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Pakistan : Head in the sand

the article is pro pakistan not pro india. it is saying to look after your internal security. how that can be anti pakistan or pro india ?

im actuallyspeaking in the context of anti pak
Its your own people who are saying this buddy.. Not me ... or any other Indian...

But you're trying to reiterate it. Reiterating an idiot makes you what?

And yes, we have idiots in every country. No big deal that someone in Pakistan is saying this. Lot of Americans also believe 9/11 was done by US government.
the article is pro pakistan not pro india. it is saying to look after your internal security. how that can be anti pakistan or pro india ?

They overdramatize everything, trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom, and blow everything out of proportion as if end of world was near for Pakistan.. that's the problem.

Lot of Pakistanis believe that too :) ... Are you equating them to idiots too :rofl:

Can you please stay on-topic and not divert?

So you agree that just because someone in Pakistani media says x about Pakistan, x must automatically be true? And when you reiterate what they say, you can't just say "they're saying it, not me".

Are there no problems in Pakistan?

Did I say that? When you say that bharat's economy is growing, are you implictly implying that bharat has no problems?

And are the above reports wrong?

Yes.. to a great extent. Mentioned in post 5.
As far as TTP is concerned, their capabilities of attacking Pakistani mainland have been significantly reduced by Pakistani security forces thankfully and they no longer have the funds or ammunition to target our bigger cities.

Next target is these sectarian outfits! God willing, we will control them too.
Can you please stay on-topic and not divert?

So you agree that just because someone in Pakistani media says x about Pakistan, x must automatically be true? And when you reiterate what they say, you can't just say "they're saying it, not me".

We are simply discussing what a powerful media house in Pakistan is publishing.. Now that may be true or false or partially true.. Real idiocity will be to dismiss it out of hand, just because it does not conform to your pre conceived view of Pakistan..
They overdramatize everything, trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom, and blow everything out of proportion as if end of world was near for Pakistan.. that's the problem.

Can you please stay on-topic and not divert?

what dramatization ? when almost 40000 people got killed due to terrorism and if you add the victims of target killing and sectarian violence it looks scary. the article is not written out of proportion its rightly pointed out the internal security challenges. police reforms are must in south asia.
We are simply discussing what a powerful media house in Pakistan is publishing.. Now that may be true or false or partially true.. Real idiocity will be to dismiss it out of hand, just because it does not conform to your pre conceived view of Pakistan..

I dismissed it based on facts, as mentioned in post 5.
what dramatization ? when almost 40000 people got killed due to terrorism and if you add the victims of target killing and sectarian violence it looks scary. the article is not written out of proportion its rightly pointed out the internal security challenges. police reforms are must in south asia.

That's 40,000 in 5 years or so. Whereas 15,000 are killed each year in the US. Yet I don't see you posting concerns about the US. Yes, we have a problem to tackle, but we are progressing and as I mentioned before, terrorists are now only able to carry out attacks regularly in FATA. They can't reach Sindh or Punjab. That's a much bigger improvement. Along with that, the number of terrorist attacks they carry out are decreasing.

Hardly facts.. just the preconceived notion that i mentioned in post # 23

Well, that's your self-fulfilling prophecy.. i.e. making yourself believe things even if they may not be so, to make yourself feel better.
That's 40,000 in 5 years or so. Whereas 15,000 are killed each year in the US. Yet I don't see you posting concerns about the US. Yes, we have a problem to tackle, but we are progressing and as I mentioned before, terrorists are now only able to carry out attacks regularly in FATA. They can't reach Sindh or Punjab. That's a much bigger improvement. Along with that, the number of terrorist attacks they carry out are decreasing.

Well, that's your self-fulfilling prophecy.. i.e. making yourself believe things even if they may not be so, to make yourself feel better.

that is a good thing that the attacks have reduced significantly, but article is talking about better information sharing and better preparation to fight against the internal threats. which is a must and that is not anti pakistan on which you were emphasizing on.

P.s. 15000 dies not because of insane violence in US. let stick to the topic.
Yes Karachi is full of terroist attack but still one of best performing stock markets why???
that is a good thing that the attacks have reduced significantly, but article is talking about better information sharing and better preparation to fight against the internal threats. which is a must and that is not anti pakistan on which you were emphasizing on.

P.s. 15000 dies not because of insane violence in US. let stick to the topic.

The article is about far left liberal dogma.. that everything is our fault and that all the terrorists are hiding in Pakistan. Which is of course bull crap, because terrorists escape to Afghanistan, then launch attacks in Pakistan and escape back to Afghanistan. And of course about Afghanistan having less terrorist attacks, I explained that in post #5.

Btw, 15,000 figure is the number of murders in US, not natural deaths. i.e. people killing other people. And it is relevant to the topic if you want to paint Pakistan equivalent to remote African regions..
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