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  1. Skeptic786

    Musharraf toppled Nawaz Sharif to avoid court martial, says book

    Musharraf toppled Nawaz Sharif to avoid court martial, says book By Amir Mir, Correspondent Lahore: General Pervez Musharraf had toppled the Sharif government in 1999 to avoid his court martial in accordance with the recommendations of an inquiry committee set up by the prime minister...
  2. Skeptic786

    Every iota a lota

    Every iota a lota “THE Maulvis might jeer at us all they want but it is the humble lota that they need for ablution before their prayers,” quipped Federal Parliamentary Affairs Minister Sher Afgan Niazi the other day on a private TV channel. There is no harm in becoming one, said...
  3. Skeptic786

    Happy Birthday PFF!

    Congratulations on the completion of your successful first year.....may you all have many more of the same.
  4. Skeptic786

    Strong Iran for Pakistan

    you misunderstood what i said. Iraq army was defeated and destroyed beyond any recognition....but iraqis are still fighting....so even iraq is by no means a done deal for the western imperialists....My aim was not to demoralise you or anyone. What i was conveying was that our worry should not...
  5. Skeptic786

    UK universities to spy on Muslims

    People are reacting as if this is something new.They have always done this. From university...MI-6/MI-5 recruit their employees and spies....as well as recruit agents from foreign students...who they use once those students finish studies and return home. In the same vein...foreign intelligence...
  6. Skeptic786

    The fire of hubris ( response to mushy's Line of Fire )

    your welcome.:army: agree to the core: *Dr A Q Khan being used as scape goat *Dr A Q Khan didnot act alone or for his personal benefit only Musharaf was DG Milatary operations when the stuff was being exchanged with NK and iran. He could not have been out of the...
  7. Skeptic786

    Strong Iran for Pakistan

    Iran reduced to the chaos and destruction of Afghanistan/Iraq....would level the road for the eventual destruction of Pakistan. Quite simply it would be pakistan's turn...on the chopping block...after Afghanistan....then iraq....then iran/syria....and last but not least.....Pakistan.
  8. Skeptic786

    Pakistan made significant progress under Musharraf: PML

    Look who's saying all this PML...lotas.....who made the most progress *robbed the poor of pakistan 100-130 billion rupees via the sugar scandal (hiking the price overnight 50% ) with impunity. *Had their bank defaults to the tune of billions...frozen/forgiven or simply taken beyond the reach...
  9. Skeptic786

    Army rigs polls, claims former ISI chief

    I myself used to argue that in the spirit of compromise...mushy should step down from presidency and allowed to serve another full term as army chief before honoroubly retiring. But no more. There should be no compromise with him wotsoever ( what to allow him to serve any office or retire...
  10. Skeptic786

    Akhtar, Asif being called back

    atleast give them right of reply. Nandrolone, is often found in medicine which aids recovery from injuries....from which these two have been suffering from. Being found positive for nandrolone is not end of the road by any means....infact British Olympic ( Gold ) sprinter Lenford Christie was...
  11. Skeptic786

    The fire of hubris ( response to mushy's Line of Fire )

    The fire of hubris By Khurram Dastgir-Khan In the Line of Fire is not a memoir but an unwieldy mix of autobiography and 'apologia pro vita sua', i.e., a defence of one's life. General Musharraf's private life is for Allah Almighty to judge. His public life -- from the gathering dark of...
  12. Skeptic786

    More to Clinton-Nawaz rendezvous than known

    More to Clinton-Nawaz rendezvous than known By Nayyar Zaidi WASHINGTON: “(President Bill) Clinton asked (Prime Minister Mian Nawaz) Sharif if he knew how advanced the threat of nuclear war really was. Did Sharif know his military was preparing their nuclear tipped missiles?”...
  13. Skeptic786

    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    your welcome. anyway the questions you raised at the top of the thread i once myself put them to a hizb-tahreer activist.......to say the least the debate with him was heated and ended on both of us parting on the agreement to disagree with one another. He never talked to me again on Islam...
  14. Skeptic786

    Musharraf: a Soldier or a Midas

    To zpak; my response is given after your statement highlighted in bold letters; Just chill yaar its really not that bad. I cant stand the fact that we have a military dictatorship in government. But I have no hesitation in saying that its a hell of a lot better than to have a "civilian" or...
  15. Skeptic786

    Should This Man Be Smiling?

    Sycophancy at its worst "Tariq Azeem on Thursday dubbed President Pervez Musharraf as the “most popular leader” of Pakistan"
  16. Skeptic786

    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    bro, in one of your other posts you mention being an undergrad student...so assuming your lack of knowledge of the origins of khalifat movement of pro-khalifa people i say the following purely to add to your knowledge and others ( if i say anything wrong.,you and others are welcome to correct...
  17. Skeptic786

    Kuli: I never advocated martial law

    one charge which stands proved against musharaf...from his own word of mouth ( i.e. Book ) is that ; * He had ingratiated himself with Mr.Sharif by keeping the latter informed of the criticism of the Government's functioning by Lt.Gen.Ali Kuli Khan and Lt.Gen. Khalid Nawaz at theCorps...
  18. Skeptic786

    Musharraf: a Soldier or a Midas

    bro, do not say things like hey I'm all for a civilian government this statement is enuff for you to be labelled anti-state, anti milatary, anti musharaf etc....on many a forums run by pro musharaf elements. Jinnah and Liaqat Ali Khan had about the same feudal lords in their governments...
  19. Skeptic786

    Pakistan's name should be changed to Army Welfare Centre

    adminstrative GHQ of the army is one thing and unified command of the whole armed forces together in one place quite another.The small GHQ of the army...i donot think was attacked in either of the 1971 or 65 war. What is being contemplated is much bigger even than the Pentagon of the united...
  20. Skeptic786

    Musharraf nuclear claims attacked

    bro, all i ask you to do is try to realise the difference between Carey sublette scholarly work....which was produced by in depth research and relied on pakistani sources which she cited honestly...this work is used and published by world renowned thinks tanks of the western world. Her work...
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