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  1. T-Rex

    Pakistan: The demon the West created

    During the last half a century, the west has created two demons or regional thugs. One is sucking the blood of the oppressed Palestinian people and the other is sucking the blood of the Kashmiris. To the hypocrites in the west, these regional thugs have become indispensable tool of exploitation...
  2. T-Rex

    A grave warning on Iran from 'the decision maker'

    Yes, it's true but the question is how long will it take for Iran to recognize that fact ?
  3. T-Rex

    Attack West as payback for Syria: Iran ayatollah

    These indians are amazing! They are never out of ideas about the ways they commit mischief. This one even uses a Pakistani flag along his indian one. On the part of the Iranians, it's even more amazing that most of them still view india as an ally.
  4. T-Rex

    A grave warning on Iran from 'the decision maker'

    Now, the zionazi squid squirts ink before running away.
  5. T-Rex

    World Slowly Heading for WW3: Video

    Do we not hear how 'the world' is concerned about Iran's nuclear warheads? Do we not hear how "the world" feels so comfortable with the threat of the zionazi nukes? Now, what is the composition of that 'world'? Handful of expansionist powers led by israel, right? So, ladyboy, don't think london...
  6. T-Rex

    truth of pakistan china relation

    Pakistan had only China while india has Russia, the whole of Europe and lately uncle sam and israel. But even then india cannot stand on her own.
  7. T-Rex

    Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

    As I said, stop pretending that you care about human rights. If you did, the despots in SA, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. UAE and Jordan would be history. Those despots rule with your aid.
  8. T-Rex

    Morsy on path-breaking visit to China, Iran

    The Arab Spring was not instigated by the west but the west joined the band wagon when it could not stop the tide.
  9. T-Rex

    Israel begs United States to help out with Iran.

    Uncle sam is shiting in its pants. It's very embarrassing to disclose this to the master.
  10. T-Rex

    Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

    Morons like you think that if the casualties are in hundreds then it is not a crime but if the casualties are in thousands than it is a crime. It is the principle not the figure of death that matters. If Asad is guilty of being a dictator then so are the sheikhs of Bahrain, Saudia Arabia and...
  11. T-Rex

    Hezbollah will give crushing response if Tel Aviv attacks Lebanon: Nasralla

    That's the assumption of the Saudi intellectuals with an ounce of donkey brain they have.
  12. T-Rex

    India condemns OIC remarks on Jammu and Kashmir

    I never heard of "economic staction". I used to hear that the bollywood stars were very good in English. Did you get your English lessons from one of those stars?
  13. T-Rex

    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    The despotic custodian speaks again. Why don't you just fvck youself ?
  14. T-Rex

    Israeli DM Declares Public Opposition to War on Iran Doesn’t Matter

    In fake democracies public protests are portrayed as 'mobs'.
  15. T-Rex

    Hezbollah will give crushing response if Tel Aviv attacks Lebanon: Nasralla

    Hmm, will the zionist masters wait till then?
  16. T-Rex

    India condemns OIC remarks on Jammu and Kashmir

    Yes, everybody knows that the OIC is a worthless organization but in this case this rubbish organization would have instantly grown sharp teeth if it had supported the indian occupation of Kashmir.
  17. T-Rex

    World Slowly Heading for WW3: Video

    Terrorists with CIA connection are attacking Pakistani military bases.
  18. T-Rex

    Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres

    Yes, the world knows that you guys are thinking of that. BTW, you don't need to use the Pakistani flag for saying that, you can use your own flag.
  19. T-Rex

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Now that depends on who's defining 'substance'. Yes, zionazis don't see any substance in what I say, they must not or else their lies get exposed.
  20. T-Rex

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    You and your big daddy are the only beneficiary, Pakistan has gained nothing from it. For quite sometime you and your big daddy have been trying to prove to the world that it is not safe for the world to allow Pakistan to possess nukes but it is safe for the world when india or israel possesses...
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