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'Israeli Attack' on Sudanese Arms Factory Offers Glimpse of Secret War

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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'Israeli Attack' on Sudanese Arms Factory Offers Glimpse of Secret War

Bombing of factory in Khartoum is neither confirmed nor denied by Israel, but there are precedents for this sort of attack

By Ian Black
Middle East editor

October 26, 2012 "The Guardian"- - -No one in Israel is admitting that its pilots carried out a long-range raid against a munitions factory in Sudan, said to be supplying weapons to the Palestinian movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

But no one is denying it either. Amos Gilad, a senior defence ministry official, ducked a direct question, praising the capabilities of Israel's air force and calling Sudan "a dangerous terrorist state".

This is one of those episodes where motive, capability and precedent all matter. Sudan's angry accusation that Israel bombed the Yarmouk factory in Khartoum is highly plausible. The attack appears to offer a rare glimpse of a secret war that has been going on for years.

Israel could mount a raid like this using F-16 fighters, flying south along the Red Sea coast, under Saudi and Egyptian radar and with aerial refuelling. It would take about two and a half hours each way. Experts say drones could also be used. The same long-range capability could allow it to strike nuclear facilities in Iran.

Another tantalising glimpse of this clandestine war came in January 2010, when suspected Mossad agents assassinated Mohammed Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel. Mabhouh was described as the link man between Hamas and Iran. The following year a mysterious missile strike on a car near Port Sudan airport killed his replacement. Hamas denied the story while Sudan called the attack a "desperate Israeli attempt" to smear the country's image and scupper its bid to be removed from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism. Sudan has denied allowing weapons-smuggling through its territory.

Detailed evidence of Israel's efforts to block arms shipments to Hamas (and to Hezbollah in Lebanon) surfaced in WikiLeaks documents published by the Guardian. They demonstrated that Sudan was warned by the US in January 2009 not to allow the delivery of unspecified Iranian arms that were expected to be passed to Hamas in Gaza around the time of Israel's Cast Lead offensive, in which 1,400 Palestinians were killed.

Israeli media has reported that the Israeli air force carried out at least two secret operations in Sudan in January and February 2009. The first involved the bombing of a convoy carrying arms through Sudan to Gaza, in which 119 people were killed. And a ship at a Sudanese port was bombed from the air. Sudan accused the US of carrying out these attacks. In June that year Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, told US officials there was "a steady flow of Iranian weapons to Gaza through Sudan or Syria and then by sea".

Only rarely did the US cables show evidence of direct Israeli requests to the US to block arms deliveries. But in one meeting in 2009 a senior US state department official noted: "Most requests to third countries to deny arms transfer overflights are based on Israeli intelligence. Additional information/intelligence from the government of Israel would ensure greater co-operation."

'Israeli Attack' on Sudanese Arms Factory Offers Glimpse of Secret War
Israel didn't have the balls to attack Iran, so it had to act to regain its image as the invincible military power in the ME.
I think the attack was on North Sudan, Which is house of Terrorists. As I know all non Muslims have been migrated to South Sudan...

Thanks god there won't be any collateral damage..

Good going Israel, kick the *****, Wish India could have done the same... Go Go Go Israel.
When did Iran threaten to attack israel? It's just another fabricated story by the Fox News!

So news about Israeli aggression and terrorism may well be fabricated. How can you tell?
So news about Israeli aggression and terrorism may well be fabricated. How can you tell?

Morons like you think that the world waits to hear from the Fox News about what the zionazi terrorists are doing in the stolen lands.
Sudan was looking to buy JF-17s. They should buy them now to counter Israeli F-16s...
Is that hidden sarcasm ?

According to Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment, Sudan is believed to be modernising its air force through alliances with Pakistan, Russia and China. In 2005 it signed a military cooperation agreement with Pakistan, with some subsequent reports alluding to Sudan intending to purchase 12 JF-17 aircraft.

CATIC offers JF-17 to Africa, Middle East
What is sarcasm is that JF-17 is supposed to stop the Israeli F-16. The Israeli F-16 can easily Jam the JF-17 radar. It will be a sitting duck. Lots of money going down the drain.

Jamming will work if they are engaging from really far distances. However, in this case, Israel is already inside Sudan, therefore, JF-17s can workout to counter them as dogfighters. In fact, it is proven by PAF pilots that is better than F-16 in this mode of combat.
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