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Terrorists executed 6 year old child in front of parent

Ah Ha! No beards! Had they beards and were they dressed in shalwar khameez, then they would go to paradise? You really resist admitting that they are motivated by a heartfelt (in their minds) interpretation of Islam. You, sir, are in denial. And your denial is an important part of the problem we are facing.

Do you know what was in their hearts and minds? Then what are you doing wasting your time here, you should be in Mumbai sorting this all out for us mate!

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Do you know what was in their hearts and minds? Then what are you doing wasting your time here, you should be in Mumbai sorting this all out for us mate!

OK, KB. As before, you and I are going to disagree about this and there is no point in continuing a pointless back and forth and inviting the moderators to delete our posts as "off topic". I salute you for your obdurateness. :usflag:

PS. You can have the last word: be my guest!
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Ah Ha! No beards! Had they beards and were they dressed in shalwar khameez, then they would go to paradise? You really resist admitting that they are motivated by a heartfelt (in their minds) interpretation of Islam. You, sir, are in denial. And your denial is an important part of the problem we are facing.
I think you're generalizing..Yes, there are people who do it because of religion but most of the terrorists are doing it because of American's double standard middle east policy.I don't think they will give a **** about Jihad if America stops supporting Israel...Religion has nothing to do with Jihad at all.They do jihad because they're brainwashed about how America treats ME Countries and how they support Israel...and before you assume that i am also a jihadi, no I am not.Religion is just a tool..can be used for bad prupose and for good purpose.It's not that just Islam has a bad side.All religions can be used for bad purposes.
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Doctors shocked at hostages's torture

Krishnakumar P and Vicky Nanjappa in Mumbai | November 30, 2008 | 19:53 IST

Excerpts ...

They said that just one look at the bodies of the dead hostages as well as terrorists showed it was a battle of attrition that was fought over three days at the Oberoi and the Taj hotels in Mumbai.

Doctors working in a hospital where all the bodies, including that of the terrorists, were taken said they had not seen anything like this in their lives.

"Bombay has a long history of terror. I have seen bodies of riot victims, gang war and previous terror attacks like bomb blasts. But this was entirely different. It was shocking and disturbing," a doctor said.

Asked what was different about the victims of the incident, another doctor said: "It was very strange. I have seen so many dead bodies in my life, and was yet traumatised. A bomb blast victim's body might have been torn apart and could be a very disturbing sight. But the bodies of the victims in this attack bore such signs about the kind of violence of urban warfare that I am still unable to put my thoughts to words," he said.

Asked specifically if he was talking of torture marks, he said: "It was apparent that most of the dead were tortured. What shocked me were the telltale signs showing clearly how the hostages were executed in cold blood," one doctor said.

The other doctor, who had also conducted the post-mortem of the victims, said: "Of all the bodies, the Israeli victims bore the maximum torture marks. It was clear that they were killed on the 26th itself. It was obvious that they were tied up and tortured before they were killed. It was so bad that I do not want to go over the details even in my head again," he said.

Corroborating the doctors' claims about torture was the information that the Intelligence Bureau had about the terror plan. "During his interrogation, Ajmal Kamal said they were specifically asked to target the foreigners, especially the Israelis," an IB source said.

It is also said that the Israeli hostages were killed on the first day as keeping them hostage for too long would have focused too much international attention. "They also might have feared the chances of Israeli security agencies taking over the operations at the Nariman House," he reasoned.
The fact is that this ideology of hate was so deeply imprinted in their minds that they were able to carry out such horrific acts with no remorse.

This is religious indoctrination of the worst, most disgusting kind.

Unfortunately, such indoctrination is getting increasingly common in Pakistan.


This kind of religious indoctrination is not becoming 'common', it remains limited to the tiny minority that was always susceptible to it, which is always susceptible to such indoctrination in any faith or culture.

We are merely seeing it physically manifest itself more as the groups pushing the indoctrination obtain access to resources that allow them to do so.
I think you're generalizing..Yes, there are people who do it because of religion but most of the terrorists are doing it because of American's double standard middle east policy.I don't think they will give a **** about Jihad if America stops supporting Israel...Religion has nothing to do with Jihad at all.

It is very difficult to believe this explanation for the case of suicide terrorists. It is simply not credible that a person from a first nation (eg., Pakistan) would get so worked up over the foreign policy of a third nation (eg., USA) that takes place in a fourth nation (eg., Palestine) and then attack and die in a second nation (eg., India). No, they do it because they think that Allah will reward them in heaven and that they are doing the will of Allah. Without this Islamic sanction and Islamic promise of heavenly reward, the "suicide" version of terriorism would not be happening.

I detest the line of argument you are pursuing.

Whether the terrorists were motivated by their perverted and twisted interpretation of Islam has no bearing on Islam itself.

If they claimed that they interpreted Minnie Mouse cartoons to be pushing them towards this line of action, then does not reflect on Disney. Lunatics will twist and distort whatever they need to in order to justify and accomplish their goals - that is not Islam's fault.

I detest the line of argument you are pursuing.

Whether the terrorists were motivated by their perverted and twisted interpretation of Islam has no bearing on Islam itself.

I agree with you. If only there was a way to intellectually challenge these people to counteract their misunderstanding of your faith. Unfortunately, as a Christian, I cannot see the way to do this. Anything I say is suspect. The challenge must come from the Islamic religious authorities. This hasn't happened yet, with any apparent effectiveness.
I agree with you. If only there was a way to intellectually challenge these people to counteract their misunderstanding of your faith. Unfortunately, as a Christian, I cannot see the way to do this. Anything I say is suspect. The challenge must come from the Islamic religious authorities. This hasn't happened yet, with any apparent effectiveness.

Apologies if I misunderstood you.

I agree that the intellectual and ideological challenge to extremism must come from within Islam, but the issue isn't merely an ideological one, though in some cases it can be. The cannon fodder that allows extremists to inflict so much pain is often susceptible to recruitment because of poor social and economic circumstances, and one of the major focuses of this 'WoT' should be on improving those conditions.
Apologies if I misunderstood you.

I agree that the intellectual and ideological challenge to extremism must come from within Islam, but the issue isn't merely an ideological one, though in some cases it can be. The cannon fodder that allows extremists to inflict so much pain is often susceptible to recruitment because of poor social and economic circumstances, and one of the major focuses of this 'WoT' should be on improving those conditions.

Ah Ha! We have reached a point in all of this back and forth where I completely agree with you!
As I see it, Islam has been interpreted in an "extremist" manner several times during its past. The birth of Islam itself was "extremist", because it was born of war.

Unlike Buddhism, which was born from a preacher who simply instructed his disciples, Islam was involved in religious wars almost as soon as it was created.

This set a historical precedent in interpreting Islam, and if you read the quran, there are specific instruction on how a muslim should behave during war.

Now, if a preacher can convince his followers that Islam is in a state of war, then a lot of very extremist acts can be justified by reading the quran.
Who can say for sure why those terrorist did what they did. We in America are brainwashed as well to what the media says about Islam and many other subjects. What I have come to see all over the world is a psychological misrepresentation of an enemy. Often people on both sides of the battle line are give some name other than being a human and the extermination process begins. One good example of this here in American back when the Indians roamed this country they were considered by the white man as barbaric and shot on site in some places like California if I recall properly. Often some phrase/comment is used to justify the brutal slaying of other humanbeings. One example would be here in America, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." This phrase was often used and the word savage was applied to the native peoples here.There is no doubt that some of the natives were savage but so was the whiteman. Just like today, there are good and bad people in every culture. We can not be expected to understand the justification of why some people do the terrible things they do to other people. I think the term brainwashing come to mind to put it simply, mixed with extreme hate.
As I see it, Islam has been interpreted in an "extremist" manner several times during its past. The birth of Islam itself was "extremist", because it was born of war.

Unlike Buddhism, which was born from a preacher who simply instructed his disciples, Islam was involved in religious wars almost as soon as it was created.

This set a historical precedent in interpreting Islam, and if you read the quran, there are specific instruction on how a muslim should behave during war.

Now, if a preacher can convince his followers that Islam is in a state of war, then a lot of very extremist acts can be justified by reading the quran.

Mind Your Language

" The birth of Islam itself was "extremist", because it was born of war. "

MOD EDIT if you have a issue with a post then report it otherwise do not give instructions to other members. Keysersoze
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Mind Your Language

" The birth of Islam itself was "extremist", because it was born of war. "

Well, I do apologize if I have hurt your feelings.

However, is it not true that the story of Islam is to a large extent also a story of war?
war and extremism has no difrence ? now this time who force muslims for war ?

every relegun have war see your own hind warerrs why now you worship them they also kill people in war ? they fight each others in history your all relgus sambles are waipens of old age so its mean hinduism is burn from extreamism ?

An Astra is a missile-type weapon which is to be hurled at an enemy. Examples include arrows from bows. A Shastra is a personal weapon, like swords and maces, that must be constantly operated by the warrior.

Pasupath*: The weapon granted to Arjuna by Lord Shiva is the most destructive weapon in The Mahabharata. It is said to have the power to change the course of Creation and Destruction However Arjuna never used this weapon.
Brahmastra: imbibed with the mystical force of Creator Brahma, this is considered the most fearsome weapon in mythological works. The releaser of millions of missiles, great fires and a destructive potential capable of extinguishing all creation, if not used by and aimed only at a celestial fighter. Modern speculation has equated its destructive nature to be similar to that of a nuclear weapon.
Nagastra:the snake weapon, used by Karna against Arjuna in Kurukshetra war. It is considered as next only to Brahmastra. It has a fame that it never misses it's target.
Shakti: the magical dart weapon of Indra, unfailing at executing its target. Indra granted it to Karna during the Kurukshetra war. The Mahabharata also refers to it as the Amoghastra.
Vajra: the thunderbolt weapon of Indra, who is the God of Thunder and Lightning, akin to Zeus and Jupiter in Greek and Roman mythology.
Agniyastra: the fire weapon, incepted by God Agni, master of the flames.
Varunastra: the water weapon, incepted by God Varuna, master of the oceans, rivers and lakes.
Vayavastra: the wind weapon, incepted by God Vayu, master of wind.
Brahmashir Astra: a weapon capable of greater destruction than the Brahmastra.It can burn all ceation to ashes once discharged.Gifted by Brahma

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