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  1. Glitcher

    China offers to step back a bit, India insists on full withdrawal

    we are allies dont you get it? Rightly said bro
  2. Glitcher

    Chinese troops reinforce position, adopt aggressive posturing

    Third flag meeting fails; China wants India to dismantle security structures in Ladakh A third flag meeting between Indian and Chinese troops failed to break the deadlock between the two sides, with the Chinese insisting that India take down security structures in Fukche and Chumar in Ladakh...
  3. Glitcher

    China offers to step back a bit, India insists on full withdrawal

    hey dear i have been at ajmeer ok and i can show you the pics also so dont teach me what kind of animal you are i dont know why you guys have probs ok so keep your mouth shut from now on in front of me or if you are so called shair sikh i am my self a fearless Pakistani and un like you calling...
  4. Glitcher

    China offers to step back a bit, India insists on full withdrawal

    brother they are indian they just read the threads toping and starts to say that they have win and dont read the conditions
  5. Glitcher

    China offers to step back a bit, India insists on full withdrawal

    dude if you dont have a good back ground then its ok just keep your mouth shut and behave or else go to indian defence fourm there you can use these phathatic language that shows your country's real image other wise i will report about you
  6. Glitcher

    India is evaluating options beyond dialogue and diplomacy against China

    Stop trolling dude and as per my view both sides has diffrent view of LAC and 1st india built a post in responce china erected tents so the best way to avoid conflict is that both side should dismantle thier positions from the disputed area and just patrol as they do always in that region. Peace
  7. Glitcher

    China offers to step back a bit, India insists on full withdrawal

    i think so called indian tigers are sleeping
  8. Glitcher

    Pakistan's Dream Navy?

    can you elaborate your post plz
  9. Glitcher

    Pakistan's Dream Navy?

    dont mind buddy he is blufing :)
  10. Glitcher

    China military standoff with India, Ladakh April 2013

    Sir with due respect can you elaborate how will russia is going to watch when china attack india ?
  11. Glitcher

    US issues waiver for sale of major defence equipment to Pakistan

    Pakistan's best hope is to stick with china only i dont want any more Us equipment in PA any more
  12. Glitcher

    Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

    yeah but we need them in numbers dont we ?
  13. Glitcher

    India lost 42,425 square kilometres to China since 1962-1963

    War is will happen we like it or not and thats the only solution they have been doing that for years now your real tiger has not done much about kashmir even when it has chance
  14. Glitcher

    China’s third confrontation with India’s border build-up

    lol so where did you came from tibets king handed over tibet to india also and like you guys didnt ocupy hyderabad didnt you ?
  15. Glitcher

    Ten Reasons Why Nepal ShouldJoin India

    greedy is india these are just ways
  16. Glitcher

    Ten Reasons Why Nepal ShouldJoin India

    and now you are wrong you should not put your nose in nepals matters
  17. Glitcher

    China’s third confrontation with India’s border build-up

    funny thing is you do bully the region like us bullies the world and yet you say these kinds of stuff
  18. Glitcher

    Ten Reasons Why Nepal ShouldJoin India

    dude thier are many small countries in the world who are located around larger country that does'nt mean that they should join with them
  19. Glitcher

    China’s third confrontation with India’s border build-up

    so kashmir was not yours but pakistan claim it so you want it and tibet was seprate country china claim it so it is rightfully your land what a phathatic mind of indian is 0ok wait soo BD seprated from pakistan and we still call them brothers and india had great love for bengalies and you...
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