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Musharraf nuclear claims attacked

Man how many times will I have to say this. Carey herself took a lot of stuff from the Pakistani sources like the stuff that RMS Azam wrote. There is more in-depth stuff available on the Pakistani program from Pakistani sources than what this Carey person has written (which includes quite a bit of conjecture and hypothetical stuff). A lot of the footnotes in Carey's work point to works of RMS who and another individual have been sharing quite a lot on Pakdef since 1999 about the Pakistani nuclear program and people who were involved in it. The doc. that I pasted is actually a pretty good compilation of stuff that over the years has been released on the Internet and quite a lot of it is not in Carey's work. The core input has always been from Pakistani sources upon which Carey herself relies.


all i ask you to do is try to realise the difference between Carey sublette scholarly work....which was produced by in depth research and relied on pakistani sources which she cited honestly...this work is used and published by world renowned thinks tanks of the western world. Her work was published and updated to 2002.

Chaurdri clown on the other hand put together a defametory piece ( hit job as they say in usa ) in 2006 was published by Pakistan defence journal in mid 2006.......as i said before...he copy pasted large portions of Carey work....and at the end simply pasted her references as his own. His own remarks are defamatory and in places direct attacks on Dr Qadeer which is more than enough evidence to realise why the clown did what he did.

Carey work...once a person realises as an american she has to faithfully follow the agenda of denigrating Dr Qadeer and disregards her disparging remarks....is quite credible.

I have never said Dr Qadeer single handed produced all the nukes.....let me borrow Carey words to explain my stance;

Long celebrated as the "Father of the Pakistani Bomb", A. Q. Khan deserves credit for providing Pakistan with the means for producing nuclear weapons, for without the uranium enrichment gas centrifuge plant built under Khan's leadership, using classified and proprietary plans and technology......from his former employer URENCO, Pakistan would not now have the ability to build dozens of nuclear weapons.

btw you can read biography of Qadeer in that thread by Carey from where i have taken the above quote;

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