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  1. Z

    Military Exercise announced by Pakistan Army !

    LOL I second that motion.
  2. Z


    ummm yeah clearly we see how F***in great they are... i think the list was for the top 10 secret services that suck the most. ;) (basing my opinion on hat-trick failure to protect the military bases and lack of intelligence that our "Intelligence Agency" has)
  3. Z

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    I lack the ability to comprehend sarcasm. But still there are people out there and even perhaps in this forum who think the way he described "sarcastically" and if he really was being sarcastic then my sincere apologies.
  4. Z

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    WOW dude wow... soo much hate towards everyone. And the worst part is your singling out sects of Islam. It is thinking like this that made Pakistan the hole it is today. One must look past other person's religion and recognize him/her as a fellow human being, who the hell cares what religion...
  5. Z

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    I agree, Pakistan is wasting too much money on "trying" to advance its military, if they invest that money in public and education maybe they wont be in this . The only cure for like this is education.
  6. Z

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Same way the all the current drama is being taken care of, infact world will praise it. To them all bearded people are terrorist. and i dont blame them, thats the image that have become associated with the word terrorist.
  7. Z

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    With all the happening right now, YES. I would love to see pakistan replicate that. Not long ago china cleaned up the country by shooting all drugies on sight. Something similar needs to happen here.
  8. Z

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    We need Musharaf!!!! Only leader with balls. For fcuk sakes, benazir had more balls than most of past leaders. our leaders should be hanged in public for fcuking up the country, all their assets ceased.
  9. Z

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    This country needs to be run by the military. It can not survive under civilian rule, the sad fact is that all of our people become greedy and lose any self control they might have when given power and money. This is not the pakistan that Qaid-e-Azam dreamed of. TOTAL Opposite. I wish this...
  10. Z

    Amazing wildlife footage

    Even different species of animal are helping each other, and then there are humans who just cant stop hating and killing each other.. its quite sad.
  11. Z

    Happy Chinese Lunar Year!

    Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!:china:
  12. Z

    US might strike in Pakistan:White House

    IS THE US PREPARING TO ATTACK PAKISTAN? The Bush Administration may be preparing to lash out at old ally Pakistan, which Washington now blames for its humiliating failures to crush al-Qaida, capture its elusive leaders, or defeat Taliban resistance forces in Afghanistan. One is immediately...
  13. Z

    A tribute to Lt Col Haroon ul Islam of SSG

    Not only Haroon, but all who died in that conflict are heros. I dont think its fair if we glorify one soldier's death nearly ignoring the other 10 who died for the same cause. They are just as brave. I'm tired of media glorifying one soldier and ignoring others. It isn't fair to them or their...
  14. Z

    Remembering The Fallen Soldiers

    Guys if you know the names of ALL of the fallen soldiers then please post them. Thank you
  15. Z

    Remembering The Fallen Soldiers

    hi guys I thought i'd write something to remember our fallen heros who faught bravely to defend our country's honor against those who threaten it. These brave souls fell at Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in Islamabad, fighting well trained well armed militants who were holding many innocent men,women...
  16. Z

    JF-17 Twin Seater

    hahahahaha true!!
  17. Z

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    that is a sweeet animation:victory: ... if I was to confront two SU-30s I would launch at least 5 JF-17s just to stand a chance.... i'm not a huge fan of JF-17.. but I think its a decent step forward for PAF to develop its own fighters.
  18. Z

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    JF-17 will be bombed to hell before SU-30 even shows up on its radar... J-10/F-16 might stand a chance against it...
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