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  1. anon45

    Is China Changing Its Position on Nuclear Weapons?

    As developero said, its a propaganda ploy, moral highground and what not. You know, to influence people like this... No one with any sort of sense really believes China won't use everything at its disposal if its on the verge of losing a conventional war and occupation is an eventuality, or if...
  2. anon45


    Not at all, Germany was already a major power before WW2, Hitler only brought Germany's division and decades of foreign rule. You cannot seperate the bad from the good. Hitler's actions before he brought doom to Germany and his actions of pushing too far are related. He was a terrible statesman...
  3. anon45

    Craft International Private Military Forces behind Boston Marathon

    conspiracy theorists out in force. They will always be at any tragedy, don't spread their misinformation by linking to this crap. You wouldn't link to a moon landing denial conspiracy website would you?
  4. anon45

    Relaxed Boston 'bomber' partied with college friends two days AFTER maratho

    Glad he was caught wounded and alive, with no further damage to the people of boston. That was a real worry of mine after hearing he threw many pipe bombs at police. Hopefully we'll get more info from his interrogation:pop:
  5. anon45

    Biased contradictory western media

    edit: nevermind will follow gambit's advice.
  6. anon45

    Biased contradictory western media

    This thread is idiotic.
  7. anon45

    Explosion hits fertilizer plant in Texas

    Apparently the plant was there first and the town was built around it. urbanization creep :/ While tragic, Im glad to hear the initial estimates of 70 dead are overblown.
  8. anon45

    Chinese Vessel to Be Confiscated

    Our lasers shoot those DF-21D's out of the sky and our railguns pound China's coasts from unheard of distances. Unmanned Drones fill China's skies as the Second Artillery corp is pinpointed and decimated and China's airforce is overwhelmed by the sheer numbers (lol ironic) of our drones...
  9. anon45

    China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

    You do know that is the same logic the imperial Japanese used right? You are falling into a trap of hubris believing the Americans will turn tail and run at the first sign of casualties, when you will simply wake a sleeping Giant, as the Imperial Japanese did. You see walle, Democracies tend...
  10. anon45

    The other side: A North Korean point of view

    Bullcrap, The Korean War was started by North Korea's invasion of the South, and it has provided numerous casus belli such as killing South Korean cabinet members, kidnapping Japanese and South Korean citizens, and killing South Korean and American soldiers during ceasefire. The only reason...
  11. anon45

    China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

    Well thats because its nothing close to a cold war yet. There is jockeying for influence, and the US has the large advantage there due to China's missteps, but that hardly defines a state of conflict. You define the rest of Asia as traitors and proxy states.
  12. anon45

    China deploys navy ships to patrol islands disputed with Japan

    Because the lands are held by Japan, recognized as being held by Japan by the rest of the world, and China dreams of taking them.
  13. anon45

    Explosion hits fertilizer plant in Texas

    The only thing about it that looks nuclear is that the explosion is shaped like a mushroom cloud, and thats just physics. Mushroom cloud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia RIP to the dead speedy recovery to the wounded.
  14. anon45

    China has 1.48 mn troops minus missile forces: white paper

    Its not constrained by bodies, but by money, same as most other countries.
  15. anon45

    Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

    lol you are half right.
  16. anon45

    North Korean Stand Off With the US & S.Korea: News and Updates

    Indeed the talk from certain parties about China occupying North Korea is high fantasy unless SHTF in a big way. It certainly is not China's first choice, or even third. This goes for everyone...even South Korea for the most part. No one wants to take responsibility for the absolute mess that...
  17. anon45

    US will never accept a nuclear-armed North korea: Kerry

    Your premise is wrong, north Korea has not demonstrated that it is a nuclear power, nor have they demonstrated that they have a credible nuclear deterrent.
  18. anon45

    US DEFCON Warning system - Condition Yellow

    I fail to see how any emp attack using nukes would be treated differently than if that nuke landed on US soil. A nuke attack is a nuke attack.
  19. anon45

    Chinese is the new English

    Do you believe people who do not know Chinese are inferior to people who do know Chinese? Do you believe people who decide not to learn Chinese are inferior? Do you believe the most dabauched Chinese criminal is superior to A scientist who does not speak Mandarin or any regional Chinese dialect?
  20. anon45

    Sequester: US Air Force grounds 1/3rd combat planes

    It just shows how good life has been for you if you believe today's world is a 'hellhole' as opposed to any point in history before it. You know nothing.
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