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  1. TheMiddleMan

    China's Capitalist Revolution

    So that is what your government tells you? rotflmao.............. Thanks for making my day, much appreciated :)
  2. TheMiddleMan

    China Tells U.S to Back Off over Taiwan

    I would like to see them try
  3. TheMiddleMan

    Drone bombing correlation to suicide attacks

    Oh really!? Source?
  4. TheMiddleMan

    New Bomb For Iran-The mob (usa bomb)

    Oh and CNN and NBC are better???
  5. TheMiddleMan

    US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

    Everytime i read your post, i can't help but laugh my a** off keep it up :tup:
  6. TheMiddleMan

    [ATTENTION!] Official article admits DF-21(X) has ability of attacking moving target

    Please, no personal attacks, it just shows how low you are, that goes for everybody, lets have a constructive thread...... thx
  7. TheMiddleMan

    Azm-e-Nau: Spotted an F-16

    It's always amazing to see aircraft flying so low overhead
  8. TheMiddleMan

    Football World Cup 2010 Official theme song

    I will somewhat agree with the Aussie match, but every football player knows not to slide tackle in the box- thats a no no. as for Brazil vs. France........France was not a weak team, I don't believe for a second that the Brazil France game was fixed.
  9. TheMiddleMan

    China's nuclear warheads should match the US and Russia

    Dude, there are people like that EVERYWHERE!!! You can't just say that Russia only has skin heads, there in Germany, Italy, U.S.A, Poland, England, Canada, Australia and other parts of the world. There will be murder everywhere, no matter where you go. Stop your B.S. I could post the same on any...
  10. TheMiddleMan

    Football World Cup 2010 Official theme song

    WHA!!! How were we lucky? We got a much stronger and faster team this year :)
  11. TheMiddleMan

    Football World Cup 2010 Official theme song

    FORZA ITALIA!!! Were going for a repeat :cheers:
  12. TheMiddleMan

    US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

    Are you Stupid??? Clearly you are living in a fantasy world
  13. TheMiddleMan

    I hate my girlfriend, because i love my car.

    That Police charger is hott!!! :smitten:
  14. TheMiddleMan

    US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

    You are both the biggest threats to eachother............ :usflag::china:
  15. TheMiddleMan

    Pakistani man arrested at US embassy in Chile

    Your Saying this didn't happen?
  16. TheMiddleMan

    Boeing Unveils Unmanned Phantom Ray Demonstrator

    What a sexy beast!!! :usflag::usflag::usflag:
  17. TheMiddleMan

    Plan for $100m mosque near World Trade Center site moves ahead

    I have mixed feelings on this issue, but i will not say more, knowing i will get chewed out.
  18. TheMiddleMan

    US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

    :undecided: I would rather be respected then liked. Im tired of the U.S. being on top, i would gladly hand the number 1 title to China. As for you people saying that Americans are fat, lazy, arrogant......... You can't judge a nation based on some people and i know everywhere has those...
  19. TheMiddleMan

    Forces Capture Taliban Commander

    Very good news!!! Give him the Bullet....... :usflag::pakistan:
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