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If Pakistan is attacked

New Recruit

Dec 17, 2006
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God forbid, but if Pakistan is ever attacked by another country then will Pak call back 10,175 of its troops that are serving UN peacekeeping missions.
Not saying Pak will be attacked, but what if it is?

I do not think anyone will attack pakistan, unless the nuclear bombs become out of control.

US will not attack pakistan, because somehow the US will convince Pakistan government to launch NATO strikes in Taliban bases.
In real terms Pakistan recalling UN troops would not matter.

There a many who would fill the vacuum, because it is a lucrative business in bolstering the morale of the forces since the money paid is fantastic in real terms at home!

Nobody, in his senses, would attack Pakistan.

Pakistan is contributing adequately for the War on Terror!

Only a fool would kill the Golden Goose!
I do not see any direct attack from India in the near future unless US attack Pakistan from Western Front and India grabs the opportunity to do from Eastern Front.

But if i had to answer this Imaginative question "What if India attack Pakistan" than well else the entire Sub-continent (India and Pakistan region) will become another Iraq. but with similar casualities on both sides :)

It's okay if Al-Qaeda attacks Pakistan then?

Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization and it is already harming Pakistan and we are already cleaning these RATS from Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda has not only attacked Pakistan but the world.

Secondly there is big difference between attack by a State and an attack by a terrorist organization.
I believe India wants to be in the group which want to destablize Paksitan but wants no direct contact since it is obvious that any hint of Indian Involvement will Trigger a Nuclear War.

To be optimistic, i would say that India has no need to get involved in WOT within Pakistan bountries as it is concerning majorly Pakistan and Middle East. For Indian's it is wait and see and i think it is the best attitude from India since long.

Naturally the requirements for Nuclear Nations change since Pakistan and India both have Nuclear Deterrence one needs to Understand that it is better to be interacting for Economic Growth than to stage a War. US also knows that pushing Pakistan abruptly and without a Planned strategy is not going to work since Pakistan is a Nuclear State and is growing as we speak. The real threat now a days are politics and not a military solution if thought by US. US knows that with Force they can not achieve the objectives. In near future Pakistan Needs to strenghten it self in Economy and Military Power so as to come up really as a 7th Declared Nuclear Power on the Globe. I think theoratically India also wants Just that since it is the 6th Declared Nuclear Power and becoming a economic power day by day.
I believe India wants to be in the group which want to destablize Paksitan but wants no direct contact since it is obvious that any hint of Indian Involvement will Trigger a Nuclear War.

To be optimistic, i would say that India has no need to get involved in WOT within Pakistan bountries as it is concerning majorly Pakistan and Middle East. For Indian's it is wait and see and i think it is the best attitude from India since long.

Naturally the requirements for Nuclear Nations change since Pakistan and India both have Nuclear Deterrence one needs to Understand that it is better to be interacting for Economic Growth than to stage a War. US also knows that pushing Pakistan abruptly and without a Planned strategy is not going to work since Pakistan is a Nuclear State and is growing as we speak. The real threat now a days are politics and not a military solution if thought by US. US knows that with Force they can not achieve the objectives. In near future Pakistan Needs to strenghten it self in Economy and Military Power so as to come up really as a 7th Declared Nuclear Power on the Globe. I think theoratically India also wants Just that since it is the 6th Declared Nuclear Power and becoming a economic power day by day.

AsSalam oAlaikum.
We have had a tendency of a long time to attach all forms of aggression to India, but the situation I feel has now changed. You have to take one look at the Geopolitical situation to see what the focus of this war is and who the Pawns are. With 70 Billion $ of foreign investment and more coming in India would be the first one to try and avoid any conflict with Pakistan. There are various reasons for that that I dont have the time to go into length about. Although India may have chosen to be friends with the US, you can see from the way it is establishing friendships with China that it does not want to be with the Americans when they make "advances " in the region. Similarly IranPak india pipeline is another step which it will eventually take up the offer and it would be another reason for cementing our friendships. I would not even be surprised if some of the subcontracting from indian Industry makes its way into Pakistan. Sure there are rogue elements on both sides who are interested in prpogating this enemosity between us but i would be very surprised if there is another war between us. Infact there may come a time where we may have to mount a joint defence along with China. I think Salim or some other Knowledgeable person from the other side might be able to highlight the Indian perspective,but it is time that we all woke up and started to listen to each other instead of having petty arguments. And yes compared to what is being predicted, all arguments that have gone on before will be meagre compared to what is being projected as a pssibility.
I believe India wants to be in the group which want to destablize Paksitan but wants no direct contact .

araz has very nicely summed up and replied.

I would only say that India doesnt want but she is already in the group that is destabalizing Pakistan and involved in low intensity attacks since long.
Us think tanks are already saying that PAKISTAN will be no more on the map of the world by the year 2015 IT MEANS THEY ARE COOKING SOME THING FOR PAKISTAN.

One doesnt have to be a genius to know what they are cooking .Already US ISRAEL INDIA NATO nexus in Afghanistan is supporting BLA and its sabotage activities.India is already supporting separatists like JEAY SINDH QAUMI MOHAZ and specially after the death of BB.

They are already giving statements about the contingency of Pak nukes and are already beginning to talk about the OCCUPATION OF PAKISTAN.
The ZIONISTS and FREMASONIC lobbies are also cooking their dish .VICIOUS porpaganda is going on in the media.


**Do every thing possible to get the NATO out of Afghanistan what ever the cost of it might be (sanctions or what ever) support TALIBAN and arm them with every thing that they want to fight against NATO.
Us think tanks are already saying that PAKISTAN will be no more on the map of the world by the year 2015 IT MEANS THEY ARE COOKING SOME THING FOR PAKISTAN.

One doesnt have to be a genius to know what they are cooking .Already US ISRAEL INDIA NATO nexus in Afghanistan is supporting BLA and its sabotage activities.India is already supporting separatists like JEAY SINDH QAUMI MOHAZ and specially after the death of BB.

They are already giving statements about the contingency of Pak nukes and are already beginning to talk about the OCCUPATION OF PAKISTAN.
The ZIONISTS and FREMASONIC lobbies are also cooking their dish .VICIOUS porpaganda is going on in the media.


**Do every thing possible to get the NATO out of Afghanistan what ever the cost of it might be (sanctions or what ever) support TALIBAN and arm them with every thing that they want to fight against NATO.

this explains your 'rep power' and in only 24 posts!

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