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  1. S

    Has Pakistan lost $ 68 billion due to war on terror?

    The vast majority of the losses have been due to the period between 2008-present, yes. 40 billion is a reasonable claim. I can actually make the very simple argument that we should be counting the losses prior to that 2008 as well, but I don't believe I need to bother with that right now as 40...
  2. S

    Pakistan not ‘gouging’ over NATO’s Afghan routes: Khar

    Why is US crying over these routes then? Keep using NDN. :lol: Uh huh.. how long have you been bharatis saying this? Pretty much since the attacks last November? :lol:
  3. S

    Has Pakistan lost $ 68 billion due to war on terror?

    The problem with this analysis is that it makes the presumption that WoT was in full swing since 2001 till today, when in fact it really only started taking off in 2008 after Bush sent 30,000 additional troops there. Before that, WoT was just lingering along. The first problem with this...
  4. S

    Survey reports widespread opposition to US drone policy

    The thoughts you'd hear a typical Indian mention over and over again.
  5. S

    Survey reports widespread opposition to US drone policy

    Whatever happened to the typical bharati mantra of 'whole world agrees with us on Pakistan'? I keep telling these guys that 'the whole world' does not consist of bharat, US, a select few other western countries;that there are other countries in the world as well.
  6. S

    US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali

    The problem is you're making up your own 'facts' and passing them along as 'simple facts'. Any survey will show Afghans want US to get out of their country NOW -- no, not in the long run, NOW. You can prefer whatever you whatever you want regarding having a neighbourhood leader in your house...
  7. S

    US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali

    My dear sir, it seems YOU are unable to follow simple logic. Afghans do not want US in their country. You can do survey if you don't believe me. I am not even talking about whether they want Taliban in their country or not. You seem to be unable to grasp that. I am just talking about...
  8. S

    US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali

    How much percent of Afghan population do you think want US in their country, regardless of whether they like the Taliban or not? That's where your analogy falls apart. In addition, the reason why your analogy will never hold is because US will always be a foreign occupying force.
  9. S

    US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali

    Did you not read my post in its entirety? :lol: I pointed out the facts as to why your analogy is childish and it doesn't apply in this case. I pointed to you the obvious problem -- you can't make some random analogy that applies to some small problems individuals may face in their own...
  10. S

    US drone kills 15 in Mir Ali

    ^ :lol: You're becoming more and more like your average bharati, using overly simplistic childish analogies to apply to far more complex situations. Who is the neighbourhood 'leader' in your analogy? Is it someone who is occupying the neighbourhood against the wishes of the neighbourhood...
  11. S

    A women from Hungary explains why she lives in Pakistan

    I think Pakistanis have some sort of a utopian view of other countries and a dystopian view of their own. They think that other countries are some sorts of heaven where they'll become very happy moving to straightaway. All immigrants know that this is simply not the case. If Pakistan can...
  12. S

    Gilgit-Baltistan representatives seek US support!

    Not sure what point you're tying to make here.
  13. S

    Gilgit-Baltistan representatives seek US support!

    Bharatis are very classic example of bhola and childish individuals. Anything anti-Pakistan in the media (be it bharati or western) media must be taken seriously and you have to present 'good arguments' in order to show these are false. Calling these news propaganda is a conspiracy theory...
  14. S

    U.S. troops go back to Pakistan

    You ought to love the bharatis and their obvious lack of basic rational thinking. :lol: These guys continue to suggest Pakistan is some sort of US lapdog and takes all its orders from the US. On the other hand, Pakistan supports Taliban, Haqqanis, Al Qaeda, protected OBL, yadi yada...
  15. S

    Attack on US base kills 15 in Afghanistan: NATO

    LOL @ Near Pakistan border font size. Bharatis oughtta do something about their obsession with Pakistan.
  16. S

    US military trainers trickle back into Pakistan

    So are you saying that these guys are either a) trying to get intelligence on Pakistani military infrastructure or b) support TTP/BLA?
  17. S

    US military trainers trickle back into Pakistan

    Why are we setting ourselves up to have a foreign, probably hostile state in the future, get intelligence on our military? I mean that's the only thing these American terrorists are here to do, other than possibly support TTP/BLA. No one rational is going to believe these guys are really here...
  18. S

    Raw now claim the ISI is going to hurt INDIAN enecomy

    :lol: Bharatis are their conspiracy theories. What a bunch of shameless hypocrites these guys are. I think they missed China in the mix as well. Might as well throw in Timbuktu and the Martians.
  19. S

    After jailing Kashmiri lobbyist Fai, US is being fussy over its CIA agent?

    We've already answered several times as to why he was jailed. That he was working with a foreign secret service without the knowledge of the Pakistani state. That is treachery even by the most narrowest definition. The western media can put a blindfold in their eyes and never mention this...
  20. S

    ISI plots to hurt Indian economy

    :lol: Bharatis and their conspiracy theories. These guys are really the top-grade hypocrites you will ever see. Their only rival in that department is American government. What next, ISI trying to get aliens to attack bharat? :lol: What a bunch of paranoid and conspiracy theory minded people.
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