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  1. anon45

    Whites to Become Minority in USA in 30 Years

    Huh thought I'd read somewhere that was already the case. Anyways its all good as long as Americans don't become a minority in the US, whether immigrants or homegrown. race is an outdated concept, best for it to be thrown out. US should be more than any single group, it is an ideal :tup:
  2. anon45

    Iranian 'Space Monkey' Was A Hoax "Reports"

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was just idiot Journalists in Iran using old pictures. I bet it is stupidity rather than duplicty, there are idiot/lazy journalists the world over. Monkey aside, I do at least believe the launch wasn't a hoax as the Telegraph posits, because the risk of being...
  3. anon45

    North Korea under martial law: “Be ready for war

    China kept it divided for its own reasons, its part of the blame, and continues to be a factor in the Korea's division. Deal with the reality and accept it. The US is also a factor in its division if you consider rule of the peninsula by North Korea an acceptable outcome. Don't bother with...
  4. anon45

    Teen slain after performing at inaugural: 'Happiest day of her life and the

    She was killed in Chicago. The gun control laws there are very strict, among the strictest in the country in fact, and its generally a crime ridden city.
  5. anon45

    US slips back into recession

    its not a recession yet by any useful definition of the word
  6. anon45

    South Korea Defence Forum

    Congrats to SK:tup: to infinity and beyond!
  7. anon45

    Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her

    Don't mind him Wombat, he has trouble integrating in American society and blames it on his skin.
  8. anon45

    West had plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad

    Source is infowars? Infowars - RationalWiki
  9. anon45

    Q&A: Why Philippines challenged China’s sea claim

    I don't think any country should treat this as a bilateral issue with a country whose diplomats say... "China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that's just a fact," Taking it to the UN was the right choice for the Philippines. If they'd tried to discuss it...
  10. anon45

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    You let them starve and die anyways, hence the thread. China doesn't feed the people, China at best gives the food to the authorities hoping they will distribute it to those who most need it, and then act surprised when they instead put it in the national stores or give it to the military for...
  11. anon45

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    NK's ruling elite are indeed the primary culprits, but China has a portion of the blame for continuing to associate with such an odious regime. China is widely speculated to be the one pole on which North Korea's reign of terror can continue. Without China's support supposedly North Korea would...
  12. anon45

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    You instead feed the fat foreman while he steps on the dying man's back.
  13. anon45

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    Again with rhetoric amid changing the subject. You justifications for 1951 are poor excuses for the state of North Korea today, and CCP willingness to keep it that way. lol ok, you are Spanish!
  14. anon45

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    Instead of side-stepping the issue why don't you actually explain yourself. I agree with Bond, race is no issue here...
  15. anon45

    What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

    You didn't read what I wrote, thats why you came up with this ridiculous strawman and posted half-cocked, read it next time. What I wrote was in response to a very specific scenario, one which another poster posted, questioning what the US response would be to North Korea threatening to launch...
  16. anon45

    What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

    If you don't believe the US would turn North Korea into a glass parking lot if North Korea fired a nuke at the US and it detonated resulting in damage such as widespread EMP or actually nuking a city, I don't really have anything to say to you...
  17. anon45

    What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

    If the satellites confirmed preparations? I'd imagine the same reaction as China, both would go apeshit. The US reason would be obvious, China's reason because the effects of the inevitable retaliation wouldn't stay within North Korea's borders. I'd say China would intervene and topple...
  18. anon45

    French Soldier Wearing Skeleton Mask In Mali Sparks Controversy (PHOTO)

    WW2 Its a bandana the soldier is using to keep dust out of his mouth, not something he is wearing to make a statement (though it does look awesome).
  19. anon45

    DARPA putting laser turrets on fighter jets next year

    AFAIK the F-35 is designed to be able to include Directed Energy Weapons on the platform. http://aircraft.wikia.com/wiki/F-35_Lightning_II#Directed-energy_weapons
  20. anon45

    Q&A: Why Philippines challenged China’s sea claim

    You mean China offered to sit and pressure the Philippines one on one :rolleyes:
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