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US slips back into recession


Apr 11, 2011
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Published: 30 January, 2013, 21:02


Port of Los Angeles.(AFP Photo / Robyn Beck)

The US economy unexpectedly took its biggest plunge in more than three years last quarter, contracting at an annual rate of 0.1 percent and indicating a new level of vulnerability for the economy.

The plummet marks the first time the economy contracted since the Great Recession ended and is causing concern that the US could be headed further downhill. The economy shrank from October through December, which economists attribute to a large cut in spending, fewer exports and lagging growth in company stockpiles.

Defense spending contracted at a 22 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter and saw its biggest cut in 40 years, while business inventories sharply declined, indicating that businesses will need to buy more goods in the next quarter to restock their shelves. The Hurricane Sandy recovery effort also cut about 0.5 percentage points off of fourth-quarter growth.

Gross domestic product fell at a 0.1 percent annual rate, which is a dramatic decrease from the economy’s 3.1 percent growth rate in the third quarter, the Commerce Department reported. The US economy had not plummeted this deeply since the second quarter of 2009, when the Great Recession was in its final stages.

Alan Krueger, head of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, attributes the deep decline to the upcoming sequestration deadline.

“A likely explanation for the sharp decline in federal defense spending is uncertainty concerning the automatic spending cuts that were scheduled to take effect in January, and are currently scheduled to take effect on March 1st,” Krueger wrote in a White House blog post.

But uncertainty still exists as lawmakers have once again delayed a potential US default without coming up with a long-term budget plan. The new sequestration deadline could continue to harm the economy.

While a number of economists are hopeful that the deep contraction was a one-time event and the economy will spring back to life in the first quarter of 2013, the plummet should instead give policymakers a sense of urgency to deal with their outstanding budget issues. No economists predicted the contraction and they might also fail to predict any future declines.

Even though the fourth quarter’s deceleration may have been partially due to temporary factors, like the effects of Hurricane Sandy, it caused 2013 to begin with no momentum, and raises concern over a further decline in wake of another congressional budget battle and a looming sequestration deadline.

Fears over the effects of a fiscal cliff kept businesses from stocking up on inventories, but the fears of a US default could return in three months.

“Think of it as a giant hand holding down the economy,” Tim Hopper, chief economist at TIAA-CRED told the Wall Street Journal about the uncertainty over the long-term budget. And with a recession still holding down parts of Europe, US exports could continue to lag.

“The economy has less momentum going into 2013 than initially thought, making it vulnerable to external shocks,” said Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at PNC Financial Services Group.

Economists failed to predict the most recent contraction and if the economy continues to decline, then they will have also failed to predict the next US recession.

US slips back into recession
The Bureau emphasized that the fourth-quarter advance estimate released today is based on
source data that are incomplete or subject to further revision by the source agency (see the box on page 4
and the "Comparisons of Revisions to GDP" on page 5). The "second" estimate for the fourth quarter,
based on more complete data, will be released on February 28, 2013.

Current-dollar GDP

The market value of the nation's output of goods and services -- increased
0.5 percent, or $18.0 billion, in the fourth quarter to a level of $15,829.0 billion. In the third quarter,
current-dollar GDP increased 5.9 percent, or $225.4 billion.

2012 GDP

Real GDP increased 2.2 percent in 2012 (that is, from the 2011 annual level to the 2012 annual
level), compared with an increase of 1.8 percent in 2011.

News Release: Gross Domestic Product

@KRAIT :coffee:

Though in all fairness, i've heard of no structural reforms in the US just printing like crazy.
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@Audio I think the decisions made will show effects fter some time. One can't see sudden impact in over $ 15 Trillion economy.

US is not a developing country. Reform measures shows effect in GD growth much significantly than in Developed countries.

I will rather spectate as I am naive in Economics. :D

Keep me informed and just mention my name if you can. Also tell about the changes made, proposed and what's your proposals for US Economy.
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@Audio I think the decisions made will show effects fter some time. One can't see sudden impact in over $ 15 Trillion economy.

US is not a developing country. Reform measures shows effect in GD growth much significantly than in Developed countries.

I will rather spectate as I am naive in Economics. :D

Keep me informed and just mention my name if you can. Also tell about the changes made, proposed and what's your proposals for US Economy.

I'm an amateur myself....i just use logic and deduction. I gained basic economics knowledge when i dated a gf (PhD economics) back in the early 2000's...
Then 2 years ago we got a really good TV programme called Da VinciU , it is basically a channel that broadcasts lectures from the best universities in the world for a measly subscription price including economics from Harvard, Yale etc...

Right now, i'm trying to get into small investing (i have a stash of money that was meant for a used M3-but i decided the current economic climate isnt really suited for me buying a car that needs a ton of money to be registered and a ton of money to run it properly.) That's why i have some heightened interest in economics.
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its not a recession yet by any useful definition of the word
Not a recession yet, but unless the government reduces its spending and reign in on the ballooning debt we might see the economy dip again.
Jan 2013 very little sale in my store :(
Hoping to make money around tax return time .
afghanistan is a graveyard of empires

no surprises there

Oh. Have many bohri friends. They are very different and i can even joke about religion with them, something I strictly aviod with other muslims :)

well they might know you as a dumb jack asss?, they have the courtesy not to reveal on you?
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