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  1. PakmanUSA

    Multiple Testimonies Of Bombs In The WTC!

    I feel it is safe to say we have been fed a lie as to what really happened.
  2. PakmanUSA

    How about a chat room??

    I think a chat room would be good. There are always going to be those who might use chat as a means of debates, propaganda or just a place to cause trouble. However for the most part people I have found people will be civil in chat rooms due to the fact when folks find out and the problems they...
  3. PakmanUSA

    Reel Bad Arabs

    Brothers, you should live here in America and see what is often said to me by these ignorant people. Often I'm called a "Terrorist", or other names. I remember well when the hostages were taken in Iran. Most often I just laugh at them, then remind them of history and what their ancestors did...
  4. PakmanUSA

    Indian female spy arrested in Pakistan (Pak-Afghan Border: Indian Terrorism)

    I'm sure if she is a spy the truth most likely will come out. (of her one way or another). I'll bet there are more than just her if she is a spy. You have to wonder how many other spies could there be that came with the same mission and perhaps didn't get caught?...
  5. PakmanUSA

    Zionist and Hezbollah/Lebanon War 2006: The Role of Tunnels and Bunkers

    I agree with the fact many of the people in the US are totally pro-Isreal due to the churches preach the jews are God's chosen people. The old Testament is full of stories where God instructed the jews to kill off whole nations of people. I too have had jewish friends and have no problem...
  6. PakmanUSA

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    WOW! It must have a high cycle rate to have the need to be water cooled! LOL
  7. PakmanUSA

    About 9/11

    Have to admit it, the people here in America are some of the dumbest and most uneducated people in the world when it comes to world events. Most of my fellow Americans spend too much time in front of the TV taking in what ever they are told about current events or watching so called sports that...
  8. PakmanUSA

    Few words of appreciation

    Yes, I agree, this is a great place to learn and be respected. You can not find anywhere what we have here. I'm thankful for it. Personally, I have found the roots to my wonderful heritage here as well as feeling at being at home. Thanks.
  9. PakmanUSA

    India-Pakistan military balance

    I think we should all consider the fact that so called "Super Powers" work together at times to influence the balence of power in a region for their own interest. Agreements are made behind the sences we are not aware of. Israel for example as we all know is supplied with many US weapons. The...
  10. PakmanUSA

    A hoax call that could have triggered war

    The US and The USSR had a direct phone line back in the days of the "Cold War" from what I have come to understand. This was so Moscow and Washington could clear up any misunderstandings before things could have gotten out of control. There were also other agreements used to secure established...
  11. PakmanUSA


    Perhaps his view is based from the stance that a weapon was used as a deversion or an influence. The Mig 21 for example when used in Viet Nam by the Communist North was more as an interceptor against bombers. By itself the Mig 21 had no real influence in an over all war or possible wars of the...
  12. PakmanUSA

    Iranian uav Spying on US Aircraft Carrier

    They may have known it was there, however they may have decided to let the craft do it's duties so no hostile intentions could be displayed to the world at large.
  13. PakmanUSA

    Terrorists executed 6 year old child in front of parent

    Who can say for sure why those terrorist did what they did. We in America are brainwashed as well to what the media says about Islam and many other subjects. What I have come to see all over the world is a psychological misrepresentation of an enemy. Often people on both sides of the battle line...
  14. PakmanUSA

    Mumbai Attacks

    The whole attack was a sad event conducted by cowards. Notice these people won't engage a military force. I do know the whole idea is to scare the people which in turn might cause the goverment to bargin with the terrorists. I say just hunt them down and eliminate them like roaches no matter...
  15. PakmanUSA

    'US pilot refuses to fly with Sikhs onboard'

    I can tell you that most Americans don't know the difference between a Muslim and Sikh. Most Americans are so paranoid due to a lack of knowing or understanding other cultures from around the world. Often, I'm picked on in a friendly way here in America ( If you want to call it that LOL.)...
  16. PakmanUSA

    Images from IDEAS 2008

    Nice pictures, thanks for sharing them.
  17. PakmanUSA

    Taliban Lunatics Arrested for Acid Attack on School Girls

    Cowards! I find it crazy people would do such things in the name of God! However history is full of stupid cowards doing disgraceful things like this. Perhaps they should string them up and dowse their private parts with acid and see what it is like LOL.
  18. PakmanUSA

    Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

    I recall what I was told in the US Army in regards to war and those who fight in it. "One man's soldier is another man's terrorist." I think when people can murder other people and say, they have to approval of God, there is a problem. I believe God is love first and for most. Any act of...
  19. PakmanUSA

    China & Russia threatening US air Supremacy

    During the Second World War the Japanese had more advanced fighters than the US. The US overcame the advantage the Japanese had by developing fighters like the Corsair and the Hellcat. I would dare say they learned their lesson and most likely already have something in the works unknown to the...
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