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  1. PakmanUSA

    Indian woman sets husband's Genitals on fire!

    We had a case like that here in America, the woman cut off her husband's penis for abusing her if I recall rightly. Her name was Elaine Bobit, not sure I spelled her name correctly. I think her last name tells it all LOL.
  2. PakmanUSA

    Sniper gun

    Geee, I will have to go with the M-82 50 cal. longer range bigger bullet. NO CONTEST with the others!
  3. PakmanUSA

    British Muslims fighting alongside Taliban

    If I recall correctly during the Second World War, there were people from Ireland helping the Germans too. There have been persons from America who bought weapons and gave them to the IRA in the 70's. I think it is all a matter of a personal nature.
  4. PakmanUSA

    Suicide Bombers For Hire

    Sad to see this kind of thing. Young people are used for these things everywhere, ignorance combinded with a lack of self confidence can do wonders for those behind such things.
  5. PakmanUSA

    Nine Muslims removed from US flight over ‘suspicious’ remark

    Hey, don't you all get it here in America if you look in anyway like a Muslim or Arab you are a terrorist. Trust me I know I have been here my whole life dealing with ignorant people. I always make them think about their attitudes by saying something like look what your ancesstors did in Africa...
  6. PakmanUSA

    John Edwards – why American male politicians cannot control their sexual urge even af

    Well, you have to understand a good part of our advertisment is based on sex. Like females dressed in short dresses showing a good portion of their breasts. Men are constantly exposed to these kind of things here in the US.
  7. PakmanUSA

    American native citizen's arrogance !!!

    I have said it a million times the people here are the most ignorant people when it come to world events. We only hear what the media says and no one questions it. By the way America is a Republic not a democracy as many call it. Heck most dumb Americans don't know that due to the fact all...
  8. PakmanUSA

    Effect of Global Warming

    It could be a bunch of crap this global warming. There are always two sides to the story.
  9. PakmanUSA

    Self Defence Weapons

    If you get a 9mm use hollow points.
  10. PakmanUSA

    Michael Jackson has converted to Islam!!!!!

    Let see who will be next, from here in the USA.... Perhaps the President LOL.
  11. PakmanUSA

    Name of this gun please?

    I have a friend who has several of them. Nice but I think I like the M-14 better
  12. PakmanUSA

    Best Outdoor Ad. Ever.

    I wonder what would happen if somene drove a truck into it?
  13. PakmanUSA

    Mumbai Attacks

    I'm sure the Goverment of Pakistan would not want to kill people for no reason in India. There are always people which may be from Pakistan which might on their own who would want to carry out these attacks. You can not blame the goverment of one country for something it's people decide to do on...
  14. PakmanUSA

    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    Most likely Isreal wouldn't be involved in attacking Pakistan directly. They might provide some intelligence to India. Perhaps the US will supply intell to Pakistan. This kind of thing has happen in the past to control the out come of any battle between battling countries. One example I recall...
  15. PakmanUSA

    Share Your Scary Story.

    Huum, I have so many scary stories, I wouldn't know where to start! I can tell you I operate a paranormal investigation team in the US and you all are more than welcomed to view my findings at some of the locations that I have investigated along with some of the collected evidence. (pictures...
  16. PakmanUSA

    World War Colour Photo

    Some good pictures, thanks for sharing.
  17. PakmanUSA

    Favorite Neighbour Survey

    I know as a former member of the armed forces of the US, the US has given much aid to the goverment of South Korea. This aid came in many forms so it only make sense to me the people of S. Korea would feel the way they do about the US.
  18. PakmanUSA

    59% Pakistanis want Sharif as Prez: survey

    Many polls can be basised. Depends on who they ask and where.
  19. PakmanUSA

    India deploys fighter jets to protect against Pakistan attack

    Well let us hope that no war happens. Even the winner will have lost something if war should break out.
  20. PakmanUSA

    US Special Operations Gets Hummingbird UAV (Helicopter Drone)

    All I can say it "For every measure there is a counter measure." So most likely if Pakistan dosen't want these things flying around destroying targets, they perhaps could shoot them down. On the other hand some of these aircraft could be steath as far as radar is concerned. However they still...
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