghanistan) in the future...
  13. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    have the Americans, British, French already strike yet.. or are they still preparing????
  14. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    oh.. your right... the west, is really the global model for every country to aspire to... just be like them.... they are the "guardians" of this planet hahahahha
  15. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    cause.. well i think there an amazing country is that a problem
  16. G

    US needs to leave China alone

    china has said many times to the USA, stop interfering with china's internal affairs.... (tibet, human rights, taiwan etc.....) and you keep ignoring it... why does the US fear china so much... its pathetic.... china is rising, and will surpass the USA, and the west..... as a "superpower"...
  17. G

    "China economy collapse" possible.. or scare tactic by the West

    china economy will continue to rise... for years.. why the west continues to fall....
  18. G

    why does China need a huge military... military power expansion

    well, im just saying, you guys are a country that really doesn't focus on intervention into other countries affairs, and meaningless conflicts... i just don't see the need for a giant china military... but i guess there will be opinions..
  19. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    "U.S 'set to bomb Libya within hours" all while China focuses on its high economy growth, and improving the life of its people..
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