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US reassures India on military aid to Pakistan

yes but kill switches i dont know man it jsut seems like a hollywood make belief man source codes can turn off and on a f 16 can tell it where to go and who can it attack.... so baically if america dosent want paksitan to use f 16 against it then all they need to do is type ina couple of numbers BOOM hacked and f 16 useless
Don't take it lightly this is real possibility. All F-16s assembled in Turkey have to go to US for "inspection". One has to wonder why ? The Russian RD-93 engine for JF-17 is a suspect too.

It is also said that Egyptian F-16s cant track movements of Israeli F-16s and Tht Egyptian F-16s are downgraded in many ways compared to Isreali F-16s
Our sick politicians will surely get assured as they get assured when pakistan was getting atom bomb and missiles.:hitwall:

Look at the irony US of A is not allowing Iran to even build a match box, our companies can't trade with Iran if they want US market.

But we are allowing US to arm our enemy to teeth.

At least we should hard bargain something in return.

awwwww look at the big baby:eek:
I think the video below portays true state of affairs in Indian politics...they have stomach pains for each and everything..

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Our sick politicians will surely get assured as they get assured when pakistan was getting atom bomb and missiles.:hitwall:

Look at the irony US of A is not allowing Iran to even build a match box, our companies can't trade with Iran if they want US market.

But we are allowing US to arm our enemy to teeth.

At least we should hard bargain something in return.
ohh......Someones pure hate coming out.....
These are no kill switches in any american supplied armory especially in pakistani F16. If such was the case they could have stopped us from going to war at 65 when both side made full use of american supplied weapon. Yes sometimes features are downgraded and such but thing as kill switch. This is stuff of the movies. Americans couldnt neutralize the Iraniran F14 tomcats after the revolution speaks a lot of truth about these famed kill switchs.
Our sick politicians will surely get assured as they get assured when pakistan was getting atom bomb and missiles.:hitwall:

Look at the irony US of A is not allowing Iran to even build a match box, our companies can't trade with Iran if they want US market.

But we are allowing US to arm our enemy to teeth.

At least we should hard bargain something in return.
You're right, Justin. Everytime our stupid top babus get "assured" (with a few million dollars perhaps) and the matter dies down whereas we have to cut our ties to Iran in general terms because US wants it that way while we have to take their reassurances and they take none of ours that our ties with Iran are of neutral nature.

What hard bargain can we make? Perhaps removal of technology inspection clauses that bind our military to them for no reason. I don't think there's any other bargain. The Nuclear deal itself was a way to assure us to remain silent so that we remain tight lipped on not criticizing.
I think the video below portays true state of affairs in Indian politics...they have stomach pains for each and everything..

YouTube- ‪Baby crying‬‎
Well our "whining" get the job done, so what harm is there? Besides, let's not bring that part here in this debate. You're no less cry babies when it comes to Afghanistan and blaming the famous "RAW-MOSSAD" tag team. :lol:

Face it: all countries become cry babies for the things they feel can benefit them. We do it, US does, Iran does, Pakistan does it, China and Japan do it as well.
These are no kill switches in any american supplied armory especially in pakistani F16. If such was the case they could have stopped us from going to war at 65 when both side made full use of american supplied weapon. Yes sometimes features are downgraded and such but thing as kill switch. This is stuff of the movies. Americans couldnt neutralize the Iraniran F14 tomcats after the revolution speaks a lot of truth about these famed kill switchs.

1965 was long time ago. US supplied Iraqi radar was immobilized by a US virus in the system. The security systems and anti-theft devices in cars can stop engines of stolen cars. The US military technology is at least two generations ahead and they may well have devices that can kill engines of jet fighters.
yes and in PAF the people are dumasses that they would buy f 16 with kill switches ha! there nothing like kill switches but source codes that can deny the plane to do anything which yes the US can do .... but kill switches ahahahahhahaha ,, i can just imagine a big safe with 18 f16 kill switches gaurded by 2 US marines loooooollll

poor you did not understand quite well!

Is it that hard to draw that analogy?

1965 was long time ago. US supplied Iraqi radar was immobilized by a US virus in the system. The security systems and anti-theft devices in cars can stop engines of stolen cars. The US military technology is at least two generations ahead and they may well have devices that can kill engines of jet fighters.
Nope - All they can do is track the jet location using GPS and they can do it pretty much on any jet as everything runs on GPS.The question of such device which will blow something or just disable is just not possible.What you're suggesting is that American supplies AMRAAM and Jet radar codes to India in war which won't happen as America tends to stay neutral during war.If any single equipment is found with kill switch half of American's defense export would crumble.This is all movies stuff and of course some of it comes right wing cowrd.
USA must be having "Kill Switches" on All Pakistani F-16s.. So If They want to prevent it frm using against India.. PAF F-16s Might be sitting ducks

There is no such thing as kill switch in the F-16s. Even if it was, it would need to communicate with the device from far far away, meaning, there would be extra communications link/antenna on board which any PAF electrical/aerospace engineer could find and investigate.

Schizophrenic Indian kids.......tch tch...wet dreaming.
There is no such thing as kill switch in the F-16s. Even if it was, it would need to communicate with the device from far far away, meaning, there would be extra communications link/antenna on board which any PAF electrical/aerospace engineer could find and investigate.

Schizophrenic Indian kids.......tch tch...wet dreaming.


care to explain the "far far away" link/device and something that may not be communicated by internal systems of the plane through the sat link by itself?

Schizophrenic - hmmmm!
Nope - All they can do is track the jet location using GPS and they can do it pretty much on any jet as everything runs on GPS.The question of such device which will blow something or just disable is just not possible.What you're suggesting is that American supplies AMRAAM and Jet radar codes to India in war which won't happen as America tends to stay neutral during war.If any single equipment is found with kill switch half of American's defense export would crumble.This is all movies stuff and of course some of it comes right wing cowrd.

Haha, man no point in replying to them. Just kids.:blah:
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