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  1. V

    US reassures India on military aid to Pakistan

    That is the sad part - somehow despite knowing the real intentions of the US we as neighbours blinded by our enmity are continuosly providing them with one bargaining chip after the other - On your side its getting US fighters for fighting the Talibs on our side buying military hardware for...
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    US reassures India on military aid to Pakistan

    Dude read the article! wat a loser!
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    US reassures India on military aid to Pakistan

    IEEE Spectrum: The Hunt for the Kill Switch Last September, Israeli jets bombed a suspected nuclear installation in northeastern Syria. Among the many mysteries still surrounding that strike was the failure of a Syrian radar--supposedly state-of-the-art--to warn the Syrian military of the...
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    US reassures India on military aid to Pakistan

    Haha, no point explaining cos you just can't! :rofl::rofl:
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    India Develops Anti-Missile Direct Energy Weapons

    Even if they did - I would still not expect a reaction for the next many DECADES! You know what I mean right! :rofl: :pop:
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    US reassures India on military aid to Pakistan

    Really! care to explain the "far far away" link/device and something that may not be communicated by internal systems of the plane through the sat link by itself? Schizophrenic - hmmmm!
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    India Develops Anti-Missile Direct Energy Weapons

    right said fred! You stay updated! Till date there has been no reaction and I doubt any is coming in the coming many years! :pop:
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    India Develops Anti-Missile Direct Energy Weapons

    **** this is astonishing!! Kudos to DRDO! Ab tera kya hoga Ghauri?:rofl::rofl:
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    US reassures India on military aid to Pakistan

    poor you did not understand quite well! Is it that hard to draw that analogy? nevermind!
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    Sorry let me make this a little clear - Since we have already signed the EUMA (I was under the impression that we need that for every individual purchase rather than a generic version) - It gives US the right to inspect the toys that they sell us - also we are not allowed to make any alterations...
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    man EUMA is the problem and which is why i don't think SH will win! I may be completely wrong and the babus might just turn out to be complete sell outs! I hope that does not happen! and we make a wise choice maintaining our sovereignty. :cheers:
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    quickly that is exactly what I meant! EUMA is a big problem here - its like giving the americans another bargaining chip in the region apart from their role in AF/PAK! No matter how much we talk about decoupling the two issues but the point remains they do trigger fallout someway or the other...
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    Exactly my point - that is what I meant when I said apples to apples and lets talk in reference to this deal not overall tech levels! my question remains why do we go in with the US when we have as good if not better planes to go with without the EUMA? Also, no hard feelings I am just...
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    Well they are able to compete for the reason that they keep investing in the technology as for the Europeans I mean are you saying that a Mirage -5/9 are not as good as the Blk 52/60. yes probably the F-16-60 is a better plane cos more upgrades have gone into those systems. The french get a...
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    Well I can give you a very good answer to prove the level of confidence Indians like me have! But I shall pass as that is another good quality that we Indians have! Anyhow please remember basic logic and weave it into your arguments before you have to write face savers like the one you wrote...
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    Saurabh sir! The Europeans use it cos they are close allies and hence are not worried about the EUMA as they are all mostly developed states without whose support the US cannot command the influence it does around the world! As for big arms exporters - the point remains is that also one of...
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    Well so y dont you enlighten me as to how is the equipment inferior? So you are saying that F-18s are better than EF or Rafale? and I mean the upgraded ones - barring the AESA advantage - Lets compare apples to apples? shall we? :cheers:
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    MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

    So then you contradicted your own statement of "INDIANS lacking confidence in their abilities" I believe you are a member of the armed services? Ha and such lack of basic logic? Please the point is very simple India does not trust the US just like the rest of the world does not when it...
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    India Offers Surrender Package To Maoists

    Totally agree here as well! Its a completely tried and tested formula - The ULFA in assam is now known as the SULFA or "Surrendered ULFA". They were all made to lose the guns through bribes and such policies as mentioned above! :cheers:
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    India Offers Surrender Package To Maoists

    I couldn't agree more - 100% true and correct - More so the financial backing of the Nazis by the Americans prior to WW2. And rumors are that Bush's great grand father was one of the people who funded them! Not only this - read up on how America catapullted itself to the top after Dollar...
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