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  1. T-Rex

    Israel: a State built on lies

    Yeah and the Arab despots are losing their daily sleep for the cause of Palestine, I suppose! It is you who is trying to fool the Muslims into thinking that the Arab despots are doing what needs to be done in order to save the Palestinian people.
  2. T-Rex

    Arab Spring Reaches Jordan.

    Mubarak also had ties with israel but in the end even that couldn't save his rear end. What began in Tunisia is bound to happen in every Arab state ruled by ruthless and corrupt despots. It's a question of when and how not a question of if.
  3. T-Rex

    Xi Jinping takes helm of China

    Let's hope that Xi is truly a great warrior because a lot depends on that. Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Syria, Gaza, South China Sea, the Diyu island, Tibet, everywhere the warmongers are showing their venomous fangs!
  4. T-Rex

    China's new Poliburo

    Congratulations to our Chinese brothers and their new leader. I'm sure Xi Jinping is what China needs right now. The warmongers around China and across the Pacific needs to be put into their proper places.
  5. T-Rex

    Arab Spring Reaches Jordan.

    Those who are so worried about democracy in Syria will taste their own medicine now. Iran, Russia and China should arm the Jordanian opposition in case the despot in Amman refuses to go!
  6. T-Rex

    Arab Spring Reaches Jordan.

    Angry over the increasing cost of fuel, protesters have returned to the streets in Jordan's capital, Amman. Roughly 2,000 people gathered downtown on Friday afternoon to protest against a package of price increases, under which the cost of household gas will rise by 53 per cent and petrol by...
  7. T-Rex

    After Britain, US, too, warms up to Narendra Modi

    Vultures are noble creatures if one compares them with creatures like modi and Hitler.
  8. T-Rex

    After Britain, US, too, warms up to Narendra Modi

    Birds of a feather flock together.
  9. T-Rex

    Iran backing Yemen militants to increase regional influence: expert

    SA supports the sunni terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and now in Syria, that is the real surprise I suppose!
  10. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia Funds Mossad Anti-Iran Operations

    Yeah, that is the game plan! Claiming to be natural enemies and acting like natural allies!
  11. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia Funds Mossad Anti-Iran Operations

    The Saudi regime is an ally of israel, it's no secret. This regime has always been busy trying to divert attention by creating shia-sunni conflict. They want to cover-up their despotic and corrupt rule. Every corrupt and tyrannical despot in the Muslim World is an ally of israel, this is the...
  12. T-Rex

    Sunni extremists: We set off bombs in Iraq .

    It'll be interesting to learn exactly what makes it 'bad journalism'. Would it be 'good journalism' if the report was about shia extremists?
  13. T-Rex

    Netanyahu's Red Line

    What is that logic of mine, could you explain? If Pakistan had formed Iran's foreign policy Iran wouldn't have such a friendly relation with india. Actually you have nothing to say, so you talk about my 'logic'. If you didn't know it, Canada and Germany do depend on the US nukes for their...
  14. T-Rex

    America’s latest TV fixation: Nuclear war in Pakistan

    It's quite interesting to see people like you who see bush, blair and netanyahu as pioneers of peace and justice accuse others of being 'warmongers'! We'll be happy to see 'smart' people like you in the decision making circle in india because that will hasten what we predict.
  15. T-Rex

    'Israeli Attack' on Sudanese Arms Factory Offers Glimpse of Secret War

    Is AP a non-western media? The Fox News is just one western news channel, it doesn't mean that the other western news channels like the AP or BBC are independent. Their agenda is to distort the truth, vilify whoever opposes the zionazis and present the terrorist entity called israel as a victim...
  16. T-Rex

    Netanyahu's Red Line

    Does Pakistan or Iran form each others foreign policy? It's a normal relation, but israel basically forms the foreign policy of the US, so I don't see why they can't use the US nuclear umbrella. To a zionazi hypocrite like you it won't make any sense, but to normal people it makes a lot of...
  17. T-Rex

    'Israeli Attack' on Sudanese Arms Factory Offers Glimpse of Secret War

    Morons like you think that the world waits to hear from the Fox News about what the zionazi terrorists are doing in the stolen lands.
  18. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia's secret Arab Spring

    How could you be so stupid to think that just because it's not happening where you are living, it's not happening in the other areas of SA? Don't tell me your vision covers every part of that vile kingdom!
  19. T-Rex

    Netanyahu's Red Line

    I think the zionazi nukes should be dismantled. Why do they need nukes when the US has thousands of them and israel's neighbours have none, when israel has such superiority in conventional weapons? It's the other way round, if a state like israel that lives on state terrorism can possess...
  20. T-Rex

    'Israeli Attack' on Sudanese Arms Factory Offers Glimpse of Secret War

    When did Iran threaten to attack israel? It's just another fabricated story by the Fox News!
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