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  1. fallstuff

    Case filed against Sheikh Hasina, 25 others in Int'l Criminal Court

    Not really, but the way these guys roll I doubt these guys will ever go after Hasina.
  2. fallstuff

    Case filed against Sheikh Hasina, 25 others in Int'l Criminal Court

    The ICC is very agenda driven. This body only prosecutes acts that fits its agenda.
  3. fallstuff

    Shahbag activists seek help of state, civil society

    Who is this guy ? How did he get involv with this Shahbag affair ? Some folks put substantial amount of time and money in it. BTW the Shahbag thing, is it over or ongoing ?
  4. fallstuff

    Shahbag activists seek help of state, civil society

    This guy was spending nights in Sheraton? Are you serious?
  5. fallstuff

    "Tony Soprano" is dead

    He got whacked. RIP buddy.
  6. fallstuff

    Myanmar forces plant land mines along Bangladesh border: BGB

    Hasina Govt is not letting any refugees in anyways. God knows what crawled up the Generals behind this time.
  7. fallstuff

    Israel exports military equipment to Pakistan: Report

    It is not a"Problem", its just how things are. Chinese parts do find their way into U.S Military equipment. All these are subject to end user agreement, Govt requirement, Export control and/or any other applicable procedures if there is any.
  8. fallstuff

    NBA Finals

    Its painful to see Miami getting whipped 30-40. What the heck is wrong with LeBron ? He should just barrel through the lanky Spurs defense.
  9. fallstuff

    NBA Finals

    Who are you rooting for? Do you have any fav player? I am going with Heat obviously. I am watching the third one now.
  10. fallstuff

    Israel exports military equipment to Pakistan: Report

    Arabs do not sell oil to Israel, but some of their exported oil find its way in there, go figure !!
  11. fallstuff

    Bangladesh says no to Chittagong port for India

    Hasina will probably let it all thru after the election provided she wins. India can just sit this one out.
  12. fallstuff

    NSA whistleblower in China

    Why does someone walk away from $200k a year job with a community college diploma ? Has China offered him more money ? He can make millions by writing a book which I seriously doubt was a deciding factor on his part.
  13. fallstuff

    Assassination of Ziaur Rahman

    I am hearing this for the first time, but it does sound like his modus operandi.
  14. fallstuff

    Assassination of Ziaur Rahman

    Mujib killed multi-party democracy in early 1975 by declaring one party rule. Mujib's response to corruption and ill-governance was grabbing more power. This man believed he was "Bangladesh", he can do anything he wants. I don't think the thought ever occurred to him that there can be an...
  15. fallstuff

    Saudi Arabia Reportedly Deports 3 Men for Being ‘Too Handsome’

    You got a point there. The ladies of PDF and the closeted ones, here are the dudes from UAE,
  16. fallstuff

    Rana Plaza Collapse (huge life losses)

    The loss of life is more than 200 now. There are cracks in another factory in Savar. These are the people that brings in tens of billions of dollars to Bangladesh. Apparently their lives aren't worth a squat.
  17. fallstuff

    Opinion: Boston Bombings: The Most Important Questions | PKKH.tv

    Finally we have Hindi-Chini bhai bhai. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Who knows what he will pull next time.
  18. fallstuff

    Boston bomber sat home collecting WELFARE benefits while plotting attack

    What a loser this Tamerlane is.
  19. fallstuff

    Boston bomber sat home collecting WELFARE benefits while plotting attack

    Boston bomber Tamerlan sat home collecting WELFARE benefits while plotting to bomb America (and his wife worked 80 hours a week) Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, received welfare up until 2012. His wife Katherine worked up to 80 hours a week as a home healthcare worker while Tamerlan...
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