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African Union demands 'immediate' halt to Libya attacks


Nov 20, 2009
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African Union demands 'immediate' halt to Libya attacks

(AFP) – 1 hour ago

NOUAKCHOTT — The African Union's panel on Libya Sunday called for an "immediate stop" to all attacks after the United States, France and Britain launched military action against Moamer Kadhafi's forces.

After a more than four-hour meeting in the Mauritanian capital, the body also asked Libyan authorities to ensure "humanitarian aid to those in need," as well as the "protection of foreigners, including African expatriates living in Libya."

It underscored the need for "necessary political reforms to eliminate the causes of the present crisis" but at the same time called for "restraint" from the international community to avoid "serious humanitarian consequences."

The panel also announced a meeting in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on March 25, along with representatives from the Arab League, the Organisation of Islamic Conference, the European Union and the United Nations to "put in place a mechanism for consultation and concerted action" to resolve the Libyan crisis.

The AU committee on Libya is composed of five African heads of state. But the Nouakchott meeting was only attended by the presidents of Mauritania, Mali and Congo. South Africa and Uganda were represented by ministers.

The committee said it had been unable to get international permission to visit Tripoli on Sunday but did not elaborate.

Libyan generosity and Moamer Kadhafi's role in the creation of the African Union could explain the continental cautious stand, experts said.

The AU was born in the 1999 Sirte Declaration, named after a summit hosted by Kadhafi in his hometown on the Libyan coast.

The declaration said its authors felt inspired by Kadhafi's "vision for a strong and united Africa."

"The AU as an organisation has benefited significantly from Kadhafi's wealth," said Fred Golooba Mutebi of the Institute of Social Research at Kampala's Makerere University.

The pan-African body has taken a firmer stance on three west African crises: most recently Ivory Coast and previously Guinea and Niger.

Handouts aside, Libya has invested billions of dollars in sub-Saharan Africa.

It has interests in more than two dozen African countries, while its petroleum refining and distribution unit Oil Libya has interests in at least as many.

Libyan telecommunications unit LAP Green is present in five countries in the region and expanding rapidly.


AFP: African Union demands immediate halt to Libya attacks
the west won't listen.. they got there excuse to attack, and they will continue to attack....

the west is addicted to war
War is just good business for USA and Britain - oil and telecom contracts big money to be made
AU’s opposition to military intervention in Libya ignored by UNSC, Obama

NOUAKCHOTT, March 19 (Xinhua) -- The high-level African Union panel on the Libya crisis has said it opposes any foreign military intervention in Libya, media report said on Saturday.

AFP quoted Mauritanian President Ould Abdel Aziz as saying that the panel rejects any kind of foreign military intervention in Libya.

The Mauritanian president said that the situation in the north African country demands urgent action so an African solution can be found to the very serious crisis.

Aziz also said the solution to the Libya crisis must take into account "Our desire that Libya's unity and territorial integrity be respected as well as the rejection of any kind of foreign military intervention ."

The AU panel on the Libya crisis, which was formed a week ago, comprises Mauritanian President Ould Abdel Aziz, South African President Jacob Zuma, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso and Malian President Amadou Toumani Toure.

AU said the ad hoc committee was set up to engage with all parties in Libya, facilitate in an inclusive dialogue among them, and engage AU parties for the speedy resolution of the crisis in Libya.

AU has rejected foreign military intervention in Libya.

France, the United States and Britain said on Saturday that they had conducted air strikes on Libyan targets.

The air strikes came after the UN Security Council on Thursday adopted a resolution to authorize a no-fly zone over Libya and called for "all necessary measures," excluding troops on the ground, to protect civilians under threat of attack in the North African country.

They also came after leaders from some Arab countries and main Western powers, at their Paris summit on Saturday, announced the start of military action against Libyan government forces.
Editor: Mu Xuequan
I think every country should get a seat in UN security council. equal rights for every country, they should proof it that level!
Stupid! They (African Union) persuaded China not to veto the resolution in the UNSC and now complain about Western attacking the Libyan.
And what do we infer from that? That the AU supports the civil war in Libya? That may be right since civil wars are so common place in Africa that no one minds them anymore. Sub Saharan Africa has seen some of the worst genocides in recorded history so that really does not bother the AU also. These things happen in Africa and nothing strange about them. After all Gadaffi is not the only tyrant in Africa.

What exactly has the AU done to diffuse the situation in Libya? Have they told Gadaffi to stop the killings and to step down? If so, has he heeded to their advice? What say did the AU have in Tunisia or Egypt or Somalia for that matter? If the African nations themselves don't care much for the AU and don't listen to the AU, what makes them feel that others will. The Persian Gulf states have called for the 'No fly Zone'. Thousands of refugees are streaming into Libya's neighbors every day and all the AU can do is recommend status quo? Pathetic. Maybe the AU wanted to wait till Gadaffi killed off all his opponents and then they would hail him as a real African hero?
How come no one interfered or raised concern when Qaddaffi was bombing the shyte out of its own people:confused:
People don't realize this may be the begining of a long conflict. A no-fly-zone may just be the begining.
The African States in the UNSC voted FOR the Resolution and now some despots changed there mind?

I can not take this seriously 1 day into the intervention..
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