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  1. T

    Karachi violence kicks off 22 may

    I'm not a Sindhi who is uneducated and who oppresses women. We Muhajirs are the most educated group of Pakistan and we are treated as ****. Quotas in Universities in Pakistan force us to send our children outside, many who never return, and deprive Pakistan of well educated people. We Muhajirs...
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    Victims of Drone Attacks !! *(Graphic)

    The only fear of all will come with Indias downfall and Muslim rule over Delhi, Agra and all of North India.
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    The Diaspora’s Duty

    Why don't you worry about American being poor or are you just another Hindu Indian hiding behind US flags?
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    Azaad Pakistan - Documentary

    Has anybody seen this documentary? I just saw some parts but could not believe it. Hindus were truly uncompromising and I guess its still true today. Who the hell gives people water through a pipe instead of handing them a glass?
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    Developing Ties Between Pak, Russia, China, Iran & the CARS

    We must join the CARs and Iran as they are more our historic allies than India ever is.
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    How US officials got into Pakistan

    Send all the Americans back where they came from. Indians should not be replying to Pakistani topics!
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    Muslims -- India's new 'untouchables'

    I don't talk to Indians.
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    Australian Defence Minister says no to Pakistan

    Its high time we turn India into a radioactive nuclear wasteland.
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    Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

    They are in a Muslim community, they either should live like Muslims do and do not try to make their own path. If they do they should be kicked out of the country and if they insult our holy Prophet (PBUH) with nonsense they should be tried to the full extent of the Blasphemy law.
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    Pakistan threatens to cut US ties

    Agreed. The USA is like a bucket full of blood that had AIDS. We do not need the US, its partners nor its crusade like mentality in Pakistan. What we need is a unified Muslim state, joining hands not only with Iran but with Central Asia as well. We must remove any Arab Wahhabi groups in Pakistan...
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    Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

    Please quote me the section in the constitution where there is a guarantee of free speech?
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    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    The only solution is to drive out the Indians from Kashmir through the barrel of the gun. There is no other way. These Indians will never understand.
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    Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

    No they have equal rights as long as they follow Islamic law.
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    Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

    Once the Ahmedis take up arms will be the last day that there will be any Ahmedhi's in Pakistan.
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    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    Once again I ask why are Hindu's allowed to post here? They should be all banned! Remove every Indian from this Pakistani board.
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    The western border is the thing

    Indians will always be our enemies, no matter if they are cow piss drinking Hindus or if they are Muslims. All Indians are our enemies and like Timur lang we should burn Delhi to the ground!
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    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    Why are Hindus on a Pakistani board anyway? Are they the rejects from Indian boards? Admins I call for a total and complete ban on all Indians regardless of religioN!
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    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    I think its high time we have a good fashion Jihad to drive these Hindu scum from the beautiful land of Kashmir and incorporate the state into Pakistan. There can be no dealing with the Hindus except at the barrel of a gun.
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    Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

    And? He lived in an Islamic state and he tried to rail against it and died. Either the Christians should wake up and realize that they are in a Muslim country, not in a Christian one. Maybe they need to leave.
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    Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

    Good, these are not Muslims but corrupted individuals who should either be converted or killed. Pakistan is an Islamic state, regardless of what Jinnah wanted or imagined.
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