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Boston bomber sat home collecting WELFARE benefits while plotting attack


Nov 20, 2009
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United States
Boston bomber Tamerlan sat home collecting WELFARE benefits while plotting to bomb America (and his wife worked 80 hours a week)

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, received welfare up until 2012.

His wife Katherine worked up to 80 hours a week as a home healthcare worker while Tamerlan stayed at home.

The Tsarnaev brothers received state aid as children, when their parents relied on welfare benefits after immigrating to the U.S.

Dzhokhar, 19, sold pot
to make spending money at college, friends say

Alleged terrorist mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev was receiving welfare benefits in the lead up to the deadly attacks at the Boston Marathon.

The Chechen immigrant lived off state aid while his wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, worked as a home healthcare worker, sometimes clocking as many as 80 hours a week while her unemployed husband stayed at home, Massachusetts welfare officials revealed on Wednesday.

Ultimately his wife's income made the couple ineligible for welfare and they stopped receiving state money in 2012.

Sources who knew Tamerlan said that though he sported a flashy appearance, he failed to earn very much money for his family and was essentially a stay-at-home dad.

His younger brother, on the other hand, has been described as more entrepreneurial.

Dzhokhar, who was a sophomore at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, attended the school on a scholarship and earned petty cash selling marijuana, sources told the Globe.

Investigators are scrutinizing the brothers' source of income, as they probe whether the pair received outside assistance for their attack, either from a radical group or foreign government.

Security experts have noted though that the modus operandi was relatively cheap, estimating that the materials for each of the pressure cooker bombs used at the Boston Marathon attack could have cost a total of $100 each.

Read more: Boston bomber Tamerlan sat home collecting WELFARE benefits while plotting to bomb America (and his wife worked 80 hours a week) | Mail Online
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This is nothing new...All the terrorist.....they want the West Life style and luxury and the funny thing is that they hurt to those people who gave them food and shelter....It is just a sheer hypocritical nature and irony of those people...
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