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  1. T-Rex

    Iraq: ISIS Kidnaps Shia Turkmen, Destroys Shrines

    I didn't know that disgruntled Bathists of Saddam's defeated army were CIA pets!
  2. T-Rex

    ISIS has Saudis on highest alert

    Muslims are easy prey or perhaps they don't have sufficient amount of the 'right stuff' in them to go after the enemies of Islam. Besides, if they are funded by the Saudi despots going after the allies of those despots cannot be an option.
  3. T-Rex

    When John McCain met ISIS !!!

    Since capturing Iraq's second city of Mosul on 10 June, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) has marched south towards Baghdad, seizing a number of towns, military bases, and resource-rich assets on the way. But what is the group's long-term game plan? It is the wealthiest militant...
  4. T-Rex

    Is possible army rule good or bad for Bangladesh?

    I believe there's a revolution in the making. We might see the full wrath of it within a few months. The rawami thugs are convinced that their shahbagi drama is a revolution but they will be totally blown away by the real revolution. Of course, india might send its forces to save its puppies but...
  5. T-Rex

    Compare between the two Koreas military

    The Soviets are still there but with a different flag. You're too naive or perhaps a bit too willy. We don't buy the crap that the US has its ABM system in Poland for countering the Iranian missiles.
  6. T-Rex

    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    Fariduddin masud is no maulana, he is a hypaocrite and a traitor and that makes him qualified as a rawami leader. He is utterly shameless and corruption is his legacy.
  7. T-Rex

    Alliance of Jamat e Islami and PTI in whole pakistan

    There are no 'jehadi thugs' but certainly there are plenty of secular thugs in Pakistan and Mr. Ten Percent is the top one.
  8. T-Rex

    Army won't sit idle

    The only villains at the moment are the indian r@zakkars, I say we crush them on 6th April.
  9. T-Rex

    Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

    You call it collateral damage when you kill innocent Palestinian civilians.
  10. T-Rex

    Justice in Bangladesh - Another kind of crime

    One day the judges and the prosecutors of this controversial tribunal will be held accountable for their shameful role in this tribunal.
  11. T-Rex

    Chinese Dragon and RussianBear clipped the claws ofAmerican Eagle

    Yeah, Hitler also did everything for the interest of the German people and you defend the US because you're like a Nazi. BTW those who fund and support the politicians who sell the interest of their countries, like Mr. Ten Percent of Pakistan, are no less evil than the traitors of those countries.
  12. T-Rex

    Real target is Islamis aspiration in Bangladesh -War crime is an excuse

    The real scoundrels are robbing the country in the name of spirit of 1971 that's the meaning of my post, nobody is crying other than one so-called champion of 'democracy and human rights'.
  13. T-Rex

    Real target is Islamis aspiration in Bangladesh -War crime is an excuse

    Yeah, some love to talk about 1971 when the rawami thugs are robbing the country left and right, now that reminds of this proverb. Your lies won't cover up the crimes of the rawami terrorists. You better think about your RSS terrorists, we don't need your propaganda.
  14. T-Rex

    Israel preparing to drill Syrian oil

    Yeah, Hitler used to believe the same thing. Therefore it is a proof that israel is like Nazi Germany.
  15. T-Rex

    Brutal action by Jamat-Shibir

    A chapati league terrorist trying to divert attention, it won't work. I think people have taken matters into their own hands. It means even stupid Khaleda and his advisers cannot save these chapati league terrorists.
  16. T-Rex

    Islam is misused to act terror in Bangladesh by Jamat-e-Islam

    Those who slander the Prophet of Islam and those who protect these bastards are the real foes of Islam and malaun fariduddin masud is one example of such a bastard. By all renowned olamas fariduddin masud has been declared as an olamae su which in English means a fake.
  17. T-Rex

    Turkish nuclear scientist commits suicide, reports say

    As if the terrorist state assrahell never practiced assassination! This zionazi's brain cells are dead that's why he cannot comprehend the truth about Mossad.
  18. T-Rex

    A nation divided

    We don't have to hear what is going on in Bangladesh from a heretic Pakistani. The whole thing started when the sham tribunal began violating every fundamental principle of the justice system but of course, a so-called Pakistani heretic posing as a Muslim won't see that. I don't know what these...
  19. T-Rex

    Olama-Mashayekh to rally for Jamaat ban

    Since when did the rawami terrorists get the authority to decide who are the mainstream Islamists and who are not?
  20. T-Rex

    A nation divided

    If anything the sham tribunal has exposed the inhuman and fascist nature of secular political party like the BAL. We know that fascists of the world like you see it differently.
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