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India Offers Surrender Package To Maoists

Not going to happen even if China ends their support to maoist. You guy have to understand the thinking process of the west. When they needed China against USSR, they mute main stream media from reporting Dalai Lama and east turkistan movement. Government officials will not public support the separatist groups either unlike now. however, the west continues to deliver minimal financial aid to the two group so that one day when enemy number one is gone, such terrorist organization will cause trouble to enemy number two. It only a matter of priority, currently both russia and china are viewed as enemy number one, india's growing strength will eventually threaten the west. so unless india turns completely pro-west like south korea and singapore or she allow the usa to have permanent base in her territory. maoist will continue to fight for the goal.
If you want to argue that western countries are supporting Dalai Lama and east turkistan movement for human right, democracy and other bullshit while they support india because india is a democracy and maoists are communist, you cannot be more wrong. There is solid evidence that east turkistan movement is trained and financed and led by taliban who is in a war with the west. nonetheless it does not hinder CIA, MI5, MI6 and other western agencies from financing east turkistan movement.
Russia is a democracy (something many in the west conveniently forget), yet the west has tried very hard in the past 20 year to push back its sphere of influence and encircle it with pro-western countries and BMD.
As long as a country is potentially a threat to the west, they will do everything they can to prevent the threat becoming a reality. although the west is very close with india these days, before 1989 when soviet collapse became inevitable, (many say the june 6th incident played a part, but i say it just gives the west an excuse since the US needed china more than china needed the US were the USSR still powerful) USA was ready to offer china F16 and F15, the most advanced fighter is had at that time. If you look back further, west sold USSR countless military technologies to counter the Nazis prior to WW2. If you look back even further, USA financed the nazi regime since the beginning before the great depression while UK and france tolerated hitler breaking the versaille treaty all in hope of counter-balancing the USSR.

I couldn't agree more - 100% true and correct - More so the financial backing of the Nazis by the Americans prior to WW2. And rumors are that Bush's great grand father was one of the people who funded them!

Not only this - read up on how America catapullted itself to the top after Dollar became the world currency!

So I agree 100% on this analysis!
Some food for thought!

Why can't America ever go down given it is the largest debtor in the world?
If America goes down so does the money of all the creditors right!

Also did you know that all the debt that the Americans have is in the USD - so what does that mean - It means that if American Currency is weekened so is their debt obligation and they can always print out more to cover their debt. So if you are stuck with a weaker dollar and you get your money in dollar who will lose more?

Maoist will not accept the surrender package, neither china nor the west will not let those happen, just like dalai lama is not ready to sign any treaty with the chinese government. (India and the west will not allow it)

LOL. Why would the Indian Maoist accept the package when they are not the one losing the fight ????

I predict in the near future it will be the Naxals ruling India.

What if they surrender, take the money and go back to fighting?

Bad idea.

its a very good approach to start with and its not a new one its been tried and tested during 1990's ...but u have to do a lot of homework along with these scheme

Rediff On The NeT: AP offers more sops for Naxal rehabilitation

AP topped in surrender of naxals in 2006-08 - India - The Times of India

Andhra forms conciliation panel to solve naxal issue
its a very good approach to start with and its not a new one its been tried and tested during 1990's ...but u have to do a lot of homework along with these scheme

Rediff On The NeT: AP offers more sops for Naxal rehabilitation

AP topped in surrender of naxals in 2006-08 - India - The Times of India

Andhra forms conciliation panel to solve naxal issue

Totally agree here as well!

Its a completely tried and tested formula - The ULFA in assam is now known as the SULFA or "Surrendered ULFA". They were all made to lose the guns through bribes and such policies as mentioned above!

whether the influenze from chineese exists or not , we should accept the fact , there are poor people is being looting by many landlords and sadly many of these landlords are having good connection with state/center politics..

once we save those poor farmers from those bas**ds , no country can influense or start a revolution against our goverment...

The poor people in India, China, Pakistan, and etc are indeed an urgent problem and should be given much more attention and support. However, there are things one need other than popular support to start a revolution. Do you think those agencies supporting maoist with money and armament really care about poverty in India. Did you actually think that Stalin supported Mao for the sake of the Chinese while the French supported American independence to save americans from british oppression.
one day maoists will get their freedom, all my prayers with them, death to tyranny and suppression!!
Are you a joker in some circus? How many times it is repeated in the forum that Maoists DON'T WANT FREEDOM. They want to form a Communist government in India along the lines of your masters. Is it because you cannot read or you don't understand English?
I know it is extremely difficult for Indians to accept the truth but the truth is the truth. India is losing the battle against the Naxals.

Indians should support the Naxals because they are fighting for the general population who are suffering.

I did want to bring up the situation of Pakistan against TTP in reply to this flame but decided against it. Let me make a simple point instead..

I see most Pakistani members cribbing that Taliban/WOT is killing their economy... They claim that Pakistan's 2 % annual growth is because of the bad security situation in Pakistan since investors are keeping away.. And still they claim Pakistan is whipping TTP's a$$

On the other hand you claim that despite India growing at almost double digit rate in the middle of global recession.. ever increasing FDI and FII...Countries like UK getting their prime minister to rubbish Pakistan's image while in India to get business opportunities with our country, India is losing the war against Naxals..

Well.. if that lets you sleep easy who am I to take that away from you...:cheers:
I did want to bring up the situation of Pakistan against TTP in reply to this flame but decided against it. Let me make a simple point instead..

I see most Pakistani members cribbing that Taliban/WOT is killing their economy... They claim that Pakistan's 2 % annual growth is because of the bad security situation in Pakistan since investors are keeping away.. And still they claim Pakistan is whipping TTP's a$$

On the other hand you claim that despite India growing at almost double digit rate in the middle of global recession.. ever increasing FDI and FII...Countries like UK getting their prime minister to rubbish Pakistan's image while in India to get business opportunities with our country, India is losing the war against Naxals..

Well.. if that lets you sleep easy who am I to take that away from you...:cheers:
karan -

These guys will never get it. Truely says what kind of scholars are they.

They just want India to be doomed. But they dont get it that their own policies killed them and they have half of their country burning with people getting bombed by aleins...
$2000 will buy a beautiful assault rifle:whistle:


Do they offer shipping to India via Fedex


Price $2150 dollars USD

But I am sure in indian black market the item can be bought for $400 replica

So its questionable this idea of giving $$$ to Independence Movement fighters
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$2000 will buy a beautiful assault rifle:whistle:

East Coast Firearms - AK-47 & AR-15 Rifles, Uzi, MP5 - Assault Weapons Specialist

Do they offer shipping to India via Fedex


Price $2150 dollars USD

But I am sure in indian black market the item can be bought for $400 replica

So its questionable this idea of giving $$$ to Independence Movement fighters
There must be some other perks planned alongside like cooperative programmes for development of their agricultural land, compensation for their land that mining companies might have possibly taken, farming benefit programs etc.

Besides, the Maoists know that this is the last straw they've touched. After this, the Indian Army takes over (I pray that it happens). They won't want to face the T-90s, the Mi-35s.
What is the main concern for Maoist ppl ? Are they special group or what is their population or history ? Are they looking for free country or own province or just looking to take over whole india

To be honest I only heard about them in last 2-3 years but seem like this issue was brewing for while ??

Are they similar to the bengal territory problems or were those different
What is the main concern for Maoist ppl ? Are they special group or what is their population or history ? Are they looking for free country or own province or just looking to take over whole india

To be honest I only heard about them in last 2-3 years but seem like this issue was brewing for while ??

Are they similar to the bengal territory problems or were those different

They want India to be governed thru communist/socialist ideology
What is the main concern for Maoist ppl ? Are they special group or what is their population or history ? Are they looking for free country or own province or just looking to take over whole india

To be honest I only heard about them in last 2-3 years but seem like this issue was brewing for while ??

Are they similar to the bengal territory problems or were those different
Maoism started in india decades ago for/by the people who were oppressed by landlords and neglected by govt.At present they think indian govt is the stooges of certain corporates/rich people and is not intersted in development the areas where they belong to.According to them their problems cannot be solved in a capitalist india and they think they should fight for communist type govt(not an independant state or province).In the words of a maoist leader"The notion that a Naxalite is someone who hates his country is naive and idiotic.He is, more likely, one who likes this country more than the rest of us, and is hence more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched.He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen fighting for justice and equality"
I think this problem can only be tackled by bringing proper development,infrstructure and jobs to maoist-affected areas.Govt has already started several projects for that.
Their insurgency, which first erupted in 1967 in a village in West Bengal, has spread to 20 of India's 29 states

And i can only say ROFL :D :D :D..the whole of India turning into IOK gradually..they cannot tackle 70% of their own land and want to add more by taking over IOK, Tibet and so forth..ha ha ha

Perhaps we should start accusing India for exporting cross border terror and sepratist idealogies into our heartland in the name of BLA and TTP

And this is ISI fault as well??? Rather buying weapons, India should tackle its own home grown red and orange terror. Lets stop building those roads to nowhere and infrastructure for nothing in Afghanistan and concentrate on development of your own destitute people.

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