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Muslims -- India's new 'untouchables'

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Please don't start comparing Indian Muslims with Pakistani muslims otherwise you will regret it very much. First of all you should be comparing the minorities of both countries. How are Christians and Hindus in Pakistan doing as compared to Muslims in India.

But even if you compare Muslims in both countries, here are some facts to ponder upon.
(1) Indian Muslim literacy is higher than Pakistani literacy , Only in 2010 did Pakistani literacy reach 57%, 10 years ago according according to 2001 census Indian Muslim literacy was 60%
(2) per capita income of Indian Muslims is higher than Pakistanis, the richest Muslim Entrepenuer in the world for the last 10 years has after all been a muslim....Azim Premji
(3) Even in macabre statistics of violent deaths, there are more Pakistanis being killed and more Pakistani mosques and madrassas being demolished or bombed than in India. Not just US drones by Pak Army F-16s have been used to bomb their people.
(4) Pakistan poverty rate is around 43% while only Indian Muslim poverty is at 31% for the 2009-2010 period
most importantly, Indian Muslims are unique in the sense that they have been acknowledged to not defame and malign Islam by terrorist acts and perverting Islam by using it for political self goals. Even the US has acknowledged this in its secret cables that was leaked by WikiLeaks last year


A very poor generalize. :disagree:......How about India switch map, let's say India border with Afghanistan. Trust me, they will go nuts and crazy...No different from Pakistan. Also, there is a fact in the previous years, both Hindus and Muslims have been fought silently. (demolished mosque, human killings, and etc).

Don't say Indians Muslim people unique over others. BS!
never ending topic...stupid waste of time.
There is no point in talking to Indians. Ban them from this site for ever.
Indian Muslims are traitors and deserved what they got.

True face of pakistani(real pakistani) . Thanks for informing your views

whom you calling traitor. Pakistan betrayed the whole muslim world. You sold yourself to USA( biggest supporter of israel) for breaking USSR ( biggest helper of arab world ). You are supporting china against muslim xinxing separatist.
A very poor generalize. :disagree:......How about India switch map, let's say India border with Afghanistan. Trust me, they will go nuts and crazy...No different from Pakistan. Also, there is a fact in the previous years, both Hindus and Muslims have been fought silently. (demolished mosque, human killings, and etc).

Don't say Indians Muslim people unique over others. BS!

The Hindu-Muslim conflict if you want to call it as such in modern India has been at a much lesser scale say the shia-sunni conflict in Pakistan on the West Pakistan/East Pakistan conflict pre-1971 just in terms of loss of lives.

I don't want to diminish the deaths and pain felt by even a single innocent person Hindu or Muslim during the periods of riots created by narrow minded politicians for their benefit, but I am just asking you to look at the raw data of the number of deaths. And I am not even comparing this with say the massacres in Algeria or Iraq or Iran that were committed by these countries against their own people.

If India was next door to Afghanistan, the most important thing that Indian Muslim scholars did was not declare the invasion of USSR in Afghanistan as some "Jihad". They were all 110% against the invasion no doubt, but none of them called it a Jihad. Even Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan who was alive then in Pakistan called this a Fasad that would destroy the Pashtuns and how right he was. If his advice was heeded, the situation of Pashtuns would be so different.
He was an example for all those who say Pashtuns are violent uncouth people because he and his 1000s of followers showed practically how non-violence can be used. And even after his death he had so much respect even among Afghan militant factions that they stopped fighting for a week to honor his death.

So no, you don't even need to switch maps, all that was needed was to listen to wise people like Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan rather than using religion cynically.

And what I am quoting is a wikileaks cable talking about Indian Muslims as unique, these are not my own words.
A very poor generalize. :disagree:......How about India switch map, let's say India border with Afghanistan. Trust me, they will go nuts and crazy...No different from Pakistan.

Thats easy to do.. Remove Pakistan's illegal occupation of Kashmir and India will have a border with Afghanistan.. ;)
India's new 'untouchables' are the upper caste Brahmins as apparently we are all self-sufficient by birth.We do not need subsidized school fees,that's just insulting.College reservations you say?Oh no Sir,We would just hate to unjustly occupy a seat that rightfully belongs to anybody but us.Kindly make sure that none of our lads get government jobs as we would only be crutches holding this great nation back.All we are good for is to keep paying taxes for funding the next shenanigans of the government designed to appease the next minority they discover.

Rulers indeed !!!
You benefited from caste system for centuries, now don't complain when it back fired.

Reforms must be objective based if India seeks the annulment of social inequities.Giving handouts to selective religious or ethnic groups while conveniently absolving any responsibility from the others just because they don't ****** about it is grade A hypocrisy.It's akin to saying''You guys had it going on for a while and now it's time you got treated like garbage''

What benefits? I am still waiting for that cheque in the mail.
Reforms must be objective based if India seeks the annulment of social inequities.Giving handouts to selective religious or ethnic groups while conveniently absolving any responsibility from the others just because they don't ****** about it is grade A hypocrisy.It's akin to saying''You guys had it going on for a while and now it's time you got treated like garbage''

What benefits? I am still waiting for that cheque in the mail.

Actually demanding special rights for wrongs done historically is anti-national and not progressive. It further keeps alive these differences and may even further them.
Muslims were slow to realize the empowerment that education can bring, during british age.
That continues even today.
When majority of hindus tried to come out of poverty by spending all their money on their kid's education, muslims were still busy making babies and doing low paying small business/farming.
I know in my ancestral village, there is one muslim family, the father had a son 2 months after his eldest son had a daughter.
Hindus in my village are poor too but each generation has tried to provide better education than previous one.

In south India, it could be different, muslims are probably equally rich.

In India, it is a crime to be poor.
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