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Pakistani man arrested at US embassy in Chile


Mar 24, 2010
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SANTIAGO: A Pakistani man will be charged with violating gun control laws in Chile Tuesday after traces of explosives were detected on his body and belongings during a visit to the US embassy, police said.

The suspicious substance was detected when the man identified as Mohamed Said Uf Rejaman, 28, went through a security checkpoint on Monday, prompting embassy staff to notify police. He was arrested on site.

Police experts found traces of a TNT explosive derivative on the suspect's hands, cell phone, bag and documentation.

The man said he did not know where it had come from and he was only at the embassy to renew his visa.

He arrived in Chile about three months ago on a visa and had been working at a hotel in the capital.

Police have raided his home in downtown Santiago.

The arrest came just a week after Pakistani-born naturalised US citizen Faisal Shahzad was pulled off a plane to Dubai and arrested for allegedly leaving a sport utility vehicle rigged to explode in New York's crowded Times Square.
DAWN.COM | World | Pakistani man arrested at US embassy in Chile
BS and stupid rant from the America continues.
Thats serious.

I really feel Pakistan is letting the world screw it. Pakistan is just not in control anymore.

I miss Musharraf, at least for his control over his nation.
Is there an equivalent of a shanti Yagya in Islam.. Pakistan needs to get that done... Too much of bad luck these days.. Wonder who was this idiot....
Pakistan is in news lately for all the bad reasons...some thing must be done /
No need to do anything. Their whole WOT relies on our support. Just keep things under consideration and reply in a sane manner. That's what we have to do. They need us.:azn:

I hope Americans won't behave like this.:taz:
No need to do anything. Their whole WOT relies on our support. Just keep things under consideration and reply in a sane manner. That's what we have to do. They need us.:azn:

I hope Americans won't behave like this.:taz:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

Abraham Lincoln

Its time to act. Also why think about USA only. It will cost Pakistan specially individual Pakistani very costly. I repeat its time to act.

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