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US diplomat involved in Khobragade conspirancy identified ...action to follow soon !

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India charged US diplomat for paying airfare to the nanny family, can India court come up more serious charge?

US government have the money to pay for the tickets, same as US government have the money to donate hundred of millions in aid to India annually.
we might be having a spiness govt,but we are not a bannana republic. we have not asked for and not received a single dollar as Aid money from the US govt.
Our pride, and the NRI prejudice

Swapan Dasgupta

The fuss over Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade’s maid has had an immediate fallout on Indo-US bilateral relations. Given that this was an affair involving diplomatic protocol and even national sovereignty, this was only to be expected. Less anticipated, however, was the impact of this controversy on two very separate groups of Indians: the middle class Indians resident in India and their social counterparts now resident in the West. Far from acting in unison, circumstances have propelled both groups to turn on each other with a measure of hostility that was unimaginable.

At the heart of the dispute is the vexed “servants” question. To the middle class Indians with a reasonable exposure to the West, the charges levelled by the nanny-cum-domestic help were easily explained. Sangeeta Richards’ status in the US was directly linked to the tenure of her employer. If she wished to acquire a permanent right to live and work in the US, she had to carve out an independent status for herself. This was only possible by charging her employer with violating her human rights and depicting herself as a victim of servitude. This she successfully did by preying on the gullibility of do-gooders who are accustomed to viewing the Third World as an undifferentiated area of darkness. Indeed, by blending piousness with America’s self-perception as the world’s good cop, Richards was even able to secure the ‘evacuation’ of her family from Indian tyranny.

This was the story most middle class Indians and the mandarins in South Block, including those slightly embarrassed by the dodgy track record of a member of India’s Dalit aristocracy, chose to believe. To them, the domestic help was a street smart operator out to short-circuit the US immigration rules. If that meant levelling extraordinary charges against her employer, she was game.

Predictably, in a battle involving the country of their birth and the land of their adoption, overseas Indians had to exercise an unenviable choice. There was, quite naturally, a large degree of envy at work. Many who earned much, much more than Devyani’s modest relatively salary resented the fact that purported diplomatic status allowed her to maintain a flat in Manhattan and import a maid from India who was paid less than the going New York rate.

It didn’t stop at that. The journey from envy to resentment involved frenzied breast-beating over how Indians habitually treated ‘servants’ disgustingly and how the relationship was deeply exploitative. Overseas Indians who were hitherto happy to enjoy the luxuries of domestic help during their holidays in India, suddenly woke up to the belief that privileged Indians lacked any form of social conscience. The subtext was also apparent: by emigrating to the First World, these sons and daughters of India had exorcised themselves of the accumulated sins of their families in the subcontinent. Judging from the visceral comments on social media, it almost seemed that those who had migrated westwards had done so as a protest against an iniquitous social order. India, it was tacitly suggested, could redeem itself by transplanting the transactional social relationships of the New World into a society that is pre-modern, modern and postmodern at the same time.

For many Indian-Americans, the Devyani Khobragade affair was akin to the Tebbit test of loyalty. There may have been some awkwardness with the high-handed treatment of a woman diplomat but, overall, there was vigorous nodding approval for District Attorney Preet Bharara’s carping suggestion that the US wasn’t accustomed to treating important people with kid gloves. In exercising choice, those who India likes to view as its overseas citizens, chose to spurn the old country.

This is a lesson that won’t be easily forgotten in India. For the past decade at least, the New World and even some European countries have proceeded on the assumption that ethnic Indians are better able to understand India and relate to Indians than the average white or black. The assumption has often been questioned by Indians. Anecdotal experience suggests that Indians with different passports have a monumental chip on their shoulder. After Devyani’s Bharara encounter this prejudice is certain to turn into a conviction. It won’t be a bad idea if the West acts on this realization.
well , this happens when someone insults a whole 1.2 billion nation named india by arresting its diplomats
"Hello. This is the Minister of Foreign Affair of the Government of India Mr. Salman Khurshid. I would like to speak to the Secretary of State John Kerry please."
"Just hold on a moment please Mr. Minister."

Team America theme song is playing on the background...
America, **** YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, **** YEAH!......

"Mr. Minister. Here is the Secretary of State."
"Hello John. I would like to discuss the indecent treatments of our diplomat Ms. Devyani Khobragade."
"**** yeah."
"I know John. It is a very sensitive subject here in my country. Do you think you can make a public statement to say you are sorry?"
"**** yeah."
"What can I do to change your mind? 1000 rupees?"
"**** yeah."
"OK John. Nice talking to you."
"**** yeah."
India charged US diplomat for paying airfare to the nanny family, can India court come up more serious charge?

US government have the money to pay for the tickets, same as US government have the money to donate hundred of millions in aid to India annually.

This shows that the GoI is looking for the slightest of excuse to squeeze the balls of the Americans...this is the beginning, the tax paid by the US embassy staff is being looked after...something will come up soon. Wait and watch...
"Hello. This is the Minister of Foreign Affair of the Government of India Mr. Salman Khurshid. I would like to speak to the Secretary of State John Kerry please."
"Just hold on a moment please Mr. Minister."

Team America theme song is playing on the background...
America, **** YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, **** YEAH!......

"Mr. Minister. Here is the Secretary of State."
"Hello John. I would like to discuss the indecent treatments of our diplomat Ms. Devyani Khobragade."
"**** yeah."
"I know John. It is a very sensitive subject here in my country. Do you think you can make a public statement to say you are sorry?"
"**** yeah."
"What can I do to change your mind? 1000 rupees?"
"**** yeah."
"OK John. Nice talking to you."
"**** yeah."
dude american humor is always stupid....you may think is funnier...but you only look stupid to others...
What is that...is there anything that is real in that...just talking some shit...

"Hello. This is the Minister of Foreign Affair of the Government of India Mr. Salman Khurshid. I would like to speak to the Secretary of State John Kerry please."
"Just hold on a moment please Mr. Minister."

Team America theme song is playing on the background...
America, **** YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, **** YEAH!......

"Mr. Minister. Here is the Secretary of State."
"Hello John. I would like to discuss the indecent treatments of our diplomat Ms. Devyani Khobragade."
"**** yeah."
"I know John. It is a very sensitive subject here in my country. Do you think you can make a public statement to say you are sorry?"
"**** yeah."
"What can I do to change your mind? 1000 rupees?"
"**** yeah."
"OK John. Nice talking to you."
"**** yeah."
being a canadian...why are you cheering for america...you crazy moron...
dude american humor is always stupid....you may think is funnier...but you only look stupid to others...

Coming from that comedic powerhouse....India !!! Yeah, those Bollywood flicks are classics !!
Why Obama was disinterested in Devyani
A sensational report in the Indian press filed from Washington has made out that US president Barack Obama willfully sidestepped the Devyani Khobragade affair during his “pre-holiday press conference” before setting out to spend 16 quality days with his family at Hawaii.
However, from Obama’s own admission, that was not the case — he got his press secretary to put up a list of “naughty and nice” questions and he picked what suited him. Now, this was a high-profile press conference that traditionally enjoyed high public viewership and Obama was entitled to choose the questions that made him look a smart politician.
With characteristic astuteness, Obama focused on issues that grips the attention of the American public as Christmas approaches and everyone is in a reflective mood while preparing to ring in the New Year — which side of their bread is buttered. America is indeed passing through trying times.
Suffice to say, the domestic agenda dominated Obama’s press conference, as evident from the transcript, and even Edward Snowden was dealt with purely as a domestic issue of the American public’s disquiet over the NSA snooping of their emails and phone calls. It indeed stretches credulity to say that Obama deliberately ignored our Press Trust of India correspondent in Washington.
Unfortunately, our journalists are not getting the point that the US judiciary is (largely) independent — but not apolitical — on domestic issues, but has been a willing partner of the executive on foreign-policy issues. Just as Saudi Arabia is threatening the Obama administration that it has a Third Way to bring about regime change in Syria and to derail the Iran talks, the thundering news comes in that the US courts reopened on Friday the lawsuits of the victims of the 9/11 attacks for compensation against the Saudi Government which after all financed some of the hijackers in 2001. Mere coincidence? Ask the US’ cold war adversaries (or Iran) and they will rattle off such instances of happy coincidence.
In sum, to say that the State Department has had nothing to do with what happened to Devyani is mere hogwash. The very idea that a retired foreign officer credited with access and influence on the US national security advisor Susan Rice could be the best person to bring denouement to the Devyani affair is not only naive but also rather ridiculous by making the US seem a banana republic and Rice a silly woman.
There is indeed a background to the humiliation meted out to Devyani, which is not hard to see but it is being blithely overlooked. Such despicable and barbaric incidents involving diplomats do not occur in vacuum. And it is our feudal culture and the irritation over the sight of the fractured US-Indian diplomatic ties intruding as a nuisance into an otherwise jolly good middle class life that prompts some of us to overlook that US-Indian relations are in the crosshairs.
Howsoever much the American side rubs it in that Washington is lowering the priority attached to the strategic partnership with India, our chaps do not want to read the writing on the wall. Whereas, the US think tankers specializing on US-India “defining partnership” seem to have got the point. (Huff Post).
So, what do our guys do? Funnily, they’re beating around the bush — Devyani has a flat in the Adarsh housing complex in Mumbai (so what?); modern-day Indian diplomats are lacking in mature equanimity (whatever that may mean); this is all about a housewife scrounging on the wages for her housemaid, et al. This is pathetic. Wake up, chaps. The central issue is something else here and do not dance around it, but face it.
Thus, some wild accusations are being leveled to the effect that some particular official in Delhi is not qualified to handle this matter because the Americans are upset with him because, he is the very same person who led them up the garden path during the negotiations over the 2008 deal and made ravishing promises of nuclear business that never got fulfilled — and possibly, never could be fulfilled. (But then, ironically, it is this very same official who negotiated the US-India defence initiative in September, which has been a priority for the Obama administration.)
Actually, if the Americans would have a score to settle with anyone in Delhi today at a responsible level apropos the unfulfilled promises made by the UPA government over the 2008 nuclear deal, it could only be with our incumbent President (who navigated the Byzantine negotiations over the nuclear deal with rare aplomb and made a written pledge to the Americans on behalf of the UPA government about the tantalizing potentials of nuclear commerce) and our Prime Minister (who was hell-bent on having the nuclear deal for reasons that are hard to comprehend even today, no matter the downstream consequences.)
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As far as Obama is concerned, its much ado about nothing.

India is acting out cause its election time with Congress doing not too well. They are just throwing a bone out for other Indians to chew on, all will be fine n dandy in a few days.
I got to get on that !!

Do you know that this whole story hasn't made the news in the U.S. in weeks ? It's a non-issue. The chick wasn't even a diplomat. She's a consul. Big difference. You guys over there (the whole region, not just Indians) LOVE to get your p.j.'s in a bunch with all your conspiracy crap.

You are not worthy of any attention ...and same will not be accorded to you henceforth !

If you continue to troll ...your posts will be reported !
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