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Q&A: Why Philippines challenged China’s sea claim

It’s no glory for China to bully a weak and peace-loving nation like the Philippines. I know you’ll just embarrass yourself trying to defend your ludicrous claim because even a five year old child can easily see your claim as ridiculous.

Bilateral talks failed many times so it left our country no choice but to raise the issue to a more proper and fair forum. It’s been ages since this dispute started. It’s about time to finish it once and for all by way of the terms and conditions set by the UN Tribunal and not by China, I mean we are not dumb. You may or may not heed its final decision, but it will certainly lose your credibility among the World Community where your economic lifeblood strength lies and the exposure of your cynical moves against our peaceful country. :bunny:

this is bilaterial Issue, we certainly not interested on third party to get involved: China has settleled the boundaries issue will most neighbors in bilaterally. Take the case of Bhutan, it has been the 20th round of negotiation and we still got no result after more than few decades and doesn't seen that we have bullied or twisted their arms to agree with us.
this is bilaterial Issue, we certainly not interested on third party to get involved: China has settleled the boundaries issue will most neighbors in bilaterally. Take the case of Bhutan, it has been the 20th round of negotiation and we still got no result after more than few decades and doesn't seen that we have bullied or twisted their arms to agree with us.

Well the problem is this an international issue because its already become a problem thanks to Chinese arrogance and imperialist design. And the UN is the right forum to solve this kind of problems and about Bhutan i don't believe that! In that case just mine your country probably tried to intimidate them to give more grounds to china but they fail to understand that threatening countries with war and economic attacks is bad for your country's image and they know better than to agree to sign one side deal so the People of Bhutan have done their part of keeping Chinese Imperialism at bay good for them.
this is bilaterial Issue, we certainly not interested on third party to get involved: China has settleled the boundaries issue will most neighbors in bilaterally. Take the case of Bhutan, it has been the 20th round of negotiation and we still got no result after more than few decades and doesn't seen that we have bullied or twisted their arms to agree with us.
There is no way a long lasting solution can be achieved with bilateral talks with China especially if you always resort to bullying tactics. In mischief reef alone, first you said it was fishermen shelter then after 3 years military detachment. You always say one thing but do another thing. You’re already showing belligerence by your actions. This is a question of sovereignty. If the UN Court is to be regarded as a viable venue to resolve issues such as this one, then it has to give existing International laws a chance to clear things up regardless of who the claimants are. It’s obvious that you just don’t want any International involvement because you don’t want the International Community to see China for what she really is. You don’t want to play by the rules.
There is no way a long lasting solution can be achieved with bilateral talks with China especially if you always resort to bullying tactics. In mischief reef alone, first you said it was fishermen shelter then after 3 years military detachment. You always say one thing but do another thing. You’re already showing belligerence by your actions. This is a question of sovereignty. If the UN Court is to be regarded as a viable venue to resolve issues such as this one, then it has to give existing International laws a chance to clear things up regardless of who the claimants are. It’s obvious that you just don’t want any International involvement because you don’t want the International Community to see China for what she really is. You don’t want to play by the rules.

I don't know the detail of what was going on but one thing for sure that no nation want to get thrid party to get involved into nation sovereignty issue, otherwise you call it as international issue and open for others to meddling and take advantage of exploiting the issue.
I don't know the detail of what was going on but one thing for sure that no nation want to get thrid party to get involved into nation sovereignty issue, otherwise you call it as international issue and open for others to meddling and take advantage of exploiting the issue.

I don't think any country should treat this as a bilateral issue with a country whose diplomats say... "China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that's just a fact,"

Taking it to the UN was the right choice for the Philippines. If they'd tried to discuss it bilaterally all China would have done is brought their weight to bear.
I don't think any country should treat this as a bilateral issue with a country whose diplomats say... "China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that's just a fact,"

Taking it to the UN was the right choice for the Philippines. If they'd tried to discuss it bilaterally all China would have done is brought their weight to bear.

When come to Israel & Palestine issue, American doesn't seem interested to bring this issue to U.N not only that you have veto it...and now you ask us to do that something you don't even believe? :rolleyes:
The reason why we have rules and laws such as UNCLOS is to prevent conflicts and confusions. Something that China would rather not honor :disagree:



Stealing is taking of something which is not rightfully one’s own. This was what the Germans did in the 1939, invaded its neighbors, and annexed these as its own living areas "Lebensraum" and there was war. Japan did the same with its neighboring countries, and so, war broke out also in the Pacific. Now, China wanted to do just the same, take the entire South China sea as its own.


EEZ has coordinates approved by the UN. While nine-dash line has none. We're not just talking oil here. The primary purpose of EEZ is to give archipelagic nations source of food. China is stealing fishes rightfully belong to the Filipinos. That's what started all this commotion. :bad:


NEWS Update:

China Urged to Face Philippines at UN Tribunal
Look dude, what you're trying to prove with these pictures? Anything happend between Philippine and China don't concern third party, why don't you complain about Falkand, it's about 2000 km away from England and there is alot of building there too.

Look dude, what you're trying to prove with these pictures? Anything happend between Philippine and China don't concern third party, why don't you complain about Falkand, it's about 2000 km away from England and there is alot of building there too.


Comparing Falkland to South china sea island issue - is like comparing apples to oranges , yes both are fruits.

However , there are lots differences

Falkland has been a British colony from 1833

its a self governed colony with its own government ; yes it has a population of 3000 , unlike some of the island claims by S.E countries.

Britain has alliance/ defense treaty with Falkland due to which it went to war with Argentina ( who tried to reclaim it by force ) in 1982.
As for the Falklands, the Argentinean claim is frankly very weak, and given that there are people living there who have almost unanimously chosen to remain British, it should remain British. It's a completely different situation, not that you can tell the difference, apparently. Britain and Argentina are both outside the 200 miles EEZ of Falkland Islands. So stop making excuses.
Are you saying that Andaman Isands should belong to Myanmar instead of India?


sorry to rain on your parade!!!

Andaman and Nicobar island has been ruled by Indian Kings then British India and has been part of India for 1000 yrs :agree: ?

its a Union Territory of India with 400,000 plus Indian's living there.

Myanmar, Indonesia and Thailand don't have any claim pending on it.
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