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Pakistan: The demon the West created

Demon is west itself.

Soon it will drown in the whirlpool it created. Demographic change worldwide will erase white European/American hegemony or maybe even white people's.

What a racist and ignorant post. I bet the Kurds have similar things to say about Turks.
What a racist and ignorant post. I bet the Kurds have similar things to say about Turks.

And where is the racism? I wish Kurds a better life standard in USA.

This is second time I hear negative views against Turks. If You wish to bash Turkey, do it. I would respond and beat you in a polite way.
Pakistan: The demon the West created

August is a month that brings both joy and grief to the 1.3 billion people of the Indian subcontinent. Joy, as we celebrate the end of nearly 200 years of British colonial rule in 1947, and sorrow as we remember the one million who were slaughtered unnecessarily in a genocidal frenzy of religious hatred.

Punjab, my ancestral homeland, was sliced in two by the departing British to create the new state of Pakistan. In a few short months, the entire population of Punjab’s indigenous Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan was either slaughtered or driven out by raging mobs of Muslim fanatics. On the other side of the border, there was more bloodshed.

The question often asked is, who penned the partition of India? Who was responsible for carving out Pakistan, a country that seems to have an insatiable appetite for bloodshed, and that has been responsible for, or associated with, more acts of ****** terrorism then any other country on earth?

From Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s 9/11 plans to the recent recruitment of jihadis in Burma; from the Toronto 18 to the London 7/7 bombings, fingerprints of Pakistan-based ****** groups and ideologies are ubiquitous.

Conventional wisdom and traditional scholarship dictates, Pakistan came about as a result of Muslim grievances and fear of a Hindu-majority rule in post British India. Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the All India Muslim League are given credit for tapping into this sense of victimhood that still drives much of Islamist anger around the world.

However, there is more to it than meets the eye. On May 5, 1945, the very day Germany surrendered, Prime Minister Churchill ordered an appraisal of “the long-term policy required to safeguard the strategic interests of the British Empire in India and the Indian Ocean.” Two weeks later Churchill received the top-secret report that, among other proposals, mentioned the necessity of British presence in Northwest India (today’s Pakistan) “from which British air power could threaten Soviet military installations.” When this was brought to the attention of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s Prime Minister and the Congress, they made it clear they would not accept British bases on Indian soil. On the other hand, Muslim League leader Jinnah was amenable to such an idea.

Two months later, Churchill was shockingly defeated by the Labour Party in the election, leaving the task of creating Pakistan for the sake of Western military strategic needs to the socialists.

By June 1947, the decision to amputate India was announced in London. It was left to British foreign secretary Ernst Bevin to explain to his party activists why London would seek to destroy what it had built over 100 years as the “Jewel of the British Crown.” Defending the decision that would devastate the lives of millions for decades, Bevin told delegates at a Labour Party Conference that the division of India was necessary because it “would help to consolidate Britain in the Middle East.” It’s no coincidence that within a few years, the U.S. would establish an air base in Pakistan to launch its high altitude U2 spy aircraft until one day in 1960 when a U2 was shot down over Russia and Gary Powers was captured.

Thus came the great divide on August 14-15, 1947. After partition, the UK handed over the baton to the US ,who invested heavily into Pakistan becoming a frontline anti-communist military state. Today, the USSR is dead, but Pakistan is alive and has become America’s demon; one that successive U.S. administrations cannot put back into the bottle.

My next book, “Pakistan: The Demon America Created” dwells in detail the tragic division of India and the monster of Islamism that morphed out of the Cold War and now haunts and hunts its own maker.

So in other words, Pakistan should not have existed and instead should have been allowed to be dominated by 800 million hindus?

The rest regarding terrorism is just an excuse on the part of this guy (whoever he is) to try and justify his main idea, ie Pakistan's existence.

BTW, wasn't india also created by the British?
My brother Hyperion absolutely loves Tarek Fatah....! Loves him to the point of idolizing him, perhaps he can give some insights ! :D
Once I saw the title I knew I was going to be 500% frickin done
wow, this author must be yindu or something. what does he think, that pakistan was but a gift of his white, anglo-saxon masters? that without western meddling, his yindu kind could enslave the pakistanis in a subcontinental empire where muslims could be forced to live under yindu yoke? the fact is, pakistan fought for its own birth and independence, and a collective effort by the anglo-saxons and their yindu to stop that independence failed. pakistan isn't a western gift; it is an emblem of anglo-saxon and yindu impotence. and all the subsequent bloodshed and terror was only one inept yindu endeavor after another to try to mask your own impotence in face of pakistan's existence.
Pakistan: The demon the West created

August is a month that brings both joy and grief to the 1.3 billion people of the Indian subcontinent. Joy, as we celebrate the end of nearly 200 years of British colonial rule in 1947, and sorrow as we remember the one million who were slaughtered unnecessarily in a genocidal frenzy of religious hatred.

Punjab, my ancestral homeland, was sliced in two by the departing British to create the new state of Pakistan. In a few short months, the entire population of Punjab’s indigenous Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan was either slaughtered or driven out by raging mobs of Muslim fanatics. On the other side of the border, there was more bloodshed.

The question often asked is, who penned the partition of India? Who was responsible for carving out Pakistan, a country that seems to have an insatiable appetite for bloodshed, and that has been responsible for, or associated with, more acts of ****** terrorism then any other country on earth?

From Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s 9/11 plans to the recent recruitment of jihadis in Burma; from the Toronto 18 to the London 7/7 bombings, fingerprints of Pakistan-based ****** groups and ideologies are ubiquitous.

Conventional wisdom and traditional scholarship dictates, Pakistan came about as a result of Muslim grievances and fear of a Hindu-majority rule in post British India. Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the All India Muslim League are given credit for tapping into this sense of victimhood that still drives much of Islamist anger around the world.

However, there is more to it than meets the eye. On May 5, 1945, the very day Germany surrendered, Prime Minister Churchill ordered an appraisal of “the long-term policy required to safeguard the strategic interests of the British Empire in India and the Indian Ocean.” Two weeks later Churchill received the top-secret report that, among other proposals, mentioned the necessity of British presence in Northwest India (today’s Pakistan) “from which British air power could threaten Soviet military installations.” When this was brought to the attention of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s Prime Minister and the Congress, they made it clear they would not accept British bases on Indian soil. On the other hand, Muslim League leader Jinnah was amenable to such an idea.

Two months later, Churchill was shockingly defeated by the Labour Party in the election, leaving the task of creating Pakistan for the sake of Western military strategic needs to the socialists.

By June 1947, the decision to amputate India was announced in London. It was left to British foreign secretary Ernst Bevin to explain to his party activists why London would seek to destroy what it had built over 100 years as the “Jewel of the British Crown.” Defending the decision that would devastate the lives of millions for decades, Bevin told delegates at a Labour Party Conference that the division of India was necessary because it “would help to consolidate Britain in the Middle East.” It’s no coincidence that within a few years, the U.S. would establish an air base in Pakistan to launch its high altitude U2 spy aircraft until one day in 1960 when a U2 was shot down over Russia and Gary Powers was captured.

Thus came the great divide on August 14-15, 1947. After partition, the UK handed over the baton to the US ,who invested heavily into Pakistan becoming a frontline anti-communist military state. Today, the USSR is dead, but Pakistan is alive and has become America’s demon; one that successive U.S. administrations cannot put back into the bottle.

My next book, “Pakistan: The Demon America Created” dwells in detail the tragic division of India and the monster of Islamism that morphed out of the Cold War and now haunts and hunts its own maker.

During the last half a century, the west has created two demons or regional thugs. One is sucking the blood of the oppressed Palestinian people and the other is sucking the blood of the Kashmiris. To the hypocrites in the west, these regional thugs have become indispensable tool of exploitation and oppression used against Muslim populations.
Holy Cow Turkey is a country? Sounds like its in Africa. Is it?
I'm fairly certain Turkey is a continent....with mermaids.

Even though not perfect, your grammar is impressive for an American.

Pray? Were't Americans hard core atheists? So how'd your gf's last abortion go?
Delete...a little over the top.
I have yet to meet an Indian who does not lament the partition , on the flip side , its the worst nightmare of Pakistanis to think like this........I cannot comment on what might have happened but my gut says muslim population in greater India would've been further marginalized from what they are suffering now in the hands of narrow minded hindus in the rationlized India of now !
Yeah , that is why India allowed Mountbatten to become the first Governor General whilst Pakistan strongly refused ! Maybe somebody should teach a little history to this clown ! Talking as if the Crown was too eager for partition !
What a racist and ignorant post. I bet the Kurds have similar things to say about Turks.

where was racism in this post? I cant find it even with a microscope.

Yeah , that is why India allowed Mountbatten to become the first Governor General whilst Pakistan strongly refused ! Maybe somebody should teach a little history to this clown ! Talking as if the Crown was too eager for partition !

The 'west' (read Brits) which supposedly created Pakistan did everything to dismantle it in a few years. From stopping the supplies and not transferring the war equipment to stop funding to strangulate the new state. Yet, Pakistan did survive.

There are apologist here in the west who try to be more loyal to the king. they being muslim try to portray themselves as liberals by denouncing islam or their homeland.

the countries of our settlement has given us a lot. No doubt Canada is a superb place to live in. It offers innumerable opportunities in every walk of life. But I will not become more Canadian by denouncing Pakistan. Sadly, there are people like here with a twisted mind.
Mods please delete thread. Article is crap and biased
Pakistan: The demon the West created

August is a month that brings both joy and grief to the 1.3 billion people of the Indian subcontinent. Joy, as we celebrate the end of nearly 200 years of British colonial rule in 1947, and sorrow as we remember the one million who were slaughtered unnecessarily in a genocidal frenzy of religious hatred.

Punjab, my ancestral homeland, was sliced in two by the departing British to create the new state of Pakistan. In a few short months, the entire population of Punjab’s indigenous Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan was either slaughtered or driven out by raging mobs of Muslim fanatics. On the other side of the border, there was more bloodshed.

The question often asked is, who penned the partition of India? Who was responsible for carving out Pakistan, a country that seems to have an insatiable appetite for bloodshed, and that has been responsible for, or associated with, more acts of ****** terrorism then any other country on earth?

From Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s 9/11 plans to the recent recruitment of jihadis in Burma; from the Toronto 18 to the London 7/7 bombings, fingerprints of Pakistan-based ****** groups and ideologies are ubiquitous.

Conventional wisdom and traditional scholarship dictates, Pakistan came about as a result of Muslim grievances and fear of a Hindu-majority rule in post British India. Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the All India Muslim League are given credit for tapping into this sense of victimhood that still drives much of Islamist anger around the world.

However, there is more to it than meets the eye. On May 5, 1945, the very day Germany surrendered, Prime Minister Churchill ordered an appraisal of “the long-term policy required to safeguard the strategic interests of the British Empire in India and the Indian Ocean.” Two weeks later Churchill received the top-secret report that, among other proposals, mentioned the necessity of British presence in Northwest India (today’s Pakistan) “from which British air power could threaten Soviet military installations.” When this was brought to the attention of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s Prime Minister and the Congress, they made it clear they would not accept British bases on Indian soil. On the other hand, Muslim League leader Jinnah was amenable to such an idea.

Two months later, Churchill was shockingly defeated by the Labour Party in the election, leaving the task of creating Pakistan for the sake of Western military strategic needs to the socialists.

By June 1947, the decision to amputate India was announced in London. It was left to British foreign secretary Ernst Bevin to explain to his party activists why London would seek to destroy what it had built over 100 years as the “Jewel of the British Crown.” Defending the decision that would devastate the lives of millions for decades, Bevin told delegates at a Labour Party Conference that the division of India was necessary because it “would help to consolidate Britain in the Middle East.” It’s no coincidence that within a few years, the U.S. would establish an air base in Pakistan to launch its high altitude U2 spy aircraft until one day in 1960 when a U2 was shot down over Russia and Gary Powers was captured.

Thus came the great divide on August 14-15, 1947. After partition, the UK handed over the baton to the US ,who invested heavily into Pakistan becoming a frontline anti-communist military state. Today, the USSR is dead, but Pakistan is alive and has become America’s demon; one that successive U.S. administrations cannot put back into the bottle.

My next book, “Pakistan: The Demon America Created” dwells in detail the tragic division of India and the monster of Islamism that morphed out of the Cold War and now haunts and hunts its own maker.


They knew that making people's mindset "slaves" they can rule any time and in any situation. Slaves are responsible for whole scenario being invisible Demon created by West. Pakistan known as SOVEREIGN COUNTRY but where is sovereignty when cord of all orders in hand of west?
What a racist and ignorant post. I bet the Kurds have similar things to say about Turks.

How dare you insult a Turkish poster here on PDF and in Pakistani territory.

The Kurds are terrorists who have killed numerous Turkish men, women and children, just like Taliban here in Pakistan. The Turks do the right thing by responding well against the marauders who kill innocents. They can stay in eyeraq and gain their independence if they want to, but killing innocent people in other countries, particularly in Turkey equates them with butchers.

You can keep your desert fox cap and become a Nazi for all anybody can care about, but don't insult a Turk here. PERIOD.

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