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  1. fallstuff

    March for Democracy Watch Thread

    It will be all worth it !!
  2. fallstuff

    Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

    Tourists who want to see remains of Ancient Civilization, Architecture, and Sculptures India is a feast for their eyes. I will encourage anybody who wants to see India for all the right reasons. The shocking part is typically the near absence of modern infrastructure, poverty, being stared at...
  3. fallstuff

    ‘Engage in serious dialogue'

    Interesting point. How immediate is immediate ? We will just have to wait until after January 5, when the legitimate mandate expires. Hasina is now saying participate now and we will allow Jamaat on the 11th election. I thought an independent judicial system decided the fate of Jamaat, hmm...
  4. fallstuff

    Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

    My colleague traveled to India back in 2008 for business purpose, he had nothing good to say about his experience. He was like wherever you go, the dam cows are everywhere and all over the road. Visiting India is a shock n awe experience for the ill informed traveler. The fancy ads giving...
  5. fallstuff

    March for Democracy Watch Thread

    Its pretty pathetic. If you are gonna be false flagger, be more sophisticated !!
  6. fallstuff

    Anti-India sentiment increasing in massive form

    BNP didn't survive 12 days without world recognition in 1996, AL will survive a few months, no more than that.
  7. fallstuff

    March for Democracy Watch Thread

    Been very busy with work. Well I still post every now and Then.
  8. fallstuff

    March for Democracy Watch Thread

    I never heard that before from all the folks I know. that was just an observation
  9. fallstuff

    March for Democracy Watch Thread

    Bangladeshis never say Khichdi, it is always Khichuri. However, Indians do say Khichdi ......... Just saying !!
  10. fallstuff

    India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

    India was given a chance to withdraw her back in September, India didn't do that. I guess she didn't want to leave NY as her husband lives in USA or thought somehow she could work her way out of it, she failed, failed badly to say the least. The U.S Attorney was handed over the case after...
  11. fallstuff

    Pink Floyd Fans

    Great psychedelic band.
  12. fallstuff

    US diplomat involved in Khobragade conspirancy identified ...action to follow soon !

    As far as Obama is concerned, its much ado about nothing. India is acting out cause its election time with Congress doing not too well. They are just throwing a bone out for other Indians to chew on, all will be fine n dandy in a few days.
  13. fallstuff

    Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

    Insulting religion will get you kicked out of this forum.
  14. fallstuff

    India Finds New Methods to Punish U.S. Diplomats

    The issue is the merit of the case. These allegations of abuse keep coming out of the NY Indian Consulate. It is incumbent upon the U.S Attorney Preet Bharara to act on these allegations when two maids were allegedly abused by another consulate employee and also by the Head of the NY Consulate...
  15. fallstuff

    India Finds New Methods to Punish U.S. Diplomats

    Actually he would be strip searched by a male marshal if such a need ever arises. I doubt the marshals care about the age, gender or appearance of the diplomat or consular employees.
  16. fallstuff

    India Finds New Methods to Punish U.S. Diplomats

    They don't have their Deputy Consul getting strip searched. The maid's family was given witness protection services against the threats posed to her by the Indian Govt. This essentially treats the Indian Govt same as Organized Crime Organizations namely mafiya. The title of the thread is "...
  17. fallstuff

    India Finds New Methods to Punish U.S. Diplomats

    Look at the bright side that she didn't have any cojons, well at least the marshals didn't report any such observation. The Indian NY consulate is plagued with these issues, there were two more cases in the last few years alleging identical abuses. India is not the only poor nation in the South...
  18. fallstuff

    India Finds New Methods to Punish U.S. Diplomats

    Your NY deputy consul was just strip searched. U.S marshals went through her privates, would have gone through her cojons if she had any !!!
  19. fallstuff

    India Finds New Methods to Punish U.S. Diplomats

    Why didn't India use its own available services instead of seeking services from America. One of the advantages of doing it on your own is no one can squeeze your cojons !!
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