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  1. G

    Gaza celebrates murder of family

    coming from you who , supported the people chearing cause of the family deaths your sick, just awful is this really how humanity is...
  2. G

    China and North Korea

    wait... China only allows north korea to sell its coal and iron to china
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    Tibet issue

    the funny thing with the "free tibet" people.. is that the DL and most tibetians, still want to be apart of China, but have more general autonomy... they do not want independence... but just greater autonomy
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    African Union demands 'immediate' halt to Libya attacks

    the west won't listen.. they got there excuse to attack, and they will continue to attack.... the west is addicted to war
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    China and North Korea

    however when i think about it.. i think the US would oppose it..
  6. G

    Libya And Bahrain: A Tale Of Western Hypocrisy

    roy... there is a reason china abstained instead of veto the reason china abstained instead of veto the resolution, was because it respected the opinion of the Arab Union, and the neighboring african countries of libya, who supported a "No-Fly Zone" however china still did not agree with the...
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    China and North Korea

    so i guess there is really some tension between Chinese and Koreans...
  8. G


    is there any more news of attacks... so far we only got - libya plane shot down - 4 tanks destroyed by french jets -and 110 tomohawks strikes in libya i wish there was a website, where we can get military news on the situation in libya updating constantly
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    China and North Korea

    im just asking, why not...... cultural issues?? north koreans dont want to be apart of the PRC???
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    Libya And Bahrain: A Tale Of Western Hypocrisy

    the reason china abstained instead of veto the resolution, was because it respected the opinion of the Arab Union, and the neighboring african countries of libya, who supported a "No-Fly Zone" however china still did not agree with the "no-fly zone" and ultimately military intervention, so china...
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    China and North Korea

    why is there a problem, why can't i start threads, i thought that's the point of forums, TO START THREADS... wow...
  12. G

    China and North Korea

    i hoenstly believe that North Korea, and the North Koreans people would prosper, and have a better life under the CCP then kim jong il.. i think if NK became part of China, the CCP could help develop North Korea, and help its people out... what do you think.... is it possible
  13. G

    China and Russia... you guys should of Veto' the resolution

    it was stupid.. more war, more bloodshed.. you guys should of Veto the "no fly zone"....
  14. G

    China vs. Western Europe

    how powerful do you think china's military is compared to the UK, France, Germany's /??
  15. G

    Do the Chinese Like or Dislike Chinese Communist Party?

    besides all the hypocrisy, the stupidy, and bias of the western media on the "evil chinese goverment" lets get down it.. do the majority of people's republic of china citizens support the CCP, or do not support it.. yes there has been protest in china, but it seems like alot of chinese...
  16. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    yes gadafi anounced a ceasfire, but there has been clashes against pro-gadafi forces and rebels, since the announcement of the ceasefire..
  17. G

    A More Powerful China on Parade

    "Others, already self-convinced of a threatening China, pointed fearfully to new asymmetric missile capabilities that may embolden the PLA." please.. how is china threat, they have said many, many, many times they do not seek global hegemony, and want peaceful co-existance between nations...
  18. G

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    so there hasn't been any airstrikes against libya yet what are they waiting for..
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