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Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

Here is a question for you.
You say in Syria minority is ruling majority and it should be toppled.I want to know do you believe in the same thing in Bahrain?
Your answer is gonna be interesting since maybe it exposes your hypocrite face.:coffee:
I'm waiting for you excuses and blah blah about Bahrain.

Almost all weapons Hezbollah used in 2006 war against Israel came from Syria and financed by Iran.Now tell me,did you really expect Syria to directly declare war on Israel?Sectarian hate has made them blind,now they see Iran and Syria greater enemies than Israel.You should blame those corrupt Arab monarchies that their mouth is so big enough for huffs and puffs and doing nothing.

So Al-Assad regime will fight with Israel till the last Lebanese alive? financing training equipping the militant outfits never ever won the battles leave apart war it can only provide resistance & resistance has its limitation and time frame . Sectarianism is reality in the Middle East and now it has resurfaced after Syrian crisis. Syria has never been the enemy it is only the tool between Arabs and Iran, It is vital for Sunnite regimes of Middle East to bring back Syria in to the Sunnite fold.
That's it.I wanted to hear that.
Exactly,they should be compared.In Bahrain a corrupt puppet regime is ruling the majority.I just wanted you to expose your dual dace toward the situation and all the crocodile tears about Syria.
The only difference between Bahrain and Syria is that,Arab regimes send terrorists in there to fight the government,but in Bahrain,protesters are on their own and being neglected by Western and Arab regimes.This hypocrisy is disgusting,however no one should be surprised.

Why should I bother repeating myself for the tenth time!? Last time you didn't reply.
So Al-Assad regime will fight with Israel till the last Lebanese alive? financing training equipping the militant outfits never ever won the battles leave apart war it can only provide resistance & resistance has its limitation and time frame . Sectarianism is reality in the Middle East and now it has resurfaced after Syrian crisis. Syria has never been the enemy it is only the tool between Arabs and Iran, It is vital for Sunnite regimes of Middle East to bring back Syria in to the Sunnite fold.

Why? why can't the accept a nation where all live along happily and peacefully, i will tell you why? because Israel fears Syria, and destroying the unity will only benefit Israel and the west, the GCC is blind enough to only focus on an issue that should not be a problem. we in Syria believe in this, Religion is for God, and the NATION is for ALL.

Start at minute 40 to see why Israel fears Syria, which is why Israel wants to destroy Syria, and the GCC pays for it by sending terrorists and money.
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Why? why can't the accept a nation where all live along happily and peacefully, i will tell you why? because Israel fears Syria, and destroying the unity will only benefit Israel and the west, the GCC is blind enough to only focus on an issue that should not be a problem. we in Syria believe in this, Religion is for God, and the NATION is for ALL.

Start at minute 40 to see why Israel fears Syria, which is why Israel wants to destroy Syria, and the GCC pays for it by sending terrorists and money.

Israel fears Syria ... joke of millennium mate

They have been occupying Golan Hieghts from last 45 years attacking Syrian nuclear installations at there free will still Israel fear with Syria ???????..

People of Middle East must understand that the Middle East going through a change after invasion of Iraq the geography of the region will definitely realign and new power structure is being built. The change of guard in Syria is natural and inevitable after that Lebanon & Jordan. GCC will emerge as a more integrated union Levant (after fall of al-Assad) will align with Turkey. New Egypt will play a major role and then life of Israel is under severe threat.
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Israel fears Syria ... joke of millennium mate

They have been occupying Golan Hieghts from last 45 years attacking Syrian nuclear installations at there free will still Israel fear with Syria ???????..

People of Middle East must understand that the Middle East going through a change after invasion of Iraq the geography of the region will definitely realign and new power structure is being built. The change of guard in Syria is natural and inevitable after that Lebanon & Jordan. GCC will emerge as a more integrated union Levant (after fall of al-Assad) will align with Turkey. New Egypt will play a major role and then life of Israel is under severe threat.

Again i will refer you back to post # 89 :wave:, open your mind :rolleyes:
My mind is open and always respectable even with the most different opinion may be you are not the student of geopolitics just a Nationalist ( with which i have no problem).

Alright then, if you are open minded why did you bring the issue of Syria into the Bahrain issue?
Stay on topic
Bahrain activist jailed for 3 years for protests


MANAMA, Bahrain — A prominent Bahraini human rights activist was found guilty Thursday of instigating and participating in several illegal gatherings and sentenced to three years in jail.

The unexpectedly stiff sentence against Nabeel Rajab will raise questions about the Western-backed Sunni monarchy's commitment to reform, and embolden anti-government protesters who have been demonstrating the past 18 months for greater rights in the Gulf island kingdom, home to the U.S. Navy's 5th fleet.

Rajab, who is already serving a three-month sentence for posting anti-government comments on Twitter, was in court for the verdict. He is president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights.

ajab's attorney Mohammed al-Jishi said each of three cases yielded a year imprisonment, for a total of three years. Al-Jishi said he plans to appeal the ruling.

In a separate case involving comments made on social media site Twitter, a judge delayed issuing a verdict against Rajab's appeal until Aug. 23.

Bahrain has experienced near daily protests since February 2011 following an uprising by the kingdom's Shiite majority seeking greater political rights from the Western-backed Sunni monarchy. At least 50 people have died in the unrest and hundreds have been detained, including prominent rights activists and Shiite opposition leaders.

Shiites account for about 70 percent of Bahrain's population of just over half a million people, but claim they face widespread discrimination and lack opportunities granted to the Sunni minority. The country's leaders have offered some reforms including restoring jobs for many Shiites pushed out from their posts at the start of the uprising and giving parliament more power.

But the opposition says they fall short of Shiite demands for a greater voice in the country's affairs and an elected government.

The unrest has put Washington into an awkward position. U.S. officials have called for efforts to reopen political dialogue in Bahrain, but are careful not to press too hard against the nation's leadership and possibly jeopardize its important military ties.

Rights groups criticized the ruling against Rajab and said it raises questions over whether the regime is serious about reforms. They have called for his immediate release.

"It seems Bahrain's rulers are far more comfortable with harsh repression than with the reforms King Hamad keeps promising," said Joe Stork, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa division. "The government has yet to show that Nabeel Rajab did any more than exercise his right to free expression and peaceful assembly. He should be set free, not sent away from his family to prison."

MANAMA, Bahrain - Bahrain activist jailed for 3 years for protests - World - TheState.com
Alright then, if you are open minded why did you bring the issue of Syria into the Bahrain issue?
Stay on topic

yes mate, i always take care that i just replied the interesting post that too a copy paste from Syrian thread.

Morons like you think that if the casualties are in hundreds then it is not a crime but if the casualties are in thousands than it is a crime. It is the principle not the figure of death that matters. If Asad is guilty of being a dictator then so are the sheikhs of Bahrain, Saudia Arabia and other gulf and ME kingdoms. So, stop pretending that you care about human rights and democracy.
There is no any hundreds killed in Bahrain. This guy is first killed in Bahrain in months. Meanwhile in Syria hundred people are killed every day. There is no any comparison between two and ur personal insults wont help.

So Al-Assad regime will fight with Israel till the last Lebanese alive?
Well said. As one Lebanese politician said, Assad is a lion in Lebanon and a mouse on the Golan. :lol:

this is about Bahrain, there is a thread about Syria, and I answered million times about Golan, but u keep ignoring the answer bc its true.
Malicious E-Mail Attachments Sent to Activists Steal Passwords, Record Skype Calls

Bahrain’s government is spying on Bahraini activists with a malicious computer program apparently supplied by a UK firm.

Bahrain Watch founding member Bill Marczak, and Citizen Lab security researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire analyzed a string of suspicious e-mails sent to activists over the past two months. The e-mails promised exclusive images or documents about the political situation in Bahrain. Upon closer examination, the e-mails were found to contain attachments that installed a malicious program on a victim’s computer. Some of these e-mails impersonated Al Jazeera English reporter Melissa Chan.

The malicious program was found to record keystrokes, take screenshots, record Skype calls, and steal passwords saved in web browsers, e-mail programs, and instant messaging programs. The malicious program sent this data to an internet address in Bahrain.

The analysis suggests that the malicious program is “FinSpy,” a product of UK firm Gamma International. FinSpy belongs to the FinFisher suite for “Governmental IT Intrusion and Remote Monitoring Solutions.” Gamma International was criticized for apparently selling the same product to Mubarak’s regime in Egypt. Before technology giant Apple closed the security gap, FinSpy would infect computers by tricking users into thinking that it was an iTunes update. London-based NGO Privacy International has threatened to take the UK government to court for failing to control the export of surveillance technology to repressive foreign regimes.

During the analysis of FinSpy, a stolen GMail password was later used in an attempt to access the GMail account, suggesting that the Bahraini government is actively monitoring and exploiting the information captured by FinSpy.

A detailed report of the technical analysis of the program can be read at: https://citizenlab.org/2012/07/from-bahrain-with-love-finfishers-spy-kit-exposed/3/. A non-technical report of the analysis by Bloomberg News can be read at: Cyber Attacks on Activists Traced to FinFisher Spyware of Gamma - Bloomberg. Bahrain Watch would like to extend its gratitude to all of the activists, researchers, and journalists, including those at Bloomberg News, who contributed to this story.

UK Company Helps Bahrain Gov't Spy on Activists

US gives Bahraini regime green light to commit crimes

Bahraini regime forces have attacked anti-government demonstrators in the northeastern island of Sitra.

The demonstration was organized by the Amal Islamic Action Society on Tuesday.

Police used tear gas to disperse the protesters.

Anti-regime demonstrations in Bahrain continue despite the heavy-handed crackdown by the security forces.

Scores of people have been killed and many others have been injured in the Saudi-backed suppression of protests in Bahrain since the popular revolt erupted in February 2011.

Interview with Kamel Wazne, political analyst, to further discuss the issue. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Q: How far are the Al-Khalifa willing to go to crush these demonstrations, and in addition to that, how long will the Saudis be involved in the clampdowns?

Wazne: Well obviously they have the green light from the Americans and from the Saudis to continue the crackdown and the torture and unlawful imprisonment of innocent people.

Over 4,500 detainees without any justification is a violation of the country itself as actually their own committee that was established by the king and by the Khalifa found the violation of human rights and it comes to a crime against humanity.

And I think it is a violation of the international law but as the world is silent and the United States embracing the process that Khalifa family is going about and the Saudis being complicit by sending their troops to fight the innocent people.

I think this is going very far but on the other hand there is determination on the Bahraini people, they will continue their voice for freedom, for liberty and to have their demand be actually achieved.

So this is here a battle of the wills and I think the will of the Bahraini people are very strong and determined. We have seen these oppressed people in the past, how they were able to prevail and those who oppress them how their destiny will be known in the coming days and maybe years.

Q: Well let’s talk about the international issue towards Bahrain, the international silence towards the Bahrain uprising is just an issue you touched up on in and also the evident double standards that the West has with regards to events of the past year or so, it’s been different for Yemen, for Libya and for Syria, but still with no regard for Bahrain.

Wazne: Well obviously you have to know a fact that Bahrain is the home of the Fifth Fleet, it is the most important fleet for the American to spy on the region and to control its operation against Iran, against Pakistan, against Afghanistan and for them they have disregard for the human life despite what their slogans that speak about democracy and freedom.

When it comes to the American interest what they care about is their own business and how they can back their business without any mercy or regard for the human dignity. Here where we see a slaughter and killings by the Bahraini machine against innocent people mostly women, children they did not stop shooting at children, they did not stop using those poisonous gas against innocent people and we have to remind that some of these equipment that is used is supplied by the American, by other entity from the West which always talk about freedom and liberty.

Freedom and liberty in Bahrain is killing and torture and it is sponsored by the Bahraini government and by the West. It is a crime against humanity and this must stop now but I do not think the Americans are doing anything except helping in the crackdown.

US gives Bahraini regime green light to commit crimes
There is no any hundreds killed in Bahrain. This guy is first killed in Bahrain in months. Meanwhile in Syria hundred people are killed every day. There is no any comparison between two and ur personal insults wont help.

Well said. As one Lebanese politician said, Assad is a lion in Lebanon and a mouse on the Golan. :lol:

As I said, stop pretending that you care about human rights. If you did, the despots in SA, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. UAE and Jordan would be history. Those despots rule with your aid.

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