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  1. S

    Tamil woman the star of RISAT-1 launch.

    Tamil Nadu woman stars in satellite launch As India's first indigenously-developed Radar Imaging Satellite RISAT-1 nestled in its orbit hundreds of kilometres above the earth, here on terra firma, the woman from Tamil Nadu, responsible for the feat, too, turned into a star in her own...
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    Tamil woman the star of RISAT-1 launch.

    Tamil Nadu woman stars in satellite launch As India's first indigenously-developed Radar Imaging Satellite RISAT-1 nestled in its orbit hundreds of kilometres above the earth, here on terra firma, the woman from Tamil Nadu, responsible for the feat, too, turned into a star in her own...
  3. S

    Protests erupt in Bangladesh against Pakistan tour.

    Ironies can sometimes be fatal.
  4. S

    Pakistani female news anchors

    Lol...and the point of this thread ?
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    The Russian visit

    Exploding energizer bunnies......improved with "religious zeal" technology.
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    India’s largest mosque’s foundation stone laid in Kerala

    My friend, it is you who are brain-washed. You know very little about my country and about Indian Muslims. More Muslims have been killed in Muslim countries like Pakistan by their own government and fellowmen than the total number of road/riot/rail fatalities in India since independence. You are...
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    India’s largest mosque’s foundation stone laid in Kerala

    Which Muslim country can ever boast something of this magnitude ? No, i'm not talking about the size; rather the initiatives being undertaken in support of the project. Muslims in India (especially down south) are very tolerant and feels strong attachment to their kin belonging to other...
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    The Russian Bear Awakens - An American Perspective

    Never going to happen. Not anymore.
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    The Russian Bear Awakens - An American Perspective

    Their population is cause for concern.
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    Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

    And you would know PLENTY about "brain surgeons" :rofl: :rofl:
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    Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

    I could get banned pre-maturely...Miles to go before i kick the bucket....again.
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    Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

    I'm sure you do. Them imaginary brothers are plenty of fun for sure. Its quite unfortunate that they have to listen to your constant whining though.
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    Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

    Chinese use kids to manufacture fertilizer ? Wow....i've heard of the one child policy..but this is a bit harsh. I'll be sure to say hi to your long lost brother when i open my next bag of "penshibao fertilizer".
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    Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

    I don't think that's ever going to cut it. Mr. Dickinson clearly isn't co-operating with '62 spanker. ^ I'm sure this would work, considering Indian poison is far less lethal than chinese food products.
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    Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

    The only rape well known in history happened in Nanjing, china. I have no clue what your'e talking about though...
  16. S

    India needs more than myths and magic realism

    It would still be the only life saving drug your country men would be able to afford. The alternative is China :rofl:
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    North Korean Rocket Said to Fail Moments After Liftoff

    Fact that our space agency will launch it; proves Indian capability. Btw, its not our first time either.
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    India says oil, gas cooperation with Vietnam in the East Sea will continue

    Oh noes......another warning....:rofl:
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    India needs more than myths and magic realism

    I thank you for the article and not for the subsequent crap you are likely to spew out. -Shahabas
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    Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

    Well cut the anecdotal crap. There is no way to verify its authenticity. In simple terms, you could be a lier for all we know. I think we'll rely on published material for now. Thank you. No touching the "middle kingdom". *throws a hissy fit*
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