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Raw now claim the ISI is going to hurt INDIAN enecomy

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Credible information available with Indian intelligence agencies suggests that Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), has directed the Indian Mujah-ideen to launch a fresh spate of 'high value terror attacks in the country'.

The ISI’s strategy is to hit India economically at a time when many countries in the world are facing an economic slowdown.

It wants Indian Mujahideen to create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty so that multi-national companies in India shut shop. At the same time, the terror attacks will also deter other MNCs that are planning to invest in India.

Intelligence inputs also suggest that the ISI is using Bhatkal brothers, Riyaz and Iqbal, who in turn have directed Yaseen Bhatkal, the India chief of IM, to carry out this operation.

Yaseen Bhatkal has been on the run ever since the Intelligence Bureau and the Delhi police’s crime branch smashed the Darbhanga module of IM.
Why do you find that ridiculous? Not like it has not been done before or they have not been fingered by several foreign intelligence agencies as supporting terrorists. Why do you still not see that the ISI is the bane of your countries existence. at least the current group in there. You even have the ex-head of the ISI the 'GUL' fella espousing his great admiration for terrorist organizations.
I don't know why this is so absurd. It has been proven ISI has been behind attacks in the past and at the very least facilitated such attacks. The ISI/PA sole job is to hurt India so hitting India where it hurts- the economy, isn't too big of a leap is it? And I'd dare say there was a fair bit of jealousy in terms of economic miracle of India and hence future ambitions of India.
Showing us a couple of articles of slip ups does not make your ISI's noteriety as terrorist supporters any less. That's like saying because some plots to blow up civilians did not pan out means the terrorist don't exist
Raw has gone in romour mongering business. Infact, I hear that Raw is publishing a tabloid daily news shortly. Atleast it will make money for the Indian Exchequer. I have already sent for my annual subcription.:cool:
Raw has gone in romour mongering business. Infact, I hear that Raw is publishing a tabloid daily news shortly. Atleast it will make money for the Indian Exchequer. I have already sent for my annual subcription.:cool:

Your country of residence is of the same belief as RAW

Bharatis are their conspiracy theories. What a bunch of shameless hypocrites these guys are. I think they missed China in the mix as well. Might as well throw in Timbuktu and the Martians.
How did you figure that ?

My country of residence has 325 Million citizens and they have 325 million different opinions.

I figured that because of what we have openly said.

Yes- It has 325 million people but not all are well wishers of it or are 'educated' about the countries policies as obvious in this case. You even contribute your taxes towards such policies.
Well I might sound silly in this post but I believe it's either you overpower your enemy by improving your own economy or drag your enemy behind to keep her to your knees. I am very convinced that Pakistan would have progressed much better if there was no involvement of India in Balochistan and other parts of the country. So I won't be surprised if similar favour is now given to them by the ISI.

PS: Indian news reports are the worst in the world so I would never take it serious unless inside news is leaked from the Pakistani source. Three terrorists entering Mumbai last month was just one of the many prime examples of how pathetic Indian media is
Well I might sound silly in this post but I believe it's either you overpower your enemy by improving your own economy or drag your enemy behind to keep her to your knees. I am very convinced that Pakistan would have progressed much better if there was no involvement of India in Balochistan and other parts of the country. So I won't be surprised if similar favour is now given to them by the ISI.

Oh C'mon sir.. Pakistan's involvement in Kashmir and now dead Khalistan movement is documented and proven beyond doubt. So lets not hide behind the bogey of never proven/acknowledged involvement of India in Balochistan etc.
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