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  1. M

    This is an example of the condescending bullshit that the Chinese show to Pakistanis in forum and meetings one after another. How is this related to the military? Please keep your false joviality to controlling your own population, thanks, poor things.
  2. M

    Why can't many Pakistanis see extremists are an existential threat?

    Musharaff is continually taking the rest of us as fools. Either that or he is not in control of the situation at all. What good is he then? Al-Qaeda Commander Moved Freely in Pakistan Libyan Killed Last Week Operated Openly By Imtiaz Ali and Craig Whitlock Washington Post Foreign Service...
  3. M

    Pakistan Army Unwilling or Unable?

    Maybe because India is not involved? Thinking that people who call themselves Muslims cannot be evil is crazy, delusional talk. Muslims are also people who will be judged. As such there will be evil men and evil teachings and evil movements that call themselves Islamic. Merely being Muslim...
  4. M

    FATA Situation

    All this reports and action beg the question: These evil men have had so many camps, bases, weapon caches, why have they been allowed to build and man these resources for so long? Surely the PA must have known of them, FATA is not huge and there are agents everywhere, so why did we never act...
  5. M

    Why can't many Pakistanis see extremists are an existential threat?

    What are the mindset blockages that prevent many Pakistanis to see this? 1. If extremists take over, that is the end of the dream of tolerance and unity that the creators had when they fought for the country to be formed. Not only that, the extremists will drop the idea of nationhood...
  6. M

    Pakistan & the War On Terror: Conflicted Goals, Compromised Performance

    MastanKhan's latest 'masterpiece' is the biggest load of insane, rambling jibber jabber I have had the misfortune of reading on here.
  7. M

    Pak US; Tranactional Relationship

    The point is that oil companies are often considered strategic assets. Every country will protect them. China Oil is filled with government types and oversight from the top down. If China is not even able to allow some foreign ownership into some of its assets like China Oil, including its...
  8. M

    Pak US; Tranactional Relationship

    Would the Chinese government allow an American company to own part of China Oil? The hypocrisy cuts both ways.
  9. M

    Taliban and the Drug and Weapons Trade.

    true, I made an error. But saying that the Northern Alliance are the ones responsible for drug production is just as wrong. Your map clearly shows that the Pathans are harvesting poppies with great enthusiasm.
  10. M

    Pakistan & the War On Terror: Conflicted Goals, Compromised Performance

    I see you begin by insulting me, but there it is. >>>How are you? If you were talking to me then I will respond---you see small minds see small things---it is not a matter of 5 kia in afghanistan and 27 kia in iraq---it becomes an issue of how many muslims are being killed by christian...
  11. M

    Taliban and the Drug and Weapons Trade.

    er, no, in terms of production, as you can see from your own map, most of it is produced in the Pathan areas in the south.
  12. M

    Kabul should address Pakistan’s concerns on India

    Let's stop the self-deception. The Taliban are in charge of nothing except vast tracts of desert and soulless mountains in Afghanistan. If there were actually as many of them as they claim, or that they actually controlled any town, they must sleep 20 hours a day because this is the weakest...
  13. M

    Taliban and the Drug and Weapons Trade.

    The British are responsible for this debacle, as their solely controlled province, Helmand, is responsible for 95% of the drug trade. They really are no good at the counter-insurgency thing.
  14. M

    Pakistan & the War On Terror: Conflicted Goals, Compromised Performance

    Quit daydreaming - the Americans lost only 5 men in Afghanistan the first month of 2008. They can probably stay in Afghanistan forever. Iraq as well, only 27 men. And your post is reminiscent of terrorists, blaming everybody except yourself. Nobody asked us to interfere by supporting the...
  15. M

    If Pakistan is attacked

    It's okay if Al Qaeda attacks Pakistan then?
  16. M

    More terrorists escape from Pakistani police custody

    I think there are more extremist sympathizers in the police force than one thinks. Or there really could be a faction of the government who's not interested in Musharaff achieving success.
  17. M

    FATA Situation

    Abdullah Mehsud, who Pakistani officials say is dead, was a Taleban veteran of Guantanamo Bay who became one of Pakistan's most wanted Islamic militant leaders. Mehsud, 33, spent 25 months in custody at the US base in Cuba before his release in March 2004. BBC NEWS | South Asia | Profile...
  18. M

    More terrorists escape from Pakistani police custody

    All this - deliberate??? What would the Shia think??? In a related development, two Sunni extremists on death row for a 2004 attack on a procession that killed 42 Shiites were found missing from their cell Friday in Quetta in the southwest province of Baluchistan, said city police chief...
  19. M

    FATA Situation

    Jana, the person captured in Guantanamo is Abdullah Mehsud, who's already been killed by the PA. Freed Guantanamo inmates take up arms - World - theage.com.au Baitullah has never been in Guantanamo. I thought you are a journalist??
  20. M

    World's Advanced Ever F-16IN offer to IAF

    With all respect, none of you three countries have ever made a stealth plane before. Not even high tech Europe has, the maker of the Gripen, Eurofighter and Rafale. Try making an aircraft that is as high tech as theirs first before claiming you can make stealth aircraft, and stealth fighters at...
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