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  1. Anonyomous Man

    The arrivals???

    this is the intro These are the parts i thought were interesting:
  2. Anonyomous Man

    Pakistan is very important for China

    The only reason why the Chinese have not dumped us is beacause we will always be important to them unlike the U.S who help us when they need us and dump us when we are not of use to them. Anyways this alliance is one we can all count on i'm just saying that we should'nt get too comfortable...
  3. Anonyomous Man

    Pakistan is very important for China

    I never said that Pak-US relations were good Pakistan is strategically important for the war in Afghanistan and alot of other reasons and that is why all the embargoes have been lifted that is why we are not at war with India i mean do you really think that they are afraid of Nuclear...
  4. Anonyomous Man

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    I agree with you on this one,anyways thanks for the info sohail butt
  5. Anonyomous Man

    Pakistan is very important for China

    Oh please!!! do you all really think that China supports Pakistan because we have some sort of brotherly bond or something like that,It's all just a load of crap!!!The only reason China supports us is because we have strategic importance that is all there is Chinese new this from day 1 of...
  6. Anonyomous Man

    Buner falls without a fight

    Taliban move to expand control in NW Pakistan. Taliban militants in Pakistan's Swat valley have moved into another district in a bid to broaden their control despite a peace deal, officials said Wednesday. Hundreds of armed Taliban from the scenic northwestern valley have entered Buner...
  7. Anonyomous Man

    Will United States Collapse?

    They have npot begun to hiyt the bottom of the barrel you say? their barrel is already overflowing you don't underastand the U.S will loose in afghanistan because not because of the militants but because of events in the U.S and the middle east. just think about it you'll understand.;)
  8. Anonyomous Man

    Will United States Collapse?

    You have no clue what the U.S has gotten itself into in afghanistan.It was probably the worst decision ever made!These 80,000+ are going to die and then the U.S itself will start to collapse into itself.The U.S is carrying alot of load and one day it will to support it and come crashing down.It...
  9. Anonyomous Man

    Will United States Collapse?

    The U.Ss years might be numbere they;ve started too many wars and they don't have a clue on how to end them and thy will pay for that obama's call for an exit strategy was a good idea but it's not that easy especially the war in afghanistan NATO is being smart by not letting more troops in(by...
  10. Anonyomous Man

    Girl in coma after school punishment dies

    Religion doesn't matter i remember my school days in pakistan i'm a muslim the punishments me and the other students got were far worse than this.
  11. Anonyomous Man

    $1.5bn US aid conditions compromise sovereignty

    9/11 may have gotten inside help but not from the top gevernment officials,imean who would be crazy enough to do that,although it di open up a great oppurtunity for them to take away our nuclear weapons.We have to prove that nukes are safe,i mean nuclear weapons are not easy to use it's not like...
  12. Anonyomous Man

    $5 billion for pakistan.

    Donors pledge over $5 billion for pakistan. Pakistan secured more than $5 billion in fresh aid over two years at a donors conference on Friday after Prime Minister Asif Ali Zardari vowed to step up the fight against militants. The amount exceeded Pakistan's hoped-for $4 billion and comes at...
  13. Anonyomous Man

    Baitullah Mehsud dies

    yes he is ill very ill will probably die this year. Anyways good news for all :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  14. Anonyomous Man

    Nizam-e-Adl...Will it be beneficiall for Pakistan?

    Yes it brings hope but that hope,false hope that is they might get speedy justice but if this goes on pakistan will soon get overrun by the Taliban and U.S will complete it's objectives.Making pakistan an exact copy of afghanistan and the first thing to go will be our nuclear weapons.
  15. Anonyomous Man

    Pak-US intelligence ties at ‘lowest level’

    I have said before,saying it again The U.S is not our ally i know this for a fact. The pakistani taliban are in cahoots with the U.S and before you know it pakistan will become afghanistan where the U.S led coallitions will charge in and kill and torture innocent people under the lable of war...
  16. Anonyomous Man

    Pakistani defense based on missile nuclear deterrent

    You're right but that 9is why we must have them! but only if we can get the Taliban out.Otherwise an ICBM would be disasterous as people will start to think that militants might launch a nuclear weapon on ISRAEL.
  17. Anonyomous Man

    No aid for Pakistan without benchmarks: Washington

    Rent an army only $1.5 billion a year.:lol:
  18. Anonyomous Man

    No aid for Pakistan without benchmarks: Washington

    If they won't give us aid without conditions we're not there allies and we won't be supplying there troops anymore,that is what the GOP should say around 70,000 troops left with limited supplies to cope with militants that will surely send a strong message.
  19. Anonyomous Man

    US plans go beyond Pak existence

    So you're saying we should be like IRAN?well i've always admired the IRANIAN government they refuse to give in to opression and give a befiting reply to any threat from the opressors.And it is a rocky road but not as bad as the pot hole we're stuck in right now we have lost billions in this war...
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