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Forces Capture Taliban Commander


Jul 22, 2009
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Forces Capture Taliban Commander, Other Suspects
Defense.gov News Article: Forces Capture Taliban Commander, Other Suspects

From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release

KABUL, May 6, 2010
– A Taliban commander and a few other insurgents were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Afghanistan’s Kandahar province last night.

The combined force captured the Taliban commander responsible for planning and executing attacks against coalition forces during an operation in the province’s Khakrez district. He also is heavily involved in organizing suicide attacks, mortar attacks and buying bomb components. A few other insurgents also were captured.

In Helmand province’s Nad-e Ali district last night, a combined security force detained several suspected militants for questioning.

Yesterday in Khost province’s Nadir Shah Kot district, a combined patrol found seven rocket-propelled grenades, a machine gun, four rifles, nine assault rifle ammunition magazines, four bandoleers, 200 rifle rounds, and 30 machine gun rounds. Afghan soldiers determined the weapons were from two tribes that had been fighting and detained five people from each tribe for questioning.

In Kandahar province’s Maiwand district May 5, an International Security Assistance Force patrol stopped a suspicious vehicle and found a large amount of money and seven pounds of opium. Afghan authorities detained three people.

No shots were fired, and no one was harmed during any of these operations, officials said.
this is not gonna effect them a bit......
they will choose new commander and all will go as it does and AS IT DID
this is not gonna effect them a bit......
they will choose new commander and all will go as it does and AS IT DID

Yeah, it will not have any considerable effect. A leader for them is just same as a steering wheel for a car, you break one they will replace it and will keep on moving.
this is not gonna effect them a bit......
they will choose new commander and all will go as it does and AS IT DID

Thats what i have repeatedly said. When TTP lost its leaders, i pointed that they are quick to produce another leader.
Thats what i have repeatedly said. When TTP lost its leaders, i pointed that they are quick to produce another leader.

But TTP its near to End ,they are almost subsided now ......
So no need to worry:cheers::cheers:

But TTP its near to End ,they are almost subsided now ......
So no need to worry:cheers::cheers:


too soon to say, Hakeemullah is still alive(at least it looks like that), they are controlling areas in paksitan, the other day they cut off hands of 3 men, insecurity and explosions is high in pakistan and alot more. but lets hope they are defeated.
They are not defending the country, they are destroying it.

so its ok for US to come and try to finish them of for there own agenda? yes they where distroying it befor the war but at his moment US is destroying Afghanistan. Nobody can help Afhanistan. only Afhanistan can help it self. from where im standing i se some people defending there soil from insurgency.
so its ok for US to come and try to finish them of for there own agenda? yes they where distroying it befor the war but at his moment US is destroying Afghanistan. Nobody can help Afhanistan. only Afhanistan can help it self. from where im standing i se some people defending there soil from insurgency.

Exactly, nobody can help afghanistan except for its people. now the taliban who are assets of pakistan can never be good for afghanistan. there should be peace in the country if we ever want to see a stable country. that is not what the taliban want. they should be finished for good.
If Talibans want to protect Afghanistan they should ask people of Afghanistan to vote for them and then join Ministry of Defence of Afghanistan.
so its ok for US to come and try to finish them of for there own agenda? yes they where distroying it befor the war but at his moment US is destroying Afghanistan. Nobody can help Afhanistan. only Afhanistan can help it self. from where im standing i se some people defending there soil from insurgency.
Strange of you say that living in a NATO committed country and calling it your own as well. The ISAF is not interested is keeping some racial hold onto South Asia and therefore keep holding onto the land. There might be some selfish reasons to stay, but who doesn't want that after waging a multi-billion dollar war against the world's most horrific and uncivilized militants? Don't equate last century's colonization race with this century's fighting against terror.

The entire world including neutral countries such as those in Scandinavia and central Europe, India, CIS, NATO's long time rivals Russia and China etc are against the Taliban including Pakistan if we taken into account the official statements of Pakistani government. This means both the countries that you claim to be citizen of are against Taliban's radical ideology and faith-induced terror theory.

Taliban was becoming a haven for militants from all over the world be it from Russia, Indonesia, South Asia, Middle East, North Africa or any other place. Any militant organization was given refuge if they shared Taliban's ideology of a twisted and sick interpretation of a faith could train, live and continue with their nefarious activities. And both you and I know there are very good evidences of that, barring the Bin Laden hunt that is going on.

You might be a sympathizer, but Taliban is going down and going down hard.
If Talibans want to protect Afghanistan they should ask people of Afghanistan to vote for them and then join Ministry of Defence of Afghanistan.
Which they are not having any interest to do so. Reason? Their challenging of a much larger military force while using Afghan civilians as human shields. If they had a spark of respect for the citizens of Afghanistan, they would not hide among the people and cause their deaths and instead would fight against ISAF openly.

But then again, most members forget why the ISAF is there in Afghanistan in the first place; because of Taliban's barbaric ideology, giving refuge to worldwide terrorists, blatant disregard for human rights and social liberties of Afghan citizens and so on.

If Taliban were sincere towards their now proclaimed ideology of "defending Afghanistan from foreigners" they won't have perpetrated atrocities on Afghan citizens before the ISAF attacked their country. Since when did they ever consider Democracy in the first place? Never.
He is defending his contry and COULD be a great generouse
man. Dont be so short minded.

By Killing Civilians, Women even children's. Well done. I hope you will lose one of your family member in bomb blast and i then will ask from you the same question is he terrorist or freedom fighter.

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