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  1. v9s

    China commits $6.5 billion for nuclear project in Pakistan

    No No NO...you do your research before posting! The Japanese reactor was a Gen I design that required cooling even if reactor is turned off. The Japanese reactor only failed because the tsunami waters flooded the emergency generators that were powering the cooling system for the reactors...
  2. v9s

    PDF Color Scheme

    Can we have the classic PDF look as an option too? I hate this new look. I'm actually visiting PDF less now...maybe that's a good thing :lol:
  3. v9s

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Not environment testing. It is an Anechoic Chamber : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anechoic_chamber
  4. v9s

    India puts up 'Death Trap' at border, Pak sees RED

    Chutyapay ki post likho ge toh aisa hi answer millay ga jani.
  5. v9s

    India puts up 'Death Trap' at border, Pak sees RED

    It was actually the Indian Army that killed its own soldiers...y'know cannon fodder.
  6. v9s

    What happened between Zia and Rajiv Gandhi

    Oh Karan you're adorable :ashamed:
  7. v9s

    Al Qaeda executes 3 men for not knowing prayers

    Yet another dolt that has discovered answering-islam.org/related anti-islam website. Good job!
  8. v9s

    Don’t Fly During Ramadan

    A couple of weeks ago, I was scheduled to take a trip from New York (JFK) to Los Angeles on JetBlue. Every year, my family goes on a one-week pilgrimage, where we put our work on hold and spend time visiting temples, praying, and spending time with family and friends. To my Jewish friends, I...
  9. v9s

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    .....and who do you think funded the initial deal with SAAB? ;)
  10. v9s

    Modi to Kill 500 Pakistanis for 5 Indians | Baba Ramdev

    Thank you captain obvious! http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/272197-najam-sethi-how-pakistan-army-sabotages-peace-process.html
  11. v9s

    The Government Now Admits There's an 'Area 51'

    Newly declassified documents, obtained by George Washington University's National Security Archive, appear to for the first time acknowledge the existence of Area 51. Hundreds of pages describe the genesis of the Nevada site that was home to the government's spy plane program for decades. The...
  12. v9s

    ‘No Muslim’ parking sign board at Texas

    Oh shut up you blubbering twat.
  13. v9s

    Falling prey to ‘Halal’ investments

    Islamic banking follows the same mechanism as the standard banking system. The difference is how loans are given out and where investments of depositors money is made. It's been a long time since i've read up on it, so i'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but if you read up on it you'll find it...
  14. v9s

    Falling prey to ‘Halal’ investments

    Agreed. Kind of. It's a branding concept. Ethical banking doesn't have the same ring to it ;)
  15. v9s

    Disaster in Karachi due to monsoon rains

    Dude..learn to read. I said flooding was at a minimum, unlike the recent situation.
  16. v9s

    Disaster in Karachi due to monsoon rains

    Dude STFU. Of course the flooding will happen....if you don't maintain the bloody drainage systems! Karachi has a very crappy garbage disposal system, and on top of that, it only gets heavy rainfall few times a year...which leads to the drains being blocked up by garbage and sand/silt. I...
  17. v9s

    Why Pashtunwali when Islam is there?

    Umm no. The analogy makes sense. You choose not to reflect upon it. See, if the teacher already knows the outcome, and thus decides to grade the student before the student can prove his claim of being able to build the plane, it will leave room for argument. Besides, there are no quick answers...
  18. v9s

    Why Pashtunwali when Islam is there?

    Life's a test. Say you're a student of aeronautical engineering, and you claim to your teacher you can build a plane. The best way to test this claim would be to actually let you build the plane, even if the teacher has a fair idea of what the outcome will be, wouldn't you agree?
  19. v9s

    Pakistan finds 20 dead militants after operation.

    We have intelligence operatives in those areas. It's the reason why we have superior intelligence about the militant hideouts compared to the US with all their tech. As for why we want drones, it's because they're much more cheaper to operate than sending out a jet.
  20. v9s

    Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

    I don't think that's how diplomatic number plates look like. It's probably an illegal custom number plate.
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