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  1. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    Can you give me any logical reason why 40 people killed in terrorism is worse than 40 people killed in shootings? No rhetorical, melodramatic 'arguments' please.
  2. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    Anyone acquainted with the ground reality would agree with me.. though if you so want to clutch to your hopes then so be it.
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    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    The reason why terrorism has gone up is because of anger at US occupation and our perceived notion of supporting US. Once US leaves, groups such as TTP and LI will stop having any supporting and will become extinct. I mean why do you think these terrorists cropped out in the first place...
  4. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    :lol: Ok, make yourself believe what you want to believe. The terrorism which has kept you guys so happy for the last few years will give you a heart attack once it's gone in 2014.
  5. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

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    China begins crack down on terror in areas bordering Pak occupied Kashmir

    Bharati translation: China accuses Pakistan government/ISI/military of supporting terrorists and will soon cut off all relations with Pakistan.
  7. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    The 17,000 killings are murders.. not accidental deaths. Did you not understand that?
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    Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

    They are actually 1940s junk. They pose no threat to you.
  9. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    And btw, of course bharatis will over analyze this.. it suits their worldview. Just wait for 2014 guys.. you'll be in for a huge shock, when the terrorism you love so much which keeps you going through your days will be gone. It's actually no rocket science, this is happening because of US...
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    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    :lol: Please come back when logic start making sense to you.. "Its not the number but the kind of killings.." Seriously?? :lol::lol:
  11. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    Yes, so this is everything combined, terrorist attacks, sectarian violence, drone attacks, everything. Whereas US has 17,000 (I just double checked my figures -- http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm). And btw, that figure from the US is not complete.. not all jurisdictions report to...
  12. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    The article is about far left liberal dogma.. that everything is our fault and that all the terrorists are hiding in Pakistan. Which is of course bull crap, because terrorists escape to Afghanistan, then launch attacks in Pakistan and escape back to Afghanistan. And of course about Afghanistan...
  13. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    That's 40,000 in 5 years or so. Whereas 15,000 are killed each year in the US. Yet I don't see you posting concerns about the US. Yes, we have a problem to tackle, but we are progressing and as I mentioned before, terrorists are now only able to carry out attacks regularly in FATA. They...
  14. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    I dismissed it based on facts, as mentioned in post 5.
  15. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    They overdramatize everything, trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom, and blow everything out of proportion as if end of world was near for Pakistan.. that's the problem. Can you please stay on-topic and not divert? So you agree that just because someone in Pakistani media says x...
  16. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    :lol: I already explained it above.. post #5.
  17. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    But you're trying to reiterate it. Reiterating an idiot makes you what? And yes, we have idiots in every country. No big deal that someone in Pakistan is saying this. Lot of Americans also believe 9/11 was done by US government.
  18. S

    13,000 MPH missile flight test results released

    Well, here's to the missile faltering and landing at Pentagon!
  19. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    :lol: Here we go again.
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