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  1. anon45

    India welcomes US 'Asia pivot'

    The US and India and all the rest want stability now though, not stability after China has gotten what it wants from the chaos.
  2. anon45

    The Perils Of Containing China – Analysis

    If its not open to competition that doesn't mean much though. Infrastructure is the mean worry i presume.
  3. anon45

    India welcomes US 'Asia pivot'

    The US couldn't leave East Asia even if we wanted to. That shows our Pacific territories, kind of makes you think again on why its called an American lake doesn't it? ;) India's region is a whole different story, but they don't want deep commitments so its fine.
  4. anon45

    Move Over Amazon—Here Comes a Chinese Online Juggernaut

    I get many things from Amazon, so convenient ^^
  5. anon45

    Indian working for US Sixth-Generation Fighter Study?

    The vast majority of their children will grow up to be Americans.
  6. anon45

    Planning the Unthinkable War with China: An Aussie View of AirSea Battle

    The US put China on the investment map as well, we've seen how grateful your government is.
  7. anon45

    Chinese fleet drives Japanese boats away from Diaoyu Islands

    HongWu always lies, and the mods dont seem to want to do anything about his fake titles. Just gonna have to deal with it.
  8. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Japan today is trustworthy, unlike North Korea. A nuclear Japan as a threat to the US should bear no more consideration than British nukes being a threat to the US.
  9. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    Agreed that if one can simply take from you, they will, it is the basis of nature, and a fundamental reason for the second amendment. As for the history of it, Again that was only possible due to the incompetence of the Chinese government and the consequent technological disparity between the...
  10. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    The Wall isn't exactly on the borders of modern day China.
  11. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    Actually China did try to fight the colonial powers, it was called the opium wars and the boxer rebellion. Internal weakness and corruption were definitely huge major factors in China's loss, on that we both agree, if China could have united, it would have. Actually, The Chinese...
  12. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    Drug cartels are a minor nuisance that is no threat to the political stability/ legitimacy of the US government or any of its states.
  13. anon45

    Nimitz Strike Group Departs for Western Pacific Deployment

    Eh we can only get bases by the government's own consent so if its a no go, its a no go. Visiting is hopefully not out of the picture though!
  14. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    The US is blessed in its geographical position making it exceedingly difficult for the standard world powers to take advantage of the US in a time of weakness. Most of the global powers are centered on the Eurasian landmass. Keeping good relations with Brazil is a must, and Canada and Mexico...
  15. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    the United States is roughly the same size as China while the US is also abundant in natural resources. The US is stronger in absolute and relative terms today than it was in the 1980's, China's might pales against what we were prepared for with the Soviet Union. The Chinese population is...
  16. anon45

    Nimitz Strike Group Departs for Western Pacific Deployment

    fixed it, no need to thank me :cool:
  17. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    you are relying solely on the goodwill of others and at the same time calling them thieves when they themselves have stolen nothing, while threatening from a weak position. Yeaaa why should they even **** on you while you are on fire again? you give them no reason to return anything and act...
  18. anon45

    Chinese missile tunnels and fallout shelters.True or false?

    based on a discredited and derided study
  19. anon45

    China quake: Dozens die and hundreds hurt in Sichuan

    Katrina is an example of how to not operate, but it is not an example of disaster relief in the US as a whole by any means. RIP to the dead and swift recovery to the wounded. May the Responders have sharp instincts and may those buried be pulled swiftly!
  20. anon45

    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    How do you expect to punish France or Britain in ways that won't come back to bite China in the behind? China is not strong enough to demand from Britain or France and expect it to be met on those merits alone. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. At least where individual and...
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