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    Japanese rightwinger to be jailed for Korea hate campaign

    I found out he was not Korean when he stated to Praise Japanese O_O
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    And do what? Launch an naval offensive. No one will send their Boys to die for a Island nation that has 1/3 of the economy of Iran (a sanctioned nation as-well). Heck on what ground would the 6th Fleet of USN or the JMSDF would rescue your artificial nation. It seems that you forgot that this is...
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    Photos of 1965's Istanbul

    Of course Istanbul changed. Just as China did.. From a poor backward nation to a modern State. But the Killumati dude wanted Turkey to devolve
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    Turkish Space Programs

    I watched the launch live in CCTV station feeds. It is launched by a Long March Rocket. Hopfully China will assist other nations too.
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    Egypt's hopes betrayed by Morsi

    Just focus on Economic by investing in Infrastructure and create and export economy. Create an strong administrative and economic structure, leave the politics latter. BTW a secular state is vatial for this... Remember, democracy is a luxury after Property Rights and the Rule of Law.
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    Photos of 1965's Istanbul

    You like this This Third World Dump? You, my friend are one of the strangest members
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    Egypt's hopes betrayed by Morsi

    It seems The AKP got a great Economic policy but terrible Pan Ottoman wet dreams..
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    Female Officers SentNude Photos to General

    This is disgusting. We men are not showing enough respect to women.. Most Chinese don't engage in Pre-Marital Sex. Does that mean we have *** with Goats? Don't be ignorant.
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    I respect Vietnam, as they proved to be a warrior nation that fought invaders for 2,000 years. But WTF is phillipine! A country of more than 90 million people that begs their European/American masters. You got your *** handed over by the Malaysian Pirates, Spanish Conqustors, US Marines, and...
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    China's software industry revenue touches $311 billion

    We need an export Market for consumer electric products to improve our softpower. Like S. Korea does with Samsung.
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    TATA Power SED's 155mm/52-cal Motorised Howitzer Detailed: by P.K Sengupta

    Thus as a result India wilk lack a future Industrial base..
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    Turkey to Decide Which Country Builds 2nd Nuclear Power Plant-IS IT CHINA?

    True that. But India's Nuclear infastructure is inferior...
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    Four Chinese warships pass contiguous zone in southwestern Japan

    Please don't derail this thread.We Chinese people have no major problem with Vietnam. Our main nemesis is Japan..
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    Four Chinese warships pass contiguous zone in southwestern Japan

    We are not Ready to defeat the JMSDF yet.. We need time. We have better Air force though
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    Israel wants to take India ties to next level

    Calm the Hypedown Bollywood Raja Raja. Threatern China and you would a Black eye "Bharat" .
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    Turkey, Russia work on new plan for Syria

    You mean the 80s. Remember the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Mujahadeens camp in Pakistan? Yep the Turks are going that Road. Replace General Zia with Edogon and you have a recipe for disaster....
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    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    Litorial capable ship (survey's oceanic status in the pacific)
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    What do modern day Indians think of Britain?

    If conflict between China and the UK happens, who's side would indians be with? Would they rejoin a commonwealth force?
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