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Kabul should address Pakistan’s concerns on India


Apr 24, 2007
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Kabul should address Pakistan’s concerns on India

* Former US diplomat says America should urge Kabul to take account of Islamabad’s sensitivities in dealing with India

WASHINGTON: Afghanistan should endeavour to address Pakistani concerns in dealing with India and the US and its allies should urge Kabul to officially accept the Durand Line as the border between the two South Asian neighbours, a former top State Department official Karl Inderfurth told a hearing.

As part of suggestions on achieving stability in the region and tackling the problem of extremism in the long-term perspective, he emphasised that “a comprehensive settlement to secure Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan is long overdue and urgently required.”

Inderfurth, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs from 1997 to 2001, told a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee that Pakistan’s help is vital in ensuring security along rugged Afghan border and favoured the appointment of a US special envoy to work with Afghanistan and Pakistan in tackling the issues.

Kabul should show concern: “Washington should also urge the [Afghan President] Karzai government to take greater account of Islamabad’s sensitivities in dealing with India. Islamabad fears that the main function of Indian consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad is to stir trouble across the nearby border, especially to fan the flames of the anti-Islamabad insurgency in Balochistan. “Even though India continues to provide generous economic assistance to Afghanistan, Kabul would be wise to try to assuage Pakistani concerns.”

He testified before the influential committee that a key to achieving the goal of a stable and peaceful Afghanistan is to improve relationship between Kabul and Islamabad.

On countering cross-border infiltration, he said, it will require closer coordination and cooperation. The Trilateral Afghanistan-Pakistan-NATO Military Commission is an important mechanism in this regard. So is the strengthening of the US military presence along the Afghan side of the border, he said.

The future stability of both Afghanistan and Pakistan depends on the development of an effective strategy to counter and uproot the Taliban and Al Qaeda hideouts along the border region, he said.

But Ambassador Inderfurth warned against the notion of any large scale US intervention in the Tribal Areas, saying such move would not prove a lasting solution and would be disastrous. Instead, the diplomat argued closer cooperation between the two allies.

“A more effective strategy involves working cooperatively with Pakistan’s military to integrate these areas into the Pakistani political system and, once they are secure, provide substantial assistance to build up the economy and social infrastructure. To make it easier for Islamabad to undertake costly reforms needed to integrate the Tribal Areas, the US, the World Bank and other donors should provide Pakistan with substantial additional economic assistance.”

In their remarks at the hearing, experts and lawmakers underscored that Afghanistan must remain the central focus in the war on terror. Chairman Ike Skelton stressed, “We must once again make Afghanistan the central focus in the war against terrorism – our national security and Afghanistan’s future are at stake.”
Kabul cant say anything to defend itself. They are guilty of trying to or helping elements who want to destroy Pakistan.
yes Kabul is helping out those elements which are harming our interests. This i a fact which no Pakistani cant deny.

Now the ground reality is that Indians has supported the anti Pakistan insurgency in Balochistan for which there are some geneuine evedance.
Pakistan has developed counter measures If Afghanistan or India triggered any insurgency in its territory.
India has faced mujahideen on the Kashmir front plus there is a new front opening up in Sirilanka and Bangladesh .
We also have the option of pulling out of war on terror . For this option US is pretty much concerned.
Now both sides are sitting in bunkers waiting for anyone to play the first move
Pakistan has gone too far down the road in the WoT to quit.

It would mean the stopping of economic and military aid, sanctions and shift in focus of those in the WoT.

That will be the reality if Pakistan does quit.
Kabul cant say anything to defend itself. They are guilty of trying to or helping elements who want to destroy Pakistan.

and who is Kabul currently ??

The Norther Alliance, the Karzai.

Northern Alliance is Indian stoog with regard to Pakistan, It is getting funds and backing from India to carry terrorism inside Pakistan.
About Karzai well he also has no love for Pakistan pluse all the sabotage activities from Afghanistan hacth by India are carried out under the very nose of USA.

Hence interferth needs to tell US that she should stop the policy of looking towards otherside when Afghanistan is being used against Pakistan by India and Northern Alliance.
Let's stop the self-deception. The Taliban are in charge of nothing except vast tracts of desert and soulless mountains in Afghanistan. If there were actually as many of them as they claim, or that they actually controlled any town, they must sleep 20 hours a day because this is the weakest insurgency on record ever. What popular support do they have? Nothing much, no area is on fire. What do they do to soldiers? Nothing much, all they do is kill civilians and destroy schools, you don't really need an insurgency for that, you need a bandit force.

The kill-ratio for American troops in afghanistan has crossed 100 to 1. It is just a meat grinder for pathan tribes dumb enough to try to stop progress.
and who is Kabul currently ??

The Norther Alliance, the Karzai.

Northern Alliance is Indian stoog with regard to Pakistan, It is getting funds and backing from India to carry terrorism inside Pakistan.
About Karzai well he also has no love for Pakistan pluse all the sabotage activities from Afghanistan hacth by India are carried out under the very nose of USA.

Hence interferth needs to tell US that she should stop the policy of looking towards otherside when Afghanistan is being used against Pakistan by India and Northern Alliance.

At the rate you are going, you would soon start stating that ISAF is run by Indian money and Indian policy!

If Karzai did not take the US help, then the Taliban would rule.

Surely, Karzai and Afghanistan does not want a repeat of NWFP replicating in Afghanistan.

It does amuses when others ascribe immense powers to India as if it is a World Power vested with great instruments to control other countries to toe India's party line!

Is India that powerful and you sincerely believe that?
Pakistan has gone too far down the road in the WoT to quit.

It would mean the stopping of economic and military aid, sanctions and shift in focus of those in the WoT.

That will be the reality if Pakistan does quit

this is a very simplistic and some what inaccurate view of the one sided pak-us relationship. i say one sided as the us has infact given very little to pakistan for her involvment in the wot. the total economic help in the form of soft loans is less than $900million and most of the rest being payment for help rendered to its armed forces.
the military aid being in the shape of selling f16a/b and c/d while offering the indians superior versions. the value of the f16 reduced by the production of the jf17 and the soon to be aquired fc20.
the whole wot in afghanistan is being played on the back of pakistan. the indians delighted with the fact of having a rabidly anti pakistani regime in kabul are sparring no effort to harm pakistan through there offices on the pak-afghan border.
the importance of pakistan can not be over stated in this scenario.
the authorities in pakistan are well aware of the negative role of the indians/afghans/americans are playing and are mindful of the the cia map showing a partitioned pakistan. there is infact a solution being touted that stability will return only with the partion of afghanistan on ethnic/sect lines and insurgency in india on a broad scale.
i hope a more amicable solution is available but the hatred towards pakistan by our close ones knows no bounds.
At the rate you are going, you would soon start stating that ISAF is run by Indian money and Indian policy!

Indians dont have money to feed its millions of hungry population what to say lending it to ISAF.

If Karzai did not take the US help, then the Taliban would rule.
:what: and who said that Karzai should not take help from US ???

Both of your above two statements are out of context.
Why dont you read carefully and then reply ??

Surely, Karzai and Afghanistan does not want a repeat of NWFP replicating in Afghanistan.

Indeed no body wants to have mess in own courtyard while at the same time spread it in other's.

By sheltering BLA terrorists and facilitating Indian Intellgence and leting India to use Afghanistan soil to carry terrorist activities inside Pakistan, Karzai is indeed creating mess in NWFP especially.

It does amuses when others ascribe immense powers to India as if it is a World Power vested with great instruments to control other countries to toe India's party line!

Is India that powerful and you sincerely believe that?
:) Indeed it should have amused an Indian Brigadier as i believe Indians and Indian RAW do not have GUTS at all to work on their own hence terming India powerful in this regard is indeed a joke.

Look at the history Indian RAW has only succeeded in carrying terrorist activities in Pakistan on large scale specially in NWFP and Sindh in the 80s when Pakistan was fighting US proxy war against Soviets in Afghanistan at that time when USSR was in Afghanistan, India has the same free hand as it has now in Afghanistan.

Though i was not born then but by reading the old news i came to know how NWFP specially my City PESHAWAR witnessed massive bomb blasts carried out by Afghan agents of RAW in the 80s.
At that time to RAW had helpd from other intellgence Agencies of the world to carry out terrorist activities inside Pakistan.

Now follow the history Pakistan did not see much mess specially NWFP when Taliban were in rule and when India was licking its wonds of Northern Alliance ouster hence India lost its intellgence stalks in Afghanistan.

And now look at the situation again with Taliban out, the minority Northern Alliance with Uzbeks and Tajiks inn, and Afghanistan being free for all the world class intellegence Agencies right from Mosad, KGB, RAW, CIA, you name it and you have it there in Afghanistan.

Of all these no one has any love for Pakistan.

In short Indeed Indians and Indian RAW do not have Guts to carry out such sinsiter terrorist acts inside Pakistan unless they have backing from other agencies and at the moment they have this backing from Mr Puppet Karzai, Northern Alliance, they have been given free hand to Afghanistan against Pakistan.

So dont be amused Sir no one believes India has guts to have so much power on its own.
this is a very simplistic and some what inaccurate view of the one sided pak-us relationship. i say one sided as the us has infact given very little to pakistan for her involvment in the wot. the total economic help in the form of soft loans is less than $900million and most of the rest being payment for help rendered to its armed forces.
the military aid being in the shape of selling f16a/b and c/d while offering the indians superior versions. the value of the f16 reduced by the production of the jf17 and the soon to be aquired fc20.
the whole wot in afghanistan is being played on the back of pakistan. the indians delighted with the fact of having a rabidly anti pakistani regime in kabul are sparring no effort to harm pakistan through there offices on the pak-afghan border.
the importance of pakistan can not be over stated in this scenario.
the authorities in pakistan are well aware of the negative role of the indians/afghans/americans are playing and are mindful of the the cia map showing a partitioned pakistan. there is infact a solution being touted that stability will return only with the partion of afghanistan on ethnic/sect lines and insurgency in india on a broad scale.
i hope a more amicable solution is available but the hatred towards pakistan by our close ones knows no bounds.

I am sure one cannot discount military aid.

In fact, military aid is the most important facet in most Pakistani's mind. The simple issue of a port, Gwadar, has been converted into something that is centred to the very existence of Pakistan. Not because of its economic potential, but because of its military potential!

And here, you completely scoff the huge military aid by the US!!

India, if indeed, is getting superior aircraft fro, the US, it is because they are paying CASH and not getting AID! A cash paying customer gets the discount and not those who are on tick!
Indians dont have money to feed its millions of hungry population what to say lending it to ISAF.

Please check the attributes you gave India. I was only bringing you to reality and way away from your paranoia of giving India the capability to manoeuvre the world!

:what: and who said that Karzai should not take help from US ???

Both of your above two statements are out of context.
Why dont you read carefully and then reply ??

Indeed no body wants to have mess in own courtyard while at the same time spread it in other's.

By sheltering BLA terrorists and facilitating Indian Intellgence and leting India to use Afghanistan soil to carry terrorist activities inside Pakistan, Karzai is indeed creating mess in NWFP especially.

:) Indeed it should have amused an Indian Brigadier as i believe Indians and Indian RAW do not have GUTS at all to work on their own hence terming India powerful in this regard is indeed a joke.

Look at the history Indian RAW has only succeeded in carrying terrorist activities in Pakistan on large scale specially in NWFP and Sindh in the 80s when Pakistan was fighting US proxy war against Soviets in Afghanistan at that time when USSR was in Afghanistan, India has the same free hand as it has now in Afghanistan.

Though i was not born then but by reading the old news i came to know how NWFP specially my City PESHAWAR witnessed massive bomb blasts carried out by Afghan agents of RAW in the 80s.
At that time to RAW had helpd from other intellgence Agencies of the world to carry out terrorist activities inside Pakistan.

Now follow the history Pakistan did not see much mess specially NWFP when Taliban were in rule and when India was licking its wonds of Northern Alliance ouster hence India lost its intellgence stalks in Afghanistan.

And now look at the situation again with Taliban out, the minority Northern Alliance with Uzbeks and Tajiks inn, and Afghanistan being free for all the world class intellegence Agencies right from Mosad, KGB, RAW, CIA, you name it and you have it there in Afghanistan.

Of all these no one has any love for Pakistan.

In short Indeed Indians and Indian RAW do not have Guts to carry out such sinsiter terrorist acts inside Pakistan unless they have backing from other agencies and at the moment they have this backing from Mr Puppet Karzai, Northern Alliance, they have been given free hand to Afghanistan against Pakistan.

So dont be amused Sir no one believes India has guts to have so much power on its own.

Please read what you write.

Imagination is good for film and fictions.

Fevered imagination is dangerously out of synch from reality!

Learn something, Your comprehension of geo-politics is heavily skewed and utterly stupid.


Indeed Sir for stupids it is heavily skewed and utterly stupid but for those who are in the game indeed it was and it is present there.

Regards Jana :)
BTW you two Sir Ray and Sir Thomas do you all togather deny Indian involvement ????

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