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  1. G

    The Supersonic Shape-Shifting Bomber

    The Russians are going off the idea of bombers as well, and haven't made any new developments in that field since the fall of communism. The bomber is going the way of the Dinosaur. It is not alone. I expect tanks to go the same way.
  2. G

    Iran test flies Home-grown figter jet

    It looks like a case of 'new wine in an old bottle' as the design dates from the mid 1950s. It was the Northrop N-156T later to be called the F-5 lightweight (and low cost) twin-engined fighter meant for foreign sales to those countries unable to afford the all-singing, all-dancing types that...
  3. G

    The Mother of all chaos

  4. G

    Afghan crash

    Sorry TexasJohn, I know little if anything more than you - except a Flight Lieutenant from Cornwall was killed in the crash. It was apparently flying above 25,000 feet and therefor beyond manpad range. The captain radioed that he was experiencing difficulty controlling the aircraft and shortly...
  5. G

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    Ah, Neo, we might be separated by age, geographical distance and possibly much else, but I too was brought up to be respectful to my seniors and considerate of my peers so in this we are 'two hearts that beat as one'. I salute you, young sir.
  6. G

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    Sir Glyn implies a knighthood, young Neo, and (inexplicably) I have never been knighted. Benighted, more like!
  7. G

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    Well said! Some forum members seem to me to be 'gung ho' and rather bloodthirsty. It was an early American President who said "There never was a bad peace, and there never is a good war". Yes, I know, what a pity the present incumbent never studied history, tell me about it! If you want my...
  8. G

    Before Hurricane Katrina Happened.

    And what are we supposed to deduce from this,pray tell?
  9. G

    Listen to this BUFFON again !!!

    I assume he means Buffoon, Sir.
  10. G

    Afghan crash

    I know of another Nimrod accident where it had to ditch in the open sea - not an easy task with a large aircraft with a fairly high stalling speed. Fortunately the sea was fairly calm at the time and I think all the crew escaped from the sinking plane.
  11. G

    Field artillery of the 21st century

    True, Gentlemen, air power is not the complete answer, and if I led you to think that I am very much in error. I was trying to point out that the paper appeared to have been written by a proponent of artillery, as he was putting it in the best possible light. I couldn't fault his reasoning and...
  12. G

    Rules of Transition to the New World Order

    This journalist really enjoys his conspiracy theories. What a pity that he didn't stick to facts, or allow himself time for mature reflection before writing that poisonous drivel. The unfortunate thing is that less sophisticated readers might accept it as the literal truth, which will only...
  13. G

    Interceptor downs missile in test over Pacific

    About a quarter of a century ago I was very impressed to read of missile trials where a Seawolf ( I think) missile was fired at , and hit, a 5" shell fired from an American ship. Despite the fact that the US observers were highly impressed with the tests they did not buy the Seawolf system.
  14. G

    Field artillery of the 21st century

    I think, reading between the lines as it were, that he is justifying the role of artillery on the modern battlefied. As you well know, there are a lot of inter-service rivalries going on all the time, and in effect each branch and service is after a bigger share of the funds available to the...
  15. G

    Fears over Afghan convert trial

    I can't believe that you are seriously saying this! There are barely enough 'occupation forces' (sic) to defend themselves, much less try to drag one of the worlds most backward and primitive peoples into the 21st Century. Of course it's an entirely religious matter, and it's simply...
  16. G

    British Soldiers beating up Iraqi kids

    And how many correspondents, had they been performing the soldiers job, would have smiled benignly and tried to ignore the stone throwing youths? Not too many, I'll wager. In every war in history the losers get occupied, and any trouble from them gets severely dealt with by the occupying...
  17. G

    The Supersonic Shape-Shifting Bomber

    I know that it will be regarded as heresy by some, but what point is there in a supersonic bomber? Whatever role may be imagined for it can be done just as well, and more cheaply by other means, cruise missiles for one - and these do not require the launch carrier to be supersonic. Most fighters...
  18. G

    Boeing bids adieu to C-17 cargo plane

    Ah! But will it be as productive as the C-17, I wonder? The A 400 appears to be a political 'solution' to a military logistical problem. Quite honestly I feel that Air Forces needing heavy lift types would have been better served by buying proven types from Russia, but with western engines and...
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