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'US pilot refuses to fly with Sikhs onboard'

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Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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'US pilot refuses to fly with Sikhs onboard'

Three Sikh religious musicians were thrown out of a US Airways flight, a US-based Sikh group alleged.

India's first woman saint cheers ChristiansNew York : Three eminent Sikh religious musicians were thrown out of a US Airways flight after the pilot refused to fly with them onboard in California, a leading US-based Sikh group alleged on Wednesday.
The three -- Gulbag Singh, Davinder Singh and Iqbal Singh -- had boarded the plane in Sacramento on November 15 after being cleared by the security.

In a complaint letter to the Airways, 'United Sikhs' protested the incident and warned it of legal action unless prompt amends are made.

The group pointed to the severity of the racial profiling and discriminatory treatment, sought an apology and compensation for the three and offered training for US Airways staff.

The three, who had boarded the plane for Salt Lake City, Utah, were sitting together in the rear of the aircraft, in their assigned seats.
After having been on the plane for approximately ten minutes, they were approached by one of the ticket-reception desk workers and asked to exit the plane.

While none of the three could adequately comprehend or speak English, the group complied and exited the aircraft, the United Sikhs said.

When it became apparent that the group was unable to converse with US Airways representatives, a Punjabi interpreter was called to assist, it said.

The interpreter informed Iqbal Singh, on behalf of the US Airways representatives, that the pilot was refusing to fly if they were onboard the aircraft, it added.

When Iqbal Singh asked why, the US Airways representatives were unable to give a clear answer, and the interpreter went on to persuade the three not to raise any objection because it could lead to more problems, the organisation said.

The trio, having become concerned, fearful, and worried about what had happened, took the only option they were given, which was to stay the night in a hotel and depart on a Delta Airlines flight the following morning to Salt Lake City, it added.

Terming the treatment "discriminatory and publicly humiliating", Gulbag Singh said, "I would like to ask the average American to think about how they would feel if they were cleared by security, were sitting on their plane, and then were asked to leave for no good reason. It is ridiculous that a person should be submitted to such second class treatment."

"Sikhs will not stand to be discriminated against. There is no satisfactory justification for US Airways to treat people in this way. This...
@ Captain of the aircraft: What a Muppet you are… :tsk:

Being a captain, if he can’t recognise Sikhs, he needs a good kick up on the backside and perhaps an interview with the Chief Pilot!

No doubt that terrorists are all around us and they are getting smarter in their evil deeds…I am sure that the ones that are going to cause trouble in USA will either look semi western or atleast dress western.

While the US government had whipped up the hysteria to such an extent that such backlashed were inevitable, I firmly hope that the common sense returns that was lost in last 8 years…:tup:
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I liked the part where they sued them to get trained by them.

I mean its sad, they'd tell them how to differentiate between a Muslim and a sikh, rather than telling them that the beard is not a terror threat in itself!

But seriously Muslims should do the same.
I can tell you that most Americans don't know the difference between a Muslim and Sikh. Most Americans are so paranoid due to a lack of knowing or understanding other cultures from around the world.

Often, I'm picked on in a friendly way here in America ( If you want to call it that LOL.) Even though I was born here in America and severed in the Army.

I find myself often explaining Islam to those who make crude remarks about Muslims and the people from Islamic Countries. I feel it is my duty to make sure the people here know the facts. Not their feelings based in histeria and misrepresentations of the truth.

I often end these ignorant conversations by saying. " I was born a Muslim not a terrorist."
I can tell you that most Americans don't know the difference between a Muslim and Sikh. Most Americans are so paranoid due to a lack of knowing or understanding other cultures from around the world.

Often, I'm picked on in a friendly way here in America ( If you want to call it that LOL.) Even though I was born here in America and severed in the Army.

I find myself often explaining Islam to those who make crude remarks about Muslims and the people from Islamic Countries. I feel it is my duty to make sure the people here know the facts. Not their feelings based in histeria and misrepresentations of the truth.

I often end these ignorant conversations by saying. " I was born a Muslim not a terrorist."

Yah.. it is very difficult to change the perceptions of so many people in the world... You should come back to your country and do something good for your country rather than picked on everytime...
They should have asked the captain to leave and get a new one in there that is not paranoid. I would be scared to have him flying me.
Surprisingly this incident does not make angry...it seems to me like a senseless,incomplete story without any moral or subject.....the problem here was the pilot who refused to fly with them and not the fellow americans....and the he was not even able to give a clear reason why he refused to fly with them....most probably what he might have thought is that they were Muslims and he held a particular perception about muslims in his mind which led him to do this but , why did he still refuse to fly with them when it was clear that they were sikhs ??? :confused: :confused:

hope he answers in the court...
Why is the poster of this thread very happy with news ?

He has put a smiling smilie. Very wrong dude, Pls. change it.
Close this thread. Its 2 years old.
Should I call it racism or Is it something different??

call it the impending nuclear bomb ready to explode :angel:
if the minds of common ppl keeps getting corrupted like this then its not far when it will be impossible to co exist. we will see a nuclear war.. Hena Major Sahib :rofl::rofl: :partay:
What is the use to restart a thread which died down in 2008 ??

Or you guys have nothing else to do other then inflame threads ??
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