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  1. S

    BD to buy 44 armored vehicles from China

    yeah, sorry for going off topic....... btw.....i think bangladesh should buy better tanks.......T-72,T-90.....like that to ensure their security.......not useless chinese copycats......
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    India bans US broadcaster Barsamian from entry

    I have been to kashmir.........i've talked with people there.......they do not want to seperate from india........the last protests were for killing of innocents by the BSF........only the separatists like gilani saw the opportunity to cash in on popularity by supporting a popular...
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    India bans US broadcaster Barsamian from entry

    And do u ppl think that IoK wants to seperate from india.......NAH......they know very well that the strength is in unity.......they also know very well that if they go alone.....all the spending by Indian govt. on kashmir will be gone......their source of income- tourism industry will suffer a...
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    India bans US broadcaster Barsamian from entry

    All the pakistanis are behaiving like the *** is so happy under the pakistani rule..........news of all the attrocities from *** doesn't even reach the media.......as foreigners without the permission of the govt. r not allowed into ***........u guys r behaving like u r the sole protector of...
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    Bihar CM wants Delhi to review Ganges treaty

    ^ In which language did u speak within the quotes......all i can say dont expect anything from india for FREE.......
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    Bihar CM wants Delhi to review Ganges treaty

    ja bojhen na ta niye kotha bolen keno moshoy ?????..........arey, haldia bondho kore debo mane???? amader rajye ja amdani hochhe ta ki orissa diye ante hobe naki???? age toh nije khabo, tarpor toh onno ke khawabo.......mamata jeta korechhe thik i korechhe.....
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    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    Is that a simple questioning.....???!!!! and c....u dint mention u'r problems......
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    Bihar CM wants Delhi to review Ganges treaty

    How do u guys claim to have 50% of teesta waters.........our north bengal would just dry up if so much water is diverted to bangladesh...............as for haldia....why should we relocate the port........it is now well established with quite a few major companies working in the...
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    BD to buy 44 armored vehicles from China

  10. S

    BD to buy 44 armored vehicles from China

    why do the bangladeshis always think of a attack from india.............i am an indian......we do discuss defence matters....but never discuss of attacking bangladesh........we have seen past pakistan......now our biggest concern is china................but it is not clear to me that why do u...
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    Bihar CM wants Delhi to review Ganges treaty

    I think it's time to review all the water treaties we have with bangladesh..............according to the UN law of sharing of common rivers, bangladesh is getting lot more........here in west bengal we r suffering............cost of dredging the hoogly river is increasing day by day and is...
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    Big Indian investors likely to visit Bangladesh next month-IBCCI president

    Hey guys, as for the illegal immigration of bangladeshis to india, its true and hugely present.........I live in kolkata in a place called jadavpur.......I know plenty of ppl here who have come from bangladesh by illegally crossing the border by bribing BSF personnels.........most of them r...
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    India to supply ammunition to Bangladesh

    toh ki hobe???? BNP jotoi chillamilli koruk, ultimately vote e awami league i jitbe......
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    Transit is not just free, it's subsidised for India- Debapriya Bhattacharya

    what abt the free trade agreement you have.......bangladeshi products can be exported without tax into india.....profiting ur businesses there......who pays for the tax losses of the indian govt. then.....u ppl always see one side of the coin........
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    "Wage war in South Sea" - China

    These chinese r so evil maaaaannnnn.................:P
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    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    then why dont u guys mention ur problems, except going on bashing India......
  17. S

    Top 10 Most Powerful Countries In 2011

    why do always these westerners compare india and china........these r two different countries having much in common.....similar comparisons r not made between UK and US or France and US, then why china and india.....????? think a different moto is working behind it....????
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    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    I think many Bangladeshis now r pro-indian, thats why the awami league has come to power, people who bash india even after india's effort to liberate them are the ones whose families ate the cream in those days of east pakistan, whereas the the people whose families faced the full force of the...
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    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    Hah.......:rofl: we had already had a situation like that before.....what happened to us...????:P it will not matter us a single thing as we have seen past those days.....
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    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    what r the problems of u bangladeshis........we liberated ur country.......u have a free trade agreement with us.......and still go on bashing india........what do u ppl want????.........why the hell RAW is going to harm ur country........??? i guess u r very cut off bcoz u got seperated from...
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